• Chapter 6 •

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Songs for this chapter:
The Other Side Jason Derulo


You could see the tension between the boys as they walk past each other. Hunter wants to kill him and George just likes pushing his buttons.
I'm helping Jess whip up some breakfast when all of a sudden you hear something crack in the other room
"Here we go again," Jess mutters and I sighed as I followed her to see that the boys are at it again with the punching and growling.

"Jesus can't you boys get along!" Jess shouts as she tries to pull her brothers apart but was accidentally knocked onto her ass so I rushed to her side. The boys stopped and realized what they did "no! Just stay away from me!"
She gets up and runs in the other direction. The boys look at me and I rolled my eyes
"Does it kill you that you have to hurt Jess?" I retorted and sighed as I walked in the direction Jess did.

Majority of the time I spent with Jess, she didn't want to talk so I just laid down and watch some Netflix... until there was a knock on the door and the two brothers walked in with flowers, a teddy bear and food.
"What do you mutts want now?" Jess hisses
"We come with an apology in the form of gifts," Hunter says "Jess I'm sorry,"
"Yeah I'm sorry too baby sister," George says
"First of all, I'm older than you asshole and secondly, ya have to be my bitch for the whole day," she says smirking and I smile. Seeing the control she has against them reminds me of my siblings and then I get sad. I miss my family, hell I miss my friends too, even Silver's remarks.

"Um I'll be right back," I said as I climbed out of bed and head to my own. Hunter feels my sadness and follows me.
"Elena? Are you okay?" He asks as soon as I got into my room. My back was facing him cause I didn't want him to see me cry. "Why are you crying?"
"I want to see my family," I whispered and I could sense that this could be a fight leading up.
"Elena please. I don't want to fight with you too," he murmurs and I sighed. "Do you want to do something together?"
"Like what?" I asked and he smirks and I raise a brow.
"I don't know maybe go on a date," he states "outside Pack territories, I know this restaurant that has amazing steaks,"
"Is the big bad Alpha asking me on a date?" I teased and he glares as I smile "I would like to,"
"Good. Get dressed in something casual," he says and it was my turn to glare at him
"When are you going to stop being bossing me around?" I remarked and he laughs as he swats my ass as I walk past him to my closet.
Deciding to wear a pair of high waisted jeans and a crop top with black shoes.

"Go change," Hunter says as I stepped out
"What? Why?" I asked
"That's too revealing. Go change," he says and I rolled my eyes as I changed into a skirt with another crop top with scandals "no, your ass will show. Go change again,"
Giving him lip again about my outfit, I decided to wear shorts with a black v-neck shirt that's kind of showing some boob but not too much.
"Really Elena? Go change into something more decent," he says
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted and he gives me a look as I trudged into the closet. Deciding to piss him off, I walk out in a one piece black lacy lingerie with a thong underneath.
"What the fuck? Go. Change. Now!" He grits as his jaw drops and I smirked as I changed into a pair of pants with a regular shirt and converses.

"Whatever you're going to say, save it. I'm not changing again," I muttered as he brings himself back to reality and follows me from behind.
"Bout time ya got here. What took ya so long?" Jess asks and I sighed
"Dummy here made me change a thousand times," I said and she rolls her eyes as she ushers us to our car.
So far Hunter wouldn't tell me where we are going and every time I try to ask he laughs it off or distracts me with something else.

Once we were out of his pack territory, we drove up to this beautiful restaurant and I couldn't be any more fazed seeing the outside which makes me curious to see what the inside might look like. Tables everywhere along with the most perfect lighting.
"Wow where are we?" I asked smiling and I could hear him chuckle as we were greeted by the host.
"Reservation for Drakos," Hunter says and the Host nods as he tells us to follow him. "My brother owns this restaurant,"
"George own this?" I asked and he chuckles as I stare at him strangely "what's so funny?"
"George can't be this successful," he says "my younger brother, Oliver."
"Oliver? You have another brother?" I asked as he puts his hands up in surrender
"Yes the one brother I do consider my real brother," he says as he pulls my seat out for me "if we're lucky, he might be working tonight and might make an appearance,"
"Wait so how many siblings do you have that I don't know about?" I asked and he smiles sheepishly
"It's just me, Jess, Ollie, and George and Max." He says and I could hear the sadness once he mentions the last name. "Max was born a few minutes after me,"
"What happened to him?" I asked and I could see that he's trying to hide the pain so I touched his arm and he lets out a breath
"He was executed for accidentally trespassing on another pack's territory," he says and I gasped.
"I'm sorry," I said as he takes my hand in his and squeezes gently
"It's okay." He says then a waitress comes to ask us for our order and we told them what we wanted.
I took my seat and moved closer to him and I laid my head on his shoulder. I could feel him jump cause this is the first time I'm being this affectionate in public.
"No nothing about that is really okay. It's wrong but I guess that's how Laws are," I said as he looks down at me and leans in to kiss me lightly on the lips.

"Oh my damn." Someone says and we pull back to see someone tall and just as broad as Hunter but with darker shade of brown hair. "You must be my brother's friend."
"Ollie," Hunter says as he gets up to greet his baby brother and I smiled as he greets me in a hug rather than a handshake which earned him a glare from Hunter.
"Damn she's beautiful Hunt," Oliver says "hell where's my manners. I'm Oliver, but you can call me Ollie,"
"Hey I'm Elena," I said and he smiles
"She's not a friend Ollie." Hunter says and I blush "she's my mate,"
"Excuse me? Come again?" Oliver says as he looks at me as I stand there awkwardly "oh my damn. Never would I ever see my big brother have a mate,"
"Yeah well I never thought I'd be ever mated to a guy who's so ruthless," I said and Ollie chuckles as Hunter glares at me
"I like her. She can put your ass in place," Ollie says smiling "maybe she could pull your head out your ass too,"
I couldn't help but laugh along with Oliver as we joke around with Hunter but he's not having any fun.
"Lighten up Hunter, we're just messing around," I said and he mumbles something before we were served our food
"Don't worry about paying your bill, dinner is on me," Oliver says and just as I was about to refuse he waves off stating he has to get back behind the counters and that we'll meet again soon.

Hey Everyone!

Sorry for the long update, I've been rewriting this chapter for a few days trying to get it to where I want it to go and so far it is.

So you guys finally got to meet all of Hunter's siblings. You will get to know more about Max and Oliver in the next chapters that are coming.

Next update will be in 2 days hopefully if my schedule isn't hectic

Elizabeth 💋

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