• Chapter 20 •

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Now that we have the dress and venue already settled up, all that's left is to pick the date of the wedding.

"Hey babe when should we get married?" I asked him and he shrugs and I sighed
"Babe I don't care when." He says "would you like to wait till you give birth?"
"I don't want to wait 10 months to marry you." I pointed out "and I don't want to be looking a blimp either in my dress,"
"So why not get married in a week?" He suggests as he joins me on the bed
"Like that gives us time to send invitations to everyone," I said
"Only our packs get to attend the reception and ceremony," He says and I nod "So in a week. Say on November 12?"
"Sounds perfect. Now we just have to tell Jess," I said and he nods. Feeling like a lazy bum, I grabbed my phone and texted her the date.

Being the Jess we know and love, she doesn't texts me back however she runs into my room and joins us in bed.
"Good morning," I said as she pulls out the wedding magazines
"If this wedding is happening in a week then I need every since second of your time," she said as she works up a long list for who's attending.

Hunter disappears and reappears an hour later with food and I smiled as I devoured two plates.
"Damn that baby is gonna have an appetite like his fathers!"
"Jesus I hope not. You should know how much Hunter eats in a day!" I exclaimed and we laugh cause it's true. Hunter will eat and eat and eat like it's nothing!
"I'm my defense I have a fast metabolism," Hunter remarks as he walks in scaring the both of us.
"Anyways what color are you thinking about for the bridesmaids dresses?" She asks
"Well I was thinking of a rose gold color for the gown and the top, the corset part, could be sparkly." I said as I chugged my orange juice and showed her the pictures.

"Ooh looks pretty," She says and I nod as her phone rings and it's Ben. She left the room for awhile so I grabbed my notebook and made a list for who I want to be my bridesmaid:

1. Leilani
2. Silver
3. Cassie
4. Jocelyn
5. Jess

Made of Honor: ????

One of the trickiest question was who's going to be my maid of honor? As little girls, me and Lei promised each other that we would be each other's maid of honor however now that I'm close with Jess, I think she's hoping I ask her to be my maid of honor too.

"Sorry I took forever. Ben and I had a heated conversation about where we are eating out tonight," she says and I nod
"Jess would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?" I asked and before I knew it she was crushing me into a bear hug.
"Yes! Yes! A million times Yes!" She shrieks as we pull apart
"Talk about excited!" I said and she laughs as we put more of attention into decorating the invitations.


It was late in the afternoon when I find my friends in the park. I'm glad that all my girls are here too.

"Oh damn it's our Luna!" Silver remarks and I smile "how's my godchild doing?"
"Shh! I haven't told my parents yet. I plan on doing that later at dinner." I said and she nods "anyways you guys know you're invited to my wedding however Jess is making me give these cards to you guys cause Hunter wants everything to be safe. But that's not why I'm really here,"
"Then what spit it," Cassie says and I smile
"Silver Cassie and Jocelyn will you girls be my bridesmaids?" I asked they broke down in shrieking as they accept my offer. My eyes travel to Leilani as I can see sadness in her eyes and I sigh.
"Lei the reason why I didn't ask you to be a bridesmaid is because I want you to be my maid of honor," I said and she gasps and I smile
"You remembered our promise?" She says and I nod
"How could I not? Leilani I seen a change in you. When I went missing, you took charge as an Alpha and I couldn't be any prouder to call you my best friend," I said and she crushes me into a hug "can't breathe Lei!"
"Oops," She says shrugging as I check the time
"Crap I gotta go. Hunter's probably at my parents," I said as I waddle/run home.

"There's the girl of the hour," my mom says as soon as I walked in. I see everyone in the living room
"Ya weren't waiting for me right?" I said and they give me the look like they was and I sighed "sorry I was with the girls and it took longer than I thought,"
"Tell me dead why the visit?" My father asks and I give him a look while smiling
"Can't your favorite daughter see her parents?" I joked and they laugh "must you be so direct daddy dearest?"
"Yes my dear loving daughter I must," he said and I smile
"Well grandpa I'm expecting," I said as I look at their expressions and they start to break down in tears smiling
"Oh my honey!" My Mom says embracing me into a hug "How far along are you?"
"Not too far just a couple of weeks," I said and she smiles
"Oh baby my little baby is gonna have a baby!" She exclaims "does this mean you're postponing your wedding till after you give birth?"
"No Mom it's gonna be a in 7 days. I don't want to have a long engagement," I said as they nod
"Just like your mother when she was pregnant with you. She didn't want to look like a blimp in her dress nor on her honeymoon," my father says and I smile as Liliana brings our dinner out.

As the night comes to an end, I start to wonder about our honeymoon. Even though Hunter is tight lip about where he's taking us, I can only hope it's somewhere beautiful.

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