• Chapter 4 •

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It's been a few days and I haven't spoken or seen Hunter all this week. Hell I went all out of my way to avoid him.
There's nothing he could say or do that would make me change how I see him. It's what my mum says about boys, 'Once a player, he'll always be a player' and I believe that's true. He has no real feelings for me and the only reason what he feels for me is just cause of the stupid bond we share.

"Elena?" Jess says knocking on the door and I sighed "I know you're inside. I'm not gonna leave so you have two choices, open the door willingly or I'll kick it down. You have 30 seconds."
"He's not with you is he?" I asked and I could hear her sigh
"No he went on some meeting with a few other Alphas so you're in the clear," she says and I let out a breath "please come out. I miss you and it feels like we haven't talked in a long ass time please?"
I opened the door and she gasps as she sees me
"You look like shit," she says and I shrugged
"Yeah well I hate the state he's put me in! We don't even like each other and I don't even know why I feel like this," I said as we sit on my bed.
"I know," she says and I look at her strangely "I have a mate and I get how you feel. All the jealousy and the anger."
"Was he someone you like?" I asked and she bursts into laughter
"God no. Hell he makes me want to kill him. His name is Ben and well he's an Alpha of the Baker Pack." She says and I nod. "Man this boy wanted me to murder him. I wouldn't ever thought we'd be mates because we hated each other but I guess life plays it's funny games on us,"
"Yeah but with Hunter it's just different," I said and she smiles
"Yeah well my brother doesn't really get along with anyone however it does take time to get to know the real him," she says and I sigh in defeat "you hungry?"
"Just a bit," I said and she smiles as she drags me to the kitchen and pulls out a lot of recipes.
"We are so gonna pull off a full course dinner," she says and before I could say anything she wrapped an apron on me and handed me the appetizer recipe while she works on the main course then for dessert we'd work on that together.


After spending hours in the kitchen, we finally sort of perfected everything so what was left to do was place the dinner table.

"Jess? I'm back!" Hunter calls out from the other room and my back stiffens as I hear his voice. He sounded, tired or upset. "What smells so good?"
I could feel his presence behind me as he sees me for the first time.
"Elena," he says and I hold my breath. Jess moves her head motioning me to talk and I weakly glared at her
"Dinner is ready," I said as I disappeared into the kitchen with Jess on my ass
"What was that?" She says and I shrugged
"I don't know. I don't have anything to say to him," I said shrugging
"You're a lot to handle," she says and I shrugged as we carried out the food.
"Did you guys do all this?" Hunter asks and we nod as we serve our plates.

"Well you guys need to talk so I'll leave ya to it," Jess says as she grabs her plate and leaves. I wanted to chase after her but couldn't when I sense him staring at me. I think this is what she had planned all along. Shaking my head, I just sit there awkwardly.
"Dinner looks good," he says breaking the silence and I shrugged "Elena we need to talk."
"Okay talk then stop saying that we need to talk." I told him and he sighs
"I'm not the kind of guy you think I am," he says and I scoff "okay fine why don't we ask each other questions? We take turns and we have to answer them truthfully,"
"Alright fair enough," I said and he nods "why was she in your room, naked?"
"Nothing happened between us. I told her to leave me alone but she wouldn't listen so she thought she could seduce me with her bareness," he explains and I rolled my eyes "how many boyfriends have you had before?"
"Umm," I said as I think about who I was involved with "4,"
"Seriously?" He says and I nod as I think about my next question
"Do you really kill people for fun?" I asked avoiding eye contact and he laughs
"Man what stories have you heard?" He says and I glared at him "no I don't do it for fun. I only kill those who deserve to be dead or who piss me off," he says and I let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding in.
"What you mean "piss you off"? So God forbid if I ever were to upset you over something little, you'd kill me?" I asked and he sighs
"Jesus everyone makes me sound like I'm the Angel of Death," he says and I rolled my eyes "no I'd punish you."
Debating whether or not I should dunk his head into the cake, I decided against it as he starts to get personal with me.
"Have you slept with any of them?" He asks and I could feel my cheeks burn.
"No," I lied and he catches my bluff "yeah I did,"
"Which one?" He asks and I look up at the time and it's around 11:30
"It's late, I'm gonna head to bed," I said avoiding his question
"No please don't. Not yet at least," he says "I'm sorry I asked that,"
"Was that an apology?" I teased "is the big bad Alpha actually apologizing? Can you say it again so I could record it?"
"Shut up," he teases and for the first time I could see him smile for real. "I want to take you somewhere so I need you to get a jacket,"

I do what he says as I grab a jacket and I followed him to the outside. He offers me his hand and he leads me through the backyard and through the woods.
"Why don't we shift?" I asked curiously and he shrugs
"Where we are going isn't too far and well you're not going to be easy to control if you're in your wolf form," he says and I nod.

The journey from the Pack House to the place where Hunter wanted to see wasn't a long walk, we kept the talking to a minimum.
"Wow the view is amazing," I said and he nods
"Agree." He says and I could feel like this is very important to him so I take his hand in mine. I could feel him flinch as I touch him so I smile at him
"Thank you for taking me here," I said "this must be very special for you,"
"Yeah it is," he says and he sits down against a tree. I follow him and sat beside him "this would be mine and my mother's favorite spot to hang out and chill or to just get away from the chaos that went on at home,"
"How did she die?" I asked, hoping I'm not opening any unwanted wounds. He lets out a breath and he squeezes my hand "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked,"
"No it's okay. You're my mate and you deserve to know," he says and I smile weakly "she was actually murdered. She was caught in the crossfire between both Alphas and it cost her life."
"Hunter I'm so sorry that happened," I said and he shrugs. My heart swells for him and his mum, I remember what Jess told me, he was close to his mum so her death must've had a big impact on him.
I look up into his eyes and I couldn't help but get mesmerized by them. He notices me staring as he leans in closer to my face and I could see the little freckles surrounding his cheeks and nose area. I could smell his manly woodsy smell and I couldn't help but swoon for him.
Just as we were about to kiss, his phone rings and everything was put on hold as he answers it.

"We should getting back, it's late. You must be tired," he says as soon as he hung and I nod as I let out a little fake yawn.

Hunter walked me all the way to my room and I smile as he bids me a good night and I head to bed smiling. Maybe I should start seeing Hunter for the real man he is and put aside all those stories because that's just what they are, stories. I go to bed that night smiling, realizing that this is the first time we have been nice to each without the need to kill each other.

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