• Chapter 18 •

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Jess was like a bridezilla as she drags me out of my bed this morning.
She wouldn't let me sleep in or even drink coffee!

"Jess it's only 7:45 in the morning, a shower and a cup of coffee wouldn't kill you." I whined "I need to bathe and relax."
"Fine you have an hour," she said and I nod as I ran from the living room and straight to the bathtub.
The water feels good against my skin as I lather my favorite body wash.
"Can I join?" A voice says scaring me and he chuckles as he hops in
"I didn't say you could!" I protest and he smirks
"So? You love it when I join you in the shower," He remarks
"That's what you think besides we can't do anything since Jess wants me back as soon as I'm done," I told him and he just has a chivalrous smile
"Perfect time for a quickie," He says and I blush as his hands roam my body.
"Hunter I swear to God you better not be in there with Elena! I will break every bone in your body!" Jess threatens from the other side of the door and I laugh as his body stiffens.
"I swear I love her but she can be a huge pain in my Ass," He mutters and sighs
"Maybe later tonight," I said and he smirks
"I'll hold you to that," he whispers as he hops out and let's me finish my shower.


Who knew planning for a wedding can be so tiring. I've been through maybe a thousand of magazines and I still haven't found the right venues but then it hits me, we live in the forest so we should have the venue in the forest!

"See this is why two heads are better than one!" Jess shouts and I smile
"What are ya talking about? A threesome?" George says and we threw a pillow and a magazine at him
"Idiot its a phrase. Dumbass," Jess mutters and I laugh as we focus our attention back on the venue.


Having everything in place, I smile to myself as I think of the venue we chose. Hunter didn't really care where everything was held, for all he cared we could've been married in the basement. Typical.
I wanted the venue to be in the forest, all enchanted themed like. To be honest it almost resembles Edward and Bella's wedding from those Twilight franchise...

"Get dressed. We are gonna go dress gazing!" Leilani says and I sighed "Get your lazy ass up now or I swear Elena I will drag you by your hair!"
"Ain't you cute," I remarked
"I like her. She's sassy and I like sassy," George states and everyone glares at him.
"Why don't I shove my sassy foot up your ass?" Lei retorts and that's my cue to get going before anything gets dirty.

As we went from store to to store to store, none of the places we went had what I wanted. They were either too silky or way too long. Don't get me wrong, I like silk and length however I want my dress to be sleeveless and lacy. I want the corset to be floral-y and the skirt to be like a princess/mermaid like.
It's getting dark when I spotted the one dress I've been hoping to find is finally a dream come true.

"Excuse me? Do you have any other dresses like this one?" I asked the lady behind the counter
"Ooh honey I'm sorry but that's my last one." She says and I pout "Would you like to try it on Luna Elena?"
"Yes please," I said and she nods as she grabs the dress and leads me to the back to try it on.

"Does it fit you Fine Luna Elena?" The lady asks
"It's a bit tight around my breasts and stomach area," I told her
"Luna if you like I can get the dress customized for your comfortability." She offers and I nod as I hop back in the room and dressed into my regular clothes.
As soon as I tied my shoe, I felt a rush of dizziness as I stood and I grab the closest garbage bin and threw up my lunch.
"Are you okay Luna?" She asks as she hands me a tissue
"Thank you Sara and yes I'm fine," I said "thank you if you could get that dress customized for me that would be awesome,"
"No problem Luna," She says "I could have your dress ready in about two weeks or less Dear. When is your wedding day?"
"Oh I would have to discuss that with my fiancé," I said and she nods in understanding
"Well I will have it ready in two weeks okay?" She says and I nod as I pay the bill and head to the nearest pharmacy.


I never thought three minutes would take forever. I'm currently in the bathroom me and Hunter share and I'm pacing back and forth, waiting for the results.

What if Hunter doesn't want this child? Would he force me to abort it? Or worse maybe he'll reject me... shaking my head, I can't afford to think like that. Hunter loves me to think like that.

I check my watch and I look down at the stick and there's two dark lines. I look at the instructions and it says if there is two lines and they're dark then that means I am pregnant and should follow up with an OBGYN.

I grabbed my phone and made an appointment with Dr. Aaliyah Robins.

"Tomorrow sounds good thank you doctor," I said into the phone and I hear the door closed and I could feel Hunter's presence.
"Hey babe everything okay?" He asks and I nod
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said smiling as I embrace him into a hug
"Nothing you never go to the doctors unless you need to," He says and I shrugged
"It's just a checkup babe nothing to worry," I said and he nods as he kisses my forehead
"I love you," He says and I smile as he pulls me to lay down beside him "did you find your dress?"
"Yes I did and I love it," I said smiling and he chuckles
"Can I see?" He jokes and I play hit his chest as he fakes his wince
"Shut Up you know that's bad luck besides the dress I'm having it customized considering it doesn't quite fit my chest area," I said and he smirks "get your head out the gutter,"
"You know you love it when I get dirty," he teased and I smile
"I just want to cuddle and watch tv," I said and he smiles
"Sounds good to me," He says as he pulls the covers over us and flips through every channel until he settled on some horror movie.

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