• Chapter 13 •

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Waking up feeling like deva ju is happening is freaking me out. I try to move any part of my body but I couldn't because I was shackled to the chair.
Where's Hunter? I hope he's okay...

Struggling to set myself free, I heard the door open and two buffed guys walked in with someone I thought was dead a long time ago...

Hunter's POV

Waking up with the most painful hangover was the worst feeling ever but I didn't drink that much last night so why am I feeling like this?
Why am I on the floor? The fuck?
I looked around me and I see that everyone has been knocked out like I was which is confusing.
My eyes automatically look for Elena but she's nowhere to be found which sends fear to me considering she's nowhere in eye sight.

"Alpha Jackson what happened last night?" I asked and by the looks of him he has no idea either.
"I think we were drugged," he says as we look around the room "where are our Lunas?"
Another thing I noticed is that it's just a room full of males and none of our women are here. The fuck? Who would do such a thing?
I get on my phone and dial Dax, maybe Elena went home. Even though that's far likely but it could be a possibility.

My heart dropped when Dax said she didn't leave to the Pack house so someone must've planned this to get what? Revenge? I told Dax to come here and to bring the Pack to my location.
"Everyone Gather around," I instructed and they all stare at me like I have 8 heads or something but did as I ordered, considering I am the scariest Alpha here. "There should be an explanation why our women are missing. I need a list of all the Alphas that are here and who didn't attend."
Receiving the lists, I knew it would take me a lifetime to get so I split it between me and Dax and the zsquad as we call out a names of the Alphas that are here.

Elena POV

Fear was set into my senses as I gawk at the 6'3 Alpha in front of me.
"How are you alive?" I asked and I could sense him near me and I jumped when he touches my arm. "Don't touch me."
"Oh Elena me touching you is the least of your worries," he says as he runs a finger along my jaw and he tisks as his eyes lingered on my neck "you're marked from another Alpha . That's a shame."
"Alec how are you alive?" I asked and he sighs as he pulls a seat closer to me and I could smell fear.
"Well my dear love I wasn't really in that accident. I faked my death," he says and he explains why he vanished. "So when I heard that you were handed the title as Alpha I was gonna come out of hiding but then you went missing and I found you, laughing with my most hated enemy their is."
"Leave Hunter out of this." I scold and he laughs as he slaps me hard across the face
"Pathetic bitch. Defending another murderer the same person who murdered MY brother!" He shouts and I cower as his anger rises again.
"Your brother was asking for a death sentence! How would you have felt if your mate has died?" I shot back and he smacks me harder again "I swear to God I am gonna kill you."
"Sweetheart in the condition you are in, I don't think you'll ever will lay a hand on me. Nobody is gonna save you." He mutters
"I guess that's what you thought, my mate will find me and you'll wish you were dead." I retorted and before I knew it, he stabbed me with a needle and my mind was swimming into the abyss.

Hunter POV

It's been hours and every lead I have comes out to be a dead end. It's driving me insane that I have no idea where Elena is or who has her.
Me and the pack have asked every Alpha who didn't attend have any clue what happened earlier but all their alibis passed.
So that leaves me with heading to her Pack and asking questions, there's still a lot I don't know about her.

The short blonde, I think her name is Lily...
"Alpha Hunter what a surprise," she says as I look around the room "come in, May I ask why are you here?"
"Did Elena come here?" I asked and she shakes her head no and I sighed "she's missing. Someone abducted all the Lunas at the reception."
"What?" She says panicking as she calls for her parents and I explained to them what happened.

"She has a habit of being kidnapped." Her father says and I shrugged
"I've checked with every Alpha there is that did and didn't attend and still nobody knows what happened or who did it." I said and I see her parents both look at each other and sighed "is there something else I don't know?"
"Hunter, we don't know how much Elena told you about her dating life before you-" Mrs. Greyson says
"I'm somewhat aware. I know she's been involved with 4 guys but she hasn't been in detail," I interrupted
"Has she mentioned anyone named Alec?" She asks and I shake my head no "well he was someone she really loved and wished she was mates to."
Wow like that didn't hurt or anything...

"They've been together for almost 3 tears until one day his brother stepped onto another pack's territory and he was executed. Alec didn't take the news well and he burned his Pack house down with everyone in the house." Mr. Greyson says "there was no survivors,"
"You don't think he could have survived?" I asked and they shake their heads
"No way. Everyone's bodies that were in that house was found all but one but we are to believe Alec is dead too," Mrs. Greyson says "his death broke Elena and she never dated anyone till you"
"Damn she never mentioned this at all," I said shaking my head
"I'm sorry that you had to find out about him like this way but there's no-" Mrs. Greyson says and then Dax barges in, out of breath then he gets trampled to the ground by the rest of the boys.
"They found them!" Andrew says and I jumped to my feet "The Lunas they're found!"
"Where are they?" I asked already pulling them out the door.
"By the old Sawyer Pack territory." Dax states and without thinking I shifted to my wolf, running to my mate.

As soon as I got to where all the lunas were, something feels wrong. I can't smell her, I don't sense her anywhere here. This feels like a trap. I shifted back to my human form and I approached Alpha Mac's Luna, Isabella.
"Are you okay?" I asked and she nods
"Where's Mac?" She asks
"I don't know but my Pack has alerted everyone's mates that you guys are here," I said and she nods "what happened? Do you remember?"
"No all I remember was drinking something that tasted really sweet then everything in my body felt paralyzed." She says as she starts to cry. I soothe until her mate practically rips my arms off her and glares at me.
I looked around to see if I spot Elena and then there was shrieks everywhere.

"Dax!" I shouted and he's already by my side as we look for the source of chaos. The girls seems frightened by the voice.
"Hunter Drakos!" He shouts and whoever he is, has my attention as I walk closer to him.
"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked eyeing up the 6'11 mutt. He smirks like he knows something.
"I'd watch your tone mutt" he warns and I scoff
"You're One to talk," I retorted and he laughs as I glare at him
"I don't think you want your precious mate to be hurt right?" He says
"Who are you?" I asked and he laughs
"Wow she hasn't told you about me? Couldn't be any more shocked, we were once in love before I broke her heart" he says and it clicks in my head. This guy is Alec.
"I swear you touch a single hair on her I'll make sure you'll be dead." I muttered and he laughs again as I swung at him, which I successfully got a good few punches in.

The bastard has me in a chokehold when he makes a remark about he could get Elena killed right now if I don't calm down.
Reluctantly I do as he says, only cause I don't want anything happening to the love of my life. I pushed him off of me and he lands on his ass.
"Where is she?" I gritted my teeth as he laughs
"She's safe... for now." He states
"What do you want?" I asked and he smiles
"To admit that you killed my brother out of cold blooded." He says and I get confused. "You don't remember do you?"
Shaking his head, I watch his every move as he paces in front of me while his douchebag 'friends' hold me down to my knees.

"Please just let her go. I'll do anything you ask me to do." I pleaded "Just let her go"
All he could do was laugh in my face as I beg for my mate's freedom.
"It's so appeasing to see you beg for your mate but I can't let you have her just yet." He says and I try to get my hands on him but douchebag 1 and 2 have a tight grip on me. "Don't do anything stupid or she will pay for your mistakes."
And just like that he shifts to his wolf form and disappears as I get knocked out into the oblivion.

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