• Chapter 23 •

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I heard a voice trying to lure me out of my sleep and I groaned as I opened my eyes to see it's really sunny.

"Where are we?" I asked groggily and he smiles
"We're in Venice baby," He says and my jaw drops
"As in Italy? Venice Italy? Baby you took us to Italy?!" I couldn't hide my surprise as I practically jumped into lap and hugged him dearly. "This is amazing Hunter. To be honest, I thought we would've spent our honeymoon in our room,"
"Hah. Good idea baby but my queen needs to be spoiled. Especially if she's carrying my baby!" He exclaims and I smile as he calls me his queen.
"Thank you for bringing me here," I said and he smirks
"Baby girl I would've done anything and brought you anywhere. I thought Italy would be the most romantic considering you always talk about riding those gondolas if we were to ever go," he says and I blush "see I do pay attention when you talk,"
"Shut up. Some of the time you do," I shot back and he laughs as we walk into our penthouse.

I thought the Pack House was amazing but nothing compares to this penthouse. It's like whoever created this penthouse store the designs from Christian Grey. This place is so elegant which makes me wonder how can we afford this?

 This place is so elegant which makes me wonder how can we afford this?

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The bedroom amazed me as I unsettle before I continue with my exploring

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The bedroom amazed me as I unsettle before I continue with my exploring.
Hunter sneakily stands behind me as he kisses my neck from behind and I sigh in contempt at his touch. Soon one thing led to another as he hungrily rips our clothes off and takes things to the next level.


It was 8:30 at night here in Italy and was curious what's going on at home. So I grabbed my phone and texted Lei. Considering she and Dax are our betas and agreed to watch the Pack while we were gone but I had a feeling something is going on between the two. It's like every time I don't look they're eye googling each other.

E- hey Lei I miss you
L- how's your honeymoon going? Where are you?
L- OH MY GOD!!! YOU LUCKY BITCH!! Is it beautiful there? What time is it by you?
E- 8:35 right now wbu?
L- 7:37 now Wow ya are an hour difference. So what have you done so far? Sightseeing yet?
E- not yet exactly ☺️
E- I love you too bitch and I will tomorrow promise
L- you better. Now I'll let you sleep and send pictures I wanna see
E- deal. Good night Lei love you😘
L- love you too El good night 😘

Leaving it at that, I let sleep take me back to the oblivion as I snuggle with my husband.


I was always a morning bird. On the other hand, Hunter wasn't so he didn't exactly like the rude awakening he received as I brought him breakfast from the room service.

He tried to seduce me to bed but I had to stop him cause he knew I would but we are in Italy and I want to explore. See the sights! Go for a Gondola ride.
"Hunter let's go sightseeing please?" I asked and he gives me a look trying to persuade me into sex again but I overtrumped his needs as he orders me to dress in something elegantly sexy.

Wandering the streets of Italy is beautiful. The culture here is remarkable. I feel so out of place here but looking at Hunter, he looks comfortable here. Like he belongs here.

"Try this," He says cutting me a piece that looks like a piece of pie. I moan at how delicious it is and he smiles.
"What is it?" I asked as he served me more.
"It's coconut strawberry pie." He says and I look at him
"I can't taste the coconut," I said
"Cause it's blended into it the strawberries," He says and I nod as I ask for more. "Come babe next thing on our bucket list is riding the gondola,"
"Yay!" I squealed and he smiles as we head to the nearest gondola guy.


It fills my heart when I see the one person in my life happy. That's all I ever want for her. To be happy and spoiled. I would do anything and I mean anything just so she can keep her smile on her face. Even if I have to fight all demons that come our way, I will fight them all off. She's the love of my life and there's nothing that can change that.

I look down at the girl in my arms. She's humming along to the man who's singing and rowing us as we enjoy this ride.

"Babe we should go to one of these beaches here," Elena offers and I smirk
"Good idea. Let's me see your beautiful body," I smirked and she blushes
"Shut up," she coos and I chuckle as I kiss her Temple.
"Which One you'd like to go?" I asked as I realized I didn't bring any swimwear.
So as soon as our ride was over, we headed to the closest store with swimsuits.

"What about this one?" She asks holding up a purple one piece and I shook my head "you're so difficult!"
I smiled and blew a kiss at her as she goes through the rack and smirks as she holds up a red skimpy two piece bikini
"Go try it on," I ordered and she glares at me while doing what she's told.
Once she was out, it was like everything stopped and time froze when my eyes laid on her.
And it didn't help that she's blushing all the way to her neck.

"Babe you look like fire," I said as her cheeks turn red again and I smirk. I love the effect I have on her.
I wouldn't lie but I do miss seeing her in a bikini but we had to pay for it before the employees think we be stealing it.


It was pretty late when we got back to our penthouse and before I could even take my shoes off, Hunter attacks me as he cages me against the wall. Kissing me everywhere from my lips to my neck and down my breasts.

My body aches for his touch as he slowly removes each clothing. I want to go fast but he's in control as he takes everything slow. Enjoying every inch on my body...

Our moment has passed when our phones ring and it's our family calling.
"Ignore it," He says raspy and I sent the call to voicemail but they keep calling again and again.
"Ugh. Give me." He says annoyed as he takes the phone and presses it against his ear. "What."

The look on Hunter's face concerns me but as soon as he hangs up as he reassures that everything back home is okay. Just a huge misunderstanding between the Alphas and Lei but Dax took handle of it and made everything better.

"So where were we?" He asks as he kisses my cheek and I smile and then I get the sudden urge to throw up. Way to ruin a moment.

Hunter carried me from the bathroom to the bed where he just lays me down as he strips me out of my clothes
"Hunter," I said but he shushes me
"I'm just changing your clothes to pajamas that's all babe. Tonight we'll just cuddle with dinner in bed while watching tv okay?" He says and I nod as I smiled.

I am the luckiest girl on this planet with the most romantic guy. And there's nothing gets better than him.

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