* Chapter 12 *

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Last night was pretty emotional especially for Elena. Hearing her say that she wasn't good enough for me broke my heart, especially when she broke down in tears. I never want her to feel unwanted because in reality, I wanted her all the time every damn day of my life. She's prefect in every damn way I just wished she sees what I see. In all truths, I don't deserve her at all.

"Want to explain all this paperwork?" Dax asks as he enters the kitchen and I see the stack of papers he's holding. "So now we are joining packs with Elena's?"
"Is that a problem?" I asked
"No but it would've been a good idea to talk to your Pack about this," he says and I sighed
"Yeah you're right and I'm sorry," he says and he gasps "what?"
"Nothing you never apologize. I think she's growing on you," he says and I rolled my eyes as he laughs.
"Help me bring this up to my room," I asked and he nods as he grabs a cup of OJ with the tray of pancakes while I grab the eggs and bacon tray.

Elena was still asleep as we enter and we had to try our hardest as we tiptoe in and scolding each other if one makes a noise.
Dax takes the clue to leave as she wakes up yawning like a tiger. I smile as I sat beside her.
"What time is it?" She asks and I smile as I hold her hand
"Morning princess," I said and she sighs in content as she leans up to kiss me and I meet her halfway.
"Morning you," she says as we pull apart then I kiss her again and again and again and... again. I just can't get enough of her, she's just too good for me.
"I have plans for us," I said and I saw the spark in her eyes and I smirked "not that well maybe later tonight but I did make plans for us to enjoy,"
"Are you going to tell me or are you going to say it's a surprise?" She says and I smile
"You know me too well," I said and she smirks as she kicks out of bed and heads to the closet, ignoring the fact I made her breakfast.

Elena POV

As soon as I was dressed in something comfortable, I had a plate of what Hunter brought up to me and I just enjoy his presence. Last night was hard, for me especially. I know I won't be able to live up to the ideal girl he likes but he always tells me that I'm beautiful and that I'm all he ever needs.
Just hearing him say that makes my heart swell but it's just hard for me to comprehend that I won't ever be that good enough.

As soon as breakfast was over Hunter told me to go into the closet and wear what's hanging up. I gave him lip about things scaring me and all he does is just smirks.
In the closet I find a maroon dress that's super beautiful with a pair of maroon velvet wedges.
I nearly fell on my face if it weren't for the dresser next to me.
"Jesus." I muttered as I leave my room and head downstairs where I see Hunter dressed in a tuxedo. I think I was just as fazed as he is when we lay eyes on each other and I think I'm falling in love with him hard.
"Fuck." He whispers and I blush as he wraps an arm around my waist and whispers in my ear "I think I'm regretting what I chose for you."
"That's on you." I said and he shakes his head
"Stay close to me," he whispers and I smirk as I was the first one out the door and I could hear him mutter something as I enter the car.
"Want to tell me where we are going?" I asked and he scoffs
"You'll see," he says and I sighed
"Fine then I won't talk to you," I negotiated and he laughs
"Have it your way but you and I know damn well that's not gonna happen." He smirks as he lays a hand on my thigh and I let out a soft gasp as I swat his hand away but he has a firm grip on my leg. "Told you, I'm irresistible,"
"Keep dreaming," I said as he chuckles and turns the radio up.

After a half hour, we pulled up to a party where I recognized a few Alphas here with their Lunas. Everyone is dressed up and looking fancy and dolled up then it hits me, he took me to the Alpha Reception. Here I'm thinking he's taking me out to a movie and a dinner.
"You look surprised? Did I get you?" Hunter remarks and I hit his shoulder as he laughs
"Ass." I muttered and he smiles as he helps me out and we walk arm in arm "thought you was taking me out to dinner or something like you usually do,"
"Am I that predictable? Maybe I should change my game," he says and I smile as we walked in and I'm fazed by how beautiful it is.

I remember my mom would talk about how beautiful the Alphas Reception is and that one day when it's my turn as Alpha, I'll soon be able to experience it. And she was right. All of this is remarkably amazing it's just that I have no words to explain it.
"Mr and Mrs. Drakos," the host says greeting us and I smile as he refers me as Hunter's wife. Well technically we are kinda married with the whole Mate process but I still want that whole proposal and wedding package. I want it to be official but we are young and in love.

After several many dances and a few drinks, my feet are really killing me so I took the wedges off and felt a wave of dizziness hit me strong after I took a sip of my drink. Whoa maybe I should slow down on the drinking.
I look around the room and I don't see Hunter anywhere. He's usually glued to my hip considering what I'm wearing.
"Hunter?" I called out but he wasn't saying anything. Panic is what I'm feeling until I see black dots covering my vision and the oblivion was pulling me into the darkness and there's nobody to save me.

Hey Everyone 👋🏼

Sorry for the long update! I really do appreciate you guys and love every one of you guys for being patient!!

Elizabeth 💋

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