• Chapter 14 •

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Helplessness was the worst feeling anyone could ever expect in their life. Being bound to one spot, not being able to escape while being deprived of food and water.
I have no idea how long I've been here but it feels like months.
I jumped at the sound of the door creaking as it opens and my body shivers as I sense Alec returning.

"Still alive?" He retorts and all I could do is just glare at him. Everything in me is weak or numb. I just want to be free. "I met your lover. He's a real sweetheart."
"I swear to God if you hurt him-" I said but he interrupts me
"You'll what Elena? You're weak and can't do shit to me." He says and I start to cry cause that's all I can do. "Awe don't worry you'll get to see him soon."
"Fuck You," I said and he laughs as he hits me hard in the stomach.

Hunter POV

Ever since my encounter with Alec, me and Dax have been trying to trace his scent but we would only get as far as the lake and then we lose his scent.
It frustrates me that I can't get a real hold on this bastard nor could I get a sense of Elena is nearby either.
"Fuck." I muttered as I kick around a few branches as Dax shows up shaking his head. "He has to be near. Why else bring the lunas here?"
"A diversion," He says and I sighed
"There has to be hideouts. Maybe Lily would-" I said
"You mean Leilani, her name isn't Lily." Dax says correcting me
"It is? Oops my bad," I said and he shrugs "but maybe she would know more about him, let's go see her."
He nods as we shift to our wolf nature and headed back to the Pack.


"Elena and Alec were always low key about their relationship." Leilani stated and I sighed
"You have to think, she could be in one those places," I said and she weeps as she tries to think. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be hard on you,"
"Don't be. Cause I think I may know one place," She says "there was this lake, that they would always go to when they want to be alone."
"Where?" I asked getting my hopes back up "let's go there now,"
"Hunter we're not even sure she could be there," Dax says, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"It's a shot I have to take Dax. I can literally feel the pain she's in right now." I glared at him "if she's there then I have to go there make sure she's not,"
"I just don't want you to get your hopes up." He says and I nod "let's go get your girl,"

It takes about an hour or two to get to where we are hoping Elena would be. I spot a shack by the lake and the wind was blowing hard as we sneak around the area.
I don't know if Alec is here but I swear to God I will kill him if he hurt her.
"Hunter." Dax whispers and I see him peeking inside the house and we move back quickly as we spot movement inside. "What do we do?"
"Nothing yet." I said and then we heard a wince and someone laughing deviously. I switched spots with Dax so I could see what's inside or what we will be dealing with.
"I called in for backup. My pack and your pack are on their way here," Leilani says and I nod as my attention goes back inside.

I could smell Alec's scent, so the sick son of a bitch is here. My ears were alert as I strained my eyes to see a someone, all bloodied up and badly beaten up, bound to a chair. Their frame is shallow like they haven't been fed for days. Their head rocks to the side and it takes everything in Dax to hold me back.
"Elena is in there Dax!" I muttered as he and Leilani try to pull me away
"Hunter we all want Elena to get Out of there now but we would be walking into a trap considering we don't know how many people is in there." Dax says trying to put some sense into me "we need the backup that's coming,"
"I can't just sit here and twinkle with my thumbs. She needs me to save her and that's what I'm going to do," I said
"And then what? Get yourself killed? She wouldn't be able to live without you by her side!" Dax growls and just as I was about to say something people from my Pack and Selena's arrived.
"Don't worry the Calvary is here," Andrew says and I swear if we weren't in the situation we are in right now, I'd beat him.
"Let's go kill the sick bastard!" I growled as we charge towards the house.

It was tricky getting into the house but after several kicks towards the door, we managed to get inside.
I could barely see anything, I have to rely on my senses to bring me to my girl.
There was a slight wince in a room and my heart aches as I know it's her that's being hurt.
"Hunter," Dax whispers and I see that he's trying to twist the knob but it wouldn't budge. I nod as we both use our strength and kicked the door down.

All I could see was red when I see Alec physically punching her in the stomach. I let out a growl as my feet charges at him. Forcing him to the ground punching every chance I get.
He tries to push me but I wouldn't get off as I lose control and shift.
Alec smirks as he shifts also and we are head to head tearing each other's fur off.

You're going to regret messing with me
You chose the wrong family to mess with! You murdered my brother!
I killed thousands of people for a living asshole.
Maybe I should kill her

That made me lose my shit and go for his neck. He winces as he takes a bite out of my arm.

Lay a hand on her again. I will make you another person added to the list of people I've killed.
You don't have it in you. Ever since you met her, she changed you
Fuck you

He laughs as I get a hold him and hit him in his blind spot. He winces and shifts back to his human form. Making the fight equal, I could see he's stumbling and I have the upper advantage here.
Alec swings towards me but I managed to dodge his blows as I put him into a chokehold.
Already fed up with this bullshit, I decided to end his pathetic life and choked the life out of him.

Breathing heavily, I turned around to see that Elena is unconscious. Instinctively, my feet take me to her untying her.
"Jesus." I muttered as I untie her and gather her into my arms. Holy fuck I need to get this girl some food.
"Hunter?" She whimpers and I hushed her and told her that she's safe.

Hello Everyone!

I will be able to post more updates now that I have more free time (finally woo)
So I'm thinking I've been having an idea for a new story I'm in the process of outlining but I'm having an issue with creating a cover. Would anyone like to create a cover for me? In exchange, you'll be featured as a character in the story.

If anyone is interested pm me, I'll message you guys the brief details of what the story is about and we'll take it from there

Elizabeth 💋

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