• Chapter 2 •

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His words, or shall I say word has struck me that I couldn't bring myself to reality. Could it be? Are we really mates?
"I need to go," I said as I excuse myself
"You okay?" My dad asks and I nod
"Yeah just feel light headed that's all. I think I may need something to eat," I said and he nods as I excuse myself.

Luckily for me the kitchen was empty. I need some space to clear my head. This can't be happening. Hunter Drakos, the Alpha who kills for fun, is my mate?
There has to be something wrong with me. Just has to be.

Someone cleared their throat and I jumped as I turned around to see him.
"You okay?" He asks and I rolled my eyes
"What are you doing here?" I said and he smiles
"Well we are mates," he says and I scoff
"No we are not." I muttered and he chuckles as he gets closer "stay the hell away from me,"
He puts his hands up in surrender just as my friends get here, giving me the chance to get away.

"Why was you guys alone? Together?" Leilani asks and I shrugged "weird,"
"Question is why is he here?" Silver asks
"Alpha bullshit. I don't know why," I said as the subject changes to a party being held at Huntress Moon, "what kind of party is this?"
"It's for Cole, since it's his birth week and all," Cassie says smiling. Ever since we were all young, Cassie has always had this huge crush on Cole and he doesn't even know. That's why she confides to me whenever she may think he has found a mate. She wants them to be mates but I honestly think he thinks of her as a friend and nothing more.
"I'm so down for a party tonight." I said and they cheered "there's too many Alpha duties, I need to let some steam off,"
"Alright since we have a couple hours lets get ready!" Lei says and I complained realizing I'm giving her another opportunity to cake my face up with a lot of makeup!


Every time I walk or even every step I take, I had to pull the hem of my skintight dress to at least cover some of my arse.

We finally found a table we could put our stuff down and before I could even relax, the girls pulled me to the bar where we ordered a few margaritas. After a few cold ones and feeling a little buzzed, I'm dancing my arse off as I begin to feel really light headed and sweaty.

"Leilani I'm gonna step out for a bit okay? I'm feeling hot," I said and she nods as I made my way to the front.

I embrace the piercing cold air as I walk up and the street and I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. Shaking the feeling off, I made my way back to the club.
Someone jumped me from behind and I struggled to get away. I lousy tried to elbow him in the stomach but failed as he wraps something around my mouth and everything goes pitched blacked


A dull aching pain was throbbing in my temple as my eyes flutter. I try moving my arms but they felt like they were tied down. Every instinct of mine were saying shift, you could get away. But I fight against what my gut feeling says. I could hear the doorknob twist so I fake sleep.

"Wake up. I know you're faking it," he says "your breath is heavier," curse you wolf hearing.
I look up to see him. Hunter Drakos. My kidnapper. Holy Shit.
"Why am I here?" I asked and he glares at the corner, which I assume someone is lurking in the dark. "Well are you going to answer or are we going to play a guessing game?"
"You belong here, mate." He says and I rolled my eyes "untie her and bring her to her room,"
"I will not stay here. You will take me back to my pack," I demanded but he laughs at me.
"Sweetheart you belong to me. You will do as I say," he remarks and I flipped him the middle finger and he laughs "cute but this is your new home, whether you like it or not."
"Of fuck-" I said but he laughs as he tells me to get ready and says something to the tall brown hair to watch me.

Rolling my eyes, I just sat on the bed staring out the window. Refusing to do what he says. Who the hell does he think he is? Then it hits me, I could call Leilani. I look around the room, through the drawers but I couldn't find my phone or any of my belongings from the club. Where is my stuff? Letting out a frustrated sigh, I changed into a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, I turn on the flat screen and watched whatever the hell was on.

Someone clears their throat as I was twenty minutes into watching Grey's Anatomy feeling annoyed, the same tall brown haired guy is in the doorframe.
"Dinner's ready," he says and I'm debating whether or not to go. "If you don't go, he will come get you, whether or not if you're willing to or not,"
"Seriously?" I said and he gives me a bland look and I sighed as I followed him to the dining room, where he is sitting with food in front of him. "What is this?"
"Dinner," he says as I eye him "Thanks Dax, you could go."
Dax, my unofficial bodyguard, nods as he murmurs something and disappears somewhere. I look down at my plate and see fried rice with seared chicken covered in some orange-reddish sauce, also on the plate is mashed potatoes with bacon bits and some green beans. I began to play with my food, pushing around the food.
"What's the matter?" He asks "you should eat something,"
"Why are you so bossy?" I shot at him and he smiles "ugh quit smiling, it's contagious."
"That's sweet of you," he says as he winks at me as he eats. He motions me to eat and I sighed as I hesitantly take my first bite. Surprisingly it's not that bad.  I look up to see him staring at me and couldn't help but blush. "See wasn't that hard right?"
I rolled my eyes as I take another bite and washed it down with water.

"Why am I really here?" I asked a little serious, hoping he'll give me a straight answer.
"Elena, you're my mate-" he says and I sighed
"What does really mean?" I asked interrupting him"you keep saying I'm your mate and shit but you're not exactly giving me a reason why I'm really here."
"I don't know what it means. Hell I never had a mate before." He says
"So why are you keeping me a prisoner? I want to go back to my pack, where I belong." I told him and he lets a breath out
"I can't let you do that and you're not a prisoner." He says "look, our bond will get stronger by the day. From what I heard, wolves who found their mate usually complete the bond as soon as they are alone-"
"No way in hell am I ever going to sleep with you, ever." I said and he rolls his eyes
"I'm done. I'm going to bed." He says all hotheaded, serves him. I should be the one who's pissed off! He kidnapped me and he's not letting me go back to my pack!

Feeling like I want to punch something, I put my anger to use and cleaned up. There's no need for someone to clean my mess, it was not how I was raised.
After washing both mine and his dishes and glasses, I left them on the drying rack as someone clears their throat.

"Who are you?" She says as I put my hands up, I seriously am not in the mood to fight.
"I'm Elena," I said "I was just cleaning my mess before I head to my room,"
"You're not the Elena, I hear about?" She says and I look at her confused "you're my brother's mate, aren't you?"
"Apparently I am," I said and then she does the most unexpected thing, she gushes about how she thought she would never see the day her brother would find his mate. I barely paid attention to what she was saying because I was too distracted looking at her features and how she and Hunter do look a lot similar, the brown hair, similar jaw line, their eyes...
"My name is Jess," she says and I smile as she pulls me in for a hug and I hesitantly returned.
"It's late and I'm kinda sleepy," I said and she nods as she bids me a good night and then Dax appears, showing me back to my room.

"Thanks," I said and he nods
"Do us all a favor and don't try to run away, it'll piss him off even more and he will find you," Dax says and I rolled my eyes "Good Night Elena,"

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