• Chapter 26 •

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I love every shape and curve my body turns to as my pregnancy evolves from being flat to being the size of a watermelon! Despite that my back and feet ache from standing too long, I get to enjoy the times when they kick or punch when I lay down.

Currently I am walking my pregnant self to the kitchen when I felt a sharp pain kick and I squealed.

"Elena are you okay?" Dax asks and I shake my head no as I clutch my side. Quickly he's by my side as he shouts for Hunter.
"What the hell happened?! Elena you're supposed to be on bed rest!" Hunter says rushing to my side
"It's like their kicks are getting sharper. I was hungry and you were busy and I didn't want to bother you," I said as he helps me up and walks me to the living room
"How bad does it hurt?" He asks
"Feels like someone twisting a knife into my side," I said and he cringes
"Alright I'm calling the doctor," he says and I nod as I winced feeling the pain again.

Soon Dr. Robins walks through the doors, checking my vitals and the babies.
"Well my dear what you're feeling is Braxton Hicks," she says and I give her a look
"What is that? Am I going into labor?" I asked
"Yes And no. Well your body is getting ready for you to to push your babies. Meaning your cervix needs to be at 10cm for me to deliver your babies." She says and I look at Hunter worried and he kisses my cheek
"It's going to be okay. I'll be by your side helping you," He says and I sighed
"You have nothing to worry Elena. Until your water has broke or what you're feeling isn't going away. Go to the hospital," Dr. Robins says dismissing herself.


All day I've been experiencing these Braxton Hicks here and there. Some of them are bearable but most time I can't and just have to lie down. Feeling the urge to use the bathroom, I roll to my side and push myself up on the bed and waddle to the bathroom.

As soon as I was done, I felt something wet running down my legs so I look down and I see that I'm standing in a puddle!

"Elena?" Hunter calls out to me "are you okay?"
"Hunter... I I think my water broke," I said as he opens the door and I stand there frozen, staring at the puddle.
"Alright let's go," He says as he pulls me out of my trance and carries me to his truck.

Hunter speeding through town and traffic scares me way more than the real contractions I am currently feeling but he did get us to the hospital in one piece. Hunter carried me inside as he calls for the nurses to grab me a wheelchair.

They placed me into the maternity ward as they leave me to strip out of my clothes and into their horrible hospital robes that bare your ass!
I let out a big breath as I felt another contraction. I feel Hunter's hand trying to reassure me but nothing could ever fee to the pain I am feeling right now. You could punch me in the face ten times and it wouldn't compare to the pain.

"Good Afternoon Luna Elena, I am Dr. Robins assistant. She is in an emergency c-section delivery with another mom so I will be checking on you until she's has finished, she says and I nod "my name is Kelli,"
"Hi Kelli," I said and she smiles as she slips on gloves and takes a look.
"Well Luna you are only at 2 and half centimeters. You need to be at 10 centimeters for us to help you deliver." She says "are we going to this delivery with or without the drugs?"
"What kind of drugs?" I asked worriedly "will it hurt my kids?"
"Course not. It's called and EPI this shot will ease with the contractions," she explains and I nod
"Can I get them now?" I asked
"We are going to have to wait till you're at least 4 centimeters," she says and I groaned "you can do this. I will be back. Just ring the button if you need a nurse. In the meantime, try to get some rest and sleep. You will need your energy,"
"Okay," I said as I turned on the television and asked if Hunter could turn the AC on, for some reason I am feeling extremely hot.

I wasn't sure when I fell asleep but I did wake up in agonizing pain that send Hunter to my side. I reached for the button and called a nurse.
"What's wrong honey?" She asks
"I need the EPI please," I asked and she nods as she disappears and in walks a man in scrubs with a machine
"Hello Luna my name is Max. I'm basically the man with the EPI," He says and I smile as he instructs me to sit up. "Hold this pillow. Okay I need you to stay as still as you can okay? You will feel a pinch,"
I clenched the pillow as I squeeze the pillow tight and grounded my teeth. I felt the needle at my lower back but relief rushed through my body as the contractions fade.

"Thank you," I said to Max and he smiles
"The EPI will settle the contractions till you are ready to push okay?" He asks and I nod as he congratulates me and leaves.
"How you feeling baby?" Hunter asks and I smile
"So good for now." I said and he smiles
"I'm going to grab something to eat okay? Try to rest babes," He says and I nod as my sleep pulls me back to sleep.


Just as I feel the contractions again, Dr. Robins enters and smiles
"How are we feeling?" She asks and I groaned as I feel a contraction
"So ready to push these babies out!" I said as she chuckles
"Love the enthusiasm. Now let's have a check," she says as she puts on gloves. "Alrighty Luna are you ready? Alpha I would suggest to be by her side,"
Hunter nods as I grab for his hand and inhaled a big breath. Soon nurses are by my side as One holds each leg up and One is holding my head up
"Elena when you feel a contraction you have to push as hard as you can okay?" Dr. Robins says and I groaned as I feel a contraction and did what I was told. "Again honey,"
With all my power, I pushed and I pushed until I heard a wailing sound.
"He's out," the nurse states as they quickly rush to the baby to one of the side room.
"Where are they taking him?" I asked worriedly
"Don't worry baby. They're going to clean him up," Hunter says and I nod as I feel another contraction.
"Hunter this hurts I can't do this!" I whined
"Baby you've been through worst than this. I know you can do it. You're strong and are 100% capable of pushing our baby girl out," he murmurs and taking that courage, I pushed as best as I can until I heard her crying too. "You did it my love, I'm so proud of you,"
"Congratulations Alpha Luna," Dr. Robins "You have two healthy babies,"
With that, the nurses walk in with both my babies and lay them on my chest.
"Oh my God Hunter look," I said as tears well up in my eyes. They lay them on my chest as I suck in a breath.
"Elena..." Hunter says and I let a tear drop as he takes our son who clearly looks like him while I hold our little girl.

Soon the nurse brings in our family and they coped as they see the children for the first time.
"What are their names?" My mom asks and I smile as I look at Hunter and he nods
"Julianne Annalise and Aidan Hunter," I said and I could tell my mom wanted to cry "we wanted to make our little girl with a strong meaning and thought why not the women who gave birth to us,"
"Oh honey," she says as she hugs me. From a distance, Julianne has my dark brown curls whereas for Aidan he looks like a mirror image of Hunter.

Aidan found his way back to me as he begins to cry out of nowhere. I look at Hunter for help but he's stunned as he holds Julianne.
"Elena breastfeed him," my mom orders me and she glares for everyone to turn around. I pull out my one boob and quickly Aidan latches on. "You do realize you're world will now change my dear,"
"I do mama. And I can't wait," I said and she smiles as she kisses my forehead
"Alrighty then we will all let you get some rest, pushing babies can be tiresome," she says and I laugh
"It should be considered an Olympic Sport!" I retorted and she cracks a smile as she and everyone nods us a good night.

I scorched over as I pat the bed for Hunter to lay with me.
"You did great babe," he says kissing my forehead and I smiled
"Hey we both did a great job. Without you I wouldn't be able to push these kids out!" I scoffed and he chuckles
"Yeah well a broken hand is worth all the kids we are gonna be making," he says and I nearly choked on air
"Yeah okay! You're gonna get as many I will give you!" I said and he smirks
"We'll see babe," he says chivalrous and I blush under his stare because it's the look where he knows he can make me do anything with just that look.

Soon sleeps pulls me to the oblivion as I hold my family. I wouldn't ask for a better life than I have now.


Hey Everyone!

I know I said I would be publishing until chapter 30 but I can't see a better ending for Elena and Hunter than this.
So I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to read this story and being patient with the updates.
Even though I'm sad that this story is coming to an end, I can't wait to start my new story that I hope you guys will like

Elizabeth 💋

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