• Epilogue •

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5 years later...

"Mommy! Mommy!" Julianne cries as she runs into the living room "Aidan keeps pulling my hair!"
"Na uh!" Aidan shouts "she started the fight first!"
"Shut up you stupid head!" Julianne shouts
"No you're the stupid head!" Aidan screams
"Alright enough the both of you!" I raised my voice "you both are on timeout! And who taught you that word? It's a naughty word!"
"But mommy!" Aidan whines "Julianne started it!"
"No buts Aidan. You both said a naughty word and that's not nice. Go to your rooms and think what you said and when you do say you're sorry," I told them but they stomped their feet as they walked up the stairs. I let out a big sigh as I hear the baby monitor and the sound of Carter is crying.
"Damn it," I muttered as I made my way to the nursery.

Carter stopped crying as soon as I walked in and picked him up.
"Oh baby it's okay, Mommy is here," I cooed "are you hungry?"
Pulling out a boob for my son, he quickly latches onto my right boob. I made myself comfortable as I hear Hunter calling out for me.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Julianne shouts "Daddy's home!"
"Julianne you better not leave your room! You're still on timeout!" I shouted as the door opens and in walks my very sexy husband
"Hey babygirl," he says as he kisses me gently on the lips and I smiled "what's wrong with the twins?"
"They picked a fight with each other and called each other names," I said and he nods as the door opens and in walks our babies
"Mommy we are sorry. We didn't mean the naughty word." Julianne says
"Can we get out of time out now?" Aidan begs and he gives me the puppy eyes
"Okay fine but don't start a fight with each other or no tv for a week!" I said and they smiled as they ran out the room.

"How was your day?" I asked as soon as I got Carter to go back to sleep
"A lot of meetings which means a lot of yelling. I honestly am glad to be home with my very sexy wife and kids," he says and I smack his chest "legs have another baby,"
"Excuse me?" I said and he smiles "Hunter you got me pregnant twice! Three children is enough!"
"But baby I want to have a litter of puppies," he says and I hit hard in the chest "okay fine maybe four more,"
"Two," I shot back
"Three," he says and I shot him a look as he smiles
"Two," I told him and then out of nowhere he corners me against the wall, trapping me between his arms. He gets closer as we are literally a hair strand away from each other.
"Baby girl I want three more babies," he says sexually and I inhale a breath as he plays with the strands of my hair
"Tw-" I said but I was silenced as he presses his lips against mine as he slides his tongue into my mouth and I moaned. His hands slip down to my ass when we hear squealing
"Ew! Daddy get off mommy! You're giving her cooties!" Julianne says as she's trying to push him off of me and I couldn't help but laugh "you're supposed to be giving me kisses only!"
You could tell that Julianne is a daddy's girl considering how much Hunter spoils her.
"Mommy did Daddy give you germs?" Aidan asks and I laugh as I pick him up
"No baby. What Daddy was doing was giving mommy a special kiss," I said
"I wanna give mommy a special kiss!" He whines and I smile as I let him kiss me on the cheeks "yay I give mommy a special kiss!"
"Who wants to go for a run?" Hunter says and the kids go wild as they run to their rooms to get ready "I'll call Jess to see if she wants to babysit,"
"You know she can't refuse the idea," I said and he smiles. Ever since I gave birth to Julianne and Aidan she's been over to the house many many times to babysit, help cook clean, you name it. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the help and I couldn't have asked for a better sister in law than her.

Jess nearly kicked us all out the house as she and her mate closed the doors behind us and we shifted forms. Julianne and Aidan know what we are and what they'll become when the time is right they'll shift too. So for now they both will be riding our backs until they get sick of us parenting and soon they'll be teenagers and they'll want to be with their friends. I just want them to be little forever but I would soon learn how to let go and let them live their lives...


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