* Chapter 3 *

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Leilani POV

It's been hell and nobody could find our Alpha. I've been doing my best as Beta leading the pack and giving them the best hope but nothing has came up about Elena's whereabouts. I just don't get it, she would never Just up and leave. Hell shes been dreaming about the day she becomes Alpha ever since we could talk so I highly doubt she would abandon us.

"Jackson any word?" I asked and he shakes his head. I'm starting to freak out, how the hell can one person just disappear.
"We'll find her. She couldn't have gotten that far," he says and I nod
"Leilani have you heard anything?" Mrs. Greyson asks and I shake my head. I could hear the pain in her voice as she asks. I don't blame her, her baby girl just disappeared and no one knows anything.
"I think it's best if we start calling packs," Mr. Greyson says and I look at him strangely "to see if Elena happened to be in their pack,"
"Are you sure we could do that?" I asked
"How you think I found you guys when you were partying your teen years?" He asks and I blushed "it's a harmless call, but I promise you whoever has her will pay if they hurt her,"
I nod as I take my phone and dialed the first pack on the list. Drakos Pack.

** Hunter POV **

Getting back to the Pack house, I could hear that she's in the kitchen with my sister. I'm not ready to face her yet. After last night, I don't know if I could handle her just yet.

"Hunter?" Dax says grabbing my attention and I looked at him "you have a phone call from the Greyson Pack," Shit
"What do they want?" I asked and he shrugs
"They won't tell me," he says and I nod as I take the phone from him and placed it next to my ear
"Hello?" I said and I hear a soft gasp from the other end
"Is this Alpha Hunter?" She asks
"I don't have all day. What do you want?" I said harshly
"We were wondering if you have heard anything or seen our Alpha? She went missing last night and she's been MIA lately. Her name is Elena Greyson," she says
"No I haven't heard anything" I lied "if I do I'll let you know,"

Before she could reply, I hung the phone up and headed to the kitchen. I heard her, hell I could smell her from the other side of the door.
"He really kidnapped you? So romantic!" My sister says and I rolled my eyes then I entered the room and I swear they look like deer caught in headlights.
"Good morning girls," I said as I poured myself a glass of orange juice. "Sleep well mate?"
I could tell I'm getting under her skin as she rolls her eyes and I smirk.
"My name isn't Mate asshole. It's Elena," she says and I smile as my sister tries to hide her laugh
"Wow pretty strong words for a pretty mouth mate," I shot back and she rolled her eyes yet again then she washes her plate and disappears with my sister.


I guess it kind of feels good to spend the day outside my room even if I can't go outside. After my encounter with Hunter, I knew I had to leave his Pack House very soon.

Jess has pretty much convinced me to let her do my makeup and hair and play dress up. I guess from taking about how me and Lei would do it all the time, she could do it.
"He's not really a bad guy," she says reeling back to reality "my brother. Before our mother passed away, he was a lot chiller than he is. Hell he used to be a lot more fun until he got passed down the Alpha title, no offense."
"None taken," I said and she smiles as I got the urge to use the bathroom
"It's down the hall to your right," she says and I nod as I follow her instructions.

After finishing my business, I wash my hands and explore the house. Between you and me, this place is beautiful. The Victorian style, even though it's surround with dark colors it's still beautiful.
I find myself wondering through the halls so I made my way back to Jess's room.
Unfortunately for me, the room was I walked into was Hunter's.

"Elena," he says as I couldn't stop looking at the short naked brunette.
"Fuck you Hunter," I muttered as I could feel the tears demanding to spill but I wouldn't. I turned around and ran as fast as I could until I finally opened one door that lead me to the outdoors.
I could hear him call my name but I couldn't stop running, hell this is what I should've done from the start!
I don't belong there, I never did. I'm not his mate! We don't belong to each other!

"Elena!" He calls as I keep running. I didn't want to stop. I just wanted to be away from him and his darkness. I don't need to be around me him. I'm probably best off if I just reject him.
I could feel my feet ache so once I knew it was safe, I started to walk.
How dare he say we are mates and shit but has some naked bitch in his room! I could feel tears prickling my eyes as I start to feel sorry for myself. I don't even know why I'm having these feelings for him! He doesn't want me to be his mate nor Luna! I should be with someone I deserve to be with. Someone who respects me, appreciates me, who loves me for every flaw...

"Elena? I know you're out here?" Hunter says and I let out a soft gasp how the fuck did he find me?! "I could smell your scent from where I'm at,"
Shit! What do I do? I look around and I see that I'm surrounded by trees. I have no idea which direction to go. Hell I could be setting myself up and walk straight into him.
My best bet is probably hiding behind the tree or...

"Found you," he says from beside me and he was naked. I screamed as I backed up from him. "Elena please come back to the Pack House, we aren't safe here,"
Picking up a branch, I use that as my best defense
"Like hell I would go back with you!" I shouted and he glares at me
"Elena we are on rogue territory. Lets go home and we'll talk about this," he says trying to plead with me
"No," I said as I made a run for it again. I could hear him mutter a few cursing phrases. My lungs feel like they are on fire as I run as faster and faster.

I had to force myself to stop and breathe or else I will fall and hurt myself.
I look around and I don't see him anywhere. Good Riddance.
"What's a pretty face like yours doing on rogue territory?" A deep voice says and I panic cause I knew that if a wolf is caught on another Pack territory it's automatic execution, no exceptions. I look up to see a tall blonde man looking at me.
"I was out for a run," I lied and he smiles
"Sure you were running," he says and I glared at him "so you going to tell me who you running from or do I have to play 21 questions?"
Before I could even answer, the tall blonde man falls to the ground, wincing in pain. I look at his attacker and it's no one but Hunter Drakos.

"We have to go now," he says grabbing my wrist but I fight back and he lets out a low growl. Before I knew it, I was lifted against his shoulder earning me a smack on my ass. "Why must you be a pain in my ass?"
I let out a small growl and he laughs as he quickens the pace.
Hunter only slowed down once we were in his territory however he wouldn't put me down
"Put me down," I demanded and he just laughs
"So you could run again? No thanks," he says and I rolled my eyes.
Only until he walked inside his Pack house did he put me down and that was my best chance to throw a punch.
"What the fuck?" He growls and I scoffed as I head to my room and locked myself in it.

"Elena." Hunter says "please open up. We need to talk,"
"Go away! I never want to talk to you!" I shouted and I could tell he's still standing there for a good 20 minutes and then he leaves.

I just drown myself in my self pity and sorrows questioning myself on who the person I became. Hell the girl I was before, she wouldn't let this happen to her and now I don't even know who I am.
But one thing I do know for sure is that I will find a way to leave.

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