• Chapter 17 •

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Cheering erupts around me as Hunter pulls me closer to him kissing me like he was dying of thirst and I was his salvation.

I knew I made the right choice saying yes to the man before me. He's perfect for me and we complete each other like jigsaw puzzles.

"I love you so much baby," He says hoarsely and I smile as he spins me. I take a look at the ring, it was beautiful. I am in love with the design. "Do you like it?"
"I'm in love with it but how did you get all this done?" I asked and he just smiles
"Well while you were asleep and were on the hunt for me, I was running around on a few errands to make this all perfect for you," He says and then I punch his arm "What was that for?"
"For That scavenger hunt! My feet hurt cause of you!" I teased and he smirks as he gets closer
"Well baby I'll make that up to you in the bedroom," he whispers seductively which sends chills down my body as he chuckles.
"Took you long enough to get here!" Jess exclaims
"You knew? That's why you was acting funny earlier?" I asked and she blushes
"I saw the ring days before and you know how curious I get," she says and I smile
"Uh huh," I said and she just tackles me into a hug in which I return.
"Hey don't break her," Hunter teases and we laugh as I was pulled by my Pack who are aggressively hugging me to death

"Jesus guys lighten up I'm a fragile woman," I said; which didn't do anything considering they're still hugging me too hard.
"Guys back off I think we broke her," Lei says and everyone backs off. I look at Leilani and I'm amazed by her authority with the Pack. She's really stepped up as a Beta and I couldn't be any prouder than I am now.


As soon as I stepped foot into the Pack House, I quickly clutched onto Hunter's arm as people shout surprise from the dark.

"Surprise!!" They shout as I clutched onto Hunter's arm and I smile as I see everyone I grew up with gathered as they throw me a mini party at the Pack House.
"You guys didn't have to go all out like this for me," I said
"Shut Up And let's get our bootys shaking!" Silver says and I shake my head as she and Lei drag me to the living room where Jess has joined us also.


As the night comes to an end, me and Hunter lay in bed, enjoying each other's presence as we cuddle.

"Mrs. Elena Rosalie Drakos," He says and I couldn't help but smile as I look at the ring "do you like it?"
"Hunter I love the ring but this must've cost you a fortune," I said and he smiles as he kisses my cheek
"Good thing it didn't." He says and I look at him confused and he just pinches my cheek "the ring belonged to my mother. Before she was killed, I remember her telling me to hold onto her ring until the day I met the girl who I really loved. She wanted me to give you her ring,"

I had no words. For the first time I am speechless. His mother wanted me to have a ring that belonged to her and she passed it down to her son. I take a deep breath in and I just pull him closer and he takes everything to the next level as he hovers above me, he begins to kiss me along my jaw down my neck to where he marked me on the base of my neck.
My skin tingles as he continues to move his lips down lower. My hands has minds of their own as they drift down his back, tracing every scar.
I let out a soft moan as he slips his fingers inside me.
I had no control as he dominates me, leaving me breathless as he continues to go faster and harder.

I could feel myself coming close to my climax when he stops all of a sudden and I whined.
"I don't want you to finish just yet," He says hoarsely as he rips off whatever clothing we had and he flips me over onto my knees.
My body trembles as he spanks me and I try my best to hold in my whimpers as each slap gets harder.

Hunter forces himself in me as he goes rougher and he grabs a bundle of my hair and pulls hard as he thrusts harder.
I could feel my climax as Hunter fucks me harder and faster and I screamed his name as we finished together.

Breathing heavily, I cuddle closer to his sweaty body and we just hold each other.

"I love you so much baby girl," He says and I smile as I kiss his torso.
"I love you too babes," I murmured as I could feel sleep pulling me into the oblivion.

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