• Chapter 8 •

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"He will never love you." Someone says and I turn my head to see who said it but no one was there "he's never going to change."
"Who are you?" I asked trying to break free "show yourself!"
"I'm your worst nightmare!" she says and she is me. My conscience speaking to me "he's NEVER going to love you nor change for you. You're nothing to him, you'll NEVER be!"
"Shut up!" I shouted as I squirm but I was tied to something

"Elena," someone coos and I open my eyes to see Hunter worried as he hovers above me "everything's okay. It was just a dream,"
He holds me close to him as he tries to rock me and I snuggled closer.
"Promise not to break my heart?" I murmured and I could feel him kiss my neck
"Never." He says and I could feel sleep pulling back to the oblivion.


I woke up the following morning, shaken and a little sore. I felt tears as I rose from my side but couldn't when I realized I was glued to Hunter's chest.
"Morning sunshine," he says kissing my cheek and I smile
"Hey," I said as I let out a massive yawn and he chuckles
"Are you okay? You seemed pretty scared from your dream" he says and I nod.
"It's nothing," I lied as I get up, I felt a dull ache between my legs and I could hear him smirk as he leans closer to me.
"Any plans for today?" He asks and I shrugged
"Besides being bored as hell while you're away, yeah I'm pretty busy with that," I retorted and he chuckles as he pulls me back to his chest.
"Well I can't have you being bored now," he says smirking as he attacks me with kisses and I squeal "I was thinking maybe if you want, you would want to come with me to accompany me as my partner for all the meetings I have today,"
"You're serious?" I asked and he nods and I smile as I try my best to contain my excitement "hm, what's in it for me?"
"Well," he says and I squealed as he hovers above me and I couldn't help but laugh as he tickles my sides.
"Hunter!" I laughed and he keeps going until the door opens and quickly I am wrapped in a blanket with him hovering above.
"Oh my God! My eyes!" Jess squeals and I couldn't help but be extremely embarrassed. Hunter let out a low growl at his beta as they both left quickly.

I've never felt this embarrassed like the time me and Leilani has felt when we were busted at a party by our parents.
I'm currently hiding under the blanket as Hunter just laughs it off, like it was nothing! His sister and beta walked in on us when we were just horsing around and they most likely think we were having sex!
I jump out from bed and quickly head into the bathroom where I immediately jumped into the shower.

"May I join?" Hunter asks smirking and I shake my head "awe c'mon babe. We could save water if we share,"
"Wait your turn," I said and going against what I said, he joins me. "Seriously?"
"Oh you know you love seeing me naked," he smirks
"Yeah okay," I said and he chuckles
"Last night begs to differ. You couldn't keep your hands to yourself," he says and I could feel my cheeks burn as I was the soap off.


As soon as we finished showering, I head downstairs to see breakfast already made on the counter.
But the food doesn't catches my attention, it's the man with short brown hair with green eyes that does.

"Hello," he says smiling as he holds his hand out for me to shake "I'm Ben," Ben? As in Jess's mate?
Why does it feel like I heard that name before? Just then in walks Jess as she smiles with red cheeks
"Ah I see that you met my mate," she says "Ben this is Elena,"
"He's your mate?" I asked and she nods "oh well it's nice meeting you,"
"Same here. When I heard that her brother has found his mate, I knew I had to meet you," he says and I smile. "So tell me, which Pack did Hunter swooped you out of?"
"I don't follow," I said and just then Hunter walks in wrapping his arm around me
"I didn't swooped her out, she just fell into my arms and I just so happened to catched her,"
"Shut up," I said smiling at how relaxed he can be once he opens up.

"So got any plans today?" Jess asks and I nod "like what?"
"He's forcing me to attend his boring meetings cause he don't want to be lonely," I said teasing which earned me a glare from him and I smile
"And speaking of meetings, we need to get on the road," he says and I nod as I promise Jess we'll get to hang out later.


The whole drive to Dufaras Pack was almost an hour and a half to get to but I couldn't complain since I have the best view.

"What are we doing here?" I asked and he shrugs
"Not sure. Matthew called me to talk about plans or some kind of alliance and wanted to discuss it with me and another Alpha coming over dinner," he says and I nod "are you nervous?"
"Would you believe me if I said no?" I said and he smirks "just a little, what if they tell my Pack where I'm at?"
"Don't be. I made sure they keep their mouths shut." He says and I nod
"Which reminds me-" I said and he sighs
"Elena we'll talk about reuniting with your pack later," he says interrupting me and I nod as we pull up in the driveway.

We were greeted by a butler as he instructs us to follow him to through the foyer up the stairs all the way to the conference room where we were greeted by Alpha Matthew Dufaras and Alpha Josephine Hayes.
"Hunter you made it," Matthew says as his eyes roam to me and I couldn't help but blush "and you brought a friend,"
"Matthew, Josephine, this is Elena and she's my mate," Hunter says introducing me and I couldn't help but gasp as he introduces me as his mate. "Elena this is Matthew and Josephine, they're both personal friends of mine,"
"My my how far you have come Hunter," Josephine says smiling and I eye her up "how long have you guys been mates?"
"For a good month," Hunter says and I smile. "Okay we didn't come to talk about my mate, let's get down to business,"
"Alright then," Matthew says "the reason why I want you guys here is that I'm planning a war against the Locke Pack,"
"Do I even want to know why?" Hunter asks
"Lets just say the Alpha over there is lousily letting their mutts attacking my pack recklessly." Matthew explains "so I was wondering if it does come down to a war, could I count on you and your pack for help?"
"So what you are asking for is an alliance," Hunter states as the Alpha stare off at each other.
"Yes," he says nodding
"So it goes it will go the same way if we ever need your help," Josephine states and Matthew nods agreeing to return the favor.

After signing some paperwork, we moved the party from the conference room to the dining room for brunch.
I stayed close to Hunter's side as he wraps me under his arm, kissing my temple and I smiled. Everyone was talking about other things, mostly trying to pry more information about how I manage Jeep Hunter in his place.
"So how did you meet this God wrenching mutt?" Matthew asks as Hunter growls at him and I smile
"At a party my friends were throwing," I lied, I highly doubt they would tolerate how we really met.
"That's cute." Josephine says and I smile. I look to the side and see Hunter just staring at me, well more at my neck and I couldn't help but blush.
"It's getting late Alphas and I need to get back to our pack," Hunter states as we thank them for the food and everything.

As soon as we got back, I couldn't wait to just lay in bed and relax and maybe sleep but everything stops when I see the one person I never thought I'd see ever again.


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