Chapter 19

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I was woken up to someone throwing up really loud and I sighed as my hands reach for Elena but I couldn't feel her. I peel my eyes open as I see I'm alone in bed.
My feet take me where I hear the sounds of someone throwing up is Elena.

"Oh baby girl," I said and she was about to say something but continues to throw up. So I just pull her hair back while she does her thing.
I wet a wash cloth and handed to her as soon as she was done and she sighs. "Babe are you okay?"
"Yes I am Hunter. It might just be a bug," she says and I nod "I'll see what it is when I go to the doctors today,"
"Want me to come along?" I asked and she shakes her head
"No baby it's okay I'm fine going by myself," she says and I nod. Knowing her, if I pick a fight she will bite my head off.
"Okay I'm just asking," I said and she smiles "I'll go make us breakfast,"
"Thank you Babe," she says as she lays in bed and I kiss her forehead.


Waking up this morning with the urge to throw up was miserable but waking up Hunter to see me throwing up was more terrifying. I'm grateful that I have a quick mind but I feel for lying to him.

Hunter returns with a tray full of variety of food and my mouth waters as he lays the tray on my lap.
"No way in hell did you make this," I said and he gives me a look
"How would you know I could've done this," he states and I eye him
"Yeah right. Jess made this cause the smiley bacon with eggs is her signature," I called his bluff and he blushes
"Fine you win," he says and I smirk as I do my victory dance. "What time is your appointment?"
"At noon. Shit I need to get ready," I said as I finished my last pancake and chugged the orange juice and headed downtown where Dr. Robins office is.

One of the reasons why I don't often go to doctors is because they make you wait. You get bored out of your mind, probably dying of boredom until one of their nurses call your name one by One. Which can be a bit dreadful.

"Luna Elena," a short nurse in purple scrubs calls my name and leads me to my room "the doctor will be right in,"
"Thank you," I said and she curtly nods her head as she leaves.
I sit on the bench swinging my legs slightly as I patiently wait.

"Good Morning Luna-" she says but I interrupted her
"Please just call me Elena." I said and she smiles
"How are you feeling?" She asks
"Like a truck mauled me twice," I complained and she chuckles, I don't think this is any bit funny "I did an at home pregnancy test and I want to know for sure,"
"Okay dear what I need you to do is pee in this cup," she says and I nod as I head towards the bathroom.

I gave the cup to the doctor and she smiles as she tells me to hop back onto the bench.
"Now tell me have you been feeling ill recently?" She asks and I nod
"I've been throwing up more than I usually do," I told her and she nods
"Okay do you recall when you last got your period?" She asks and I think back to when I last had it.
"I think 2 months ago in August," I said and she nods as a nurse returns with some papers, which I assume is the paper that's saying I'm pregnant.
"Well I can measure your stomach," she says and I give her a look "I guess you haven't noticed Elena but your body changes as your body prepares to prep for your child. So that means your stomach will start to get rounder. I can measure how roughly along you are,"
"Oh okay do what you have to," I said and she smiles as she grabs a measuring band and wraps it around my waist.
"Seems like you're not that far along. Give or take, you're probably around two weeks along," she says and I nod "does he know?"
"No not yet," I said and she nods.
"Well Luna I will schedule your next appointment in two weeks. That will be your first prenatal visit Okay?" Dr. Robins says and I nod.
"What do I do about the morning sickness?" I asked
"For now just drink water and crackers should help," she says and I nod as I thank her.
"As you know you are expecting a little one," she says and I take a deep breath in. "And by looking at these charts you're due date is July 19,"
"You could tell by just looking at a chart?" I asked moronically and she chuckles
"Your baby could come early which is what we call a premature baby or he/she will come after it's due date," she says and I get confused "why don't you stock up on some baby books,"
"Sounds like a good idea," I said and she nods as we finish up the appointment and I head to the nearest bookstore.


I walked inside the Pack house to see everyone is here, including Ollie. He was the first to embrace me into a hug then Lei.
"Hey guys what's the occasion Everyone is here?" I asked and they said Jess was holding a dinner gathering. "Where's Hunter?"
"He's with George on a run," Ollie says and I gawked at him "I know right. Those two never get along but it's feels right to cherish the moments when they do,"
"Yeah you're right," I said smiling "I'll be right back. I'm gonna freshen up,"
"Take your time," He says and I disappear upstairs.

Instead of freshening up, I take the pregnancy test that I took earlier and wrapped it up. On my way home from the doctors, I made my mind up and decided I had to talk Hunter about this. So why not be creative about it right?

Keeping it simple, I wrapped the test in blue wrapping paper with a pink ribbon and bow tie.
I could sense Hunter's presence, letting me know he's home.
I head downstairs where everyone is in the dining room, already seated. Hunter sits at the head of the chair and I occupy the seat next to him.
"Hey baby," He says as he kisses me on the lips while everyone complains "Shut Up. I haven't seen my girl all day,"
I blush as I smile and hid the test behind me. I plan to give him the gift when it's time for desserts.
"Ollie you took the first bite you're saying prayers," Hunter says and he groans "you know the traditions,"
"Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the food that you have prepared for us." Ollie says "now if you allow us we shall begin our dinner,"
"Let's dive in," George says as everyone grabs a piece of everything and passes plates from one end to another.
"Are you okay?" Hunter says placing a hand on my knee and I jump as he brings me out of my Day dream.
"Yeah I'm fine," I said and he smiles
"What did the doctor say about your stomach bug?" He asks
"What stomach bug?" I asked and then it hits me "oh that? Nothing that is just something bad I ate last night and it'll go away,"
"Hm," He says and I think he might be catching my lies
"Why don't we get desserts," I said as I get up along with Jess

"Are you okay Elena? You've been jumpy lately," She asks
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said as I grabbed a few plates and hand Hunter his.
"Thank you Babe," He says and I smile
"Here you go," I said as I hand him the gift and everyone stares
"What's this?" He asks and I smile
"Just open it," I said as he gives me a look but do as he's told.
Everyone gasps as they know what it is except for Hunter
"What's the two lines for?" He asks and I laugh as he glared at me and looks at the card inside
"Hunter I'm pregnant," I said and he gets up and wraps me into a hug
"Seriously are you?" He asks
"That's why I was throwing up this morning and why I went to the doctors," I said "she confirmed my pregnancy,"
Without saying another word, hunter swings me side to side as he kisses me hard on the lips.

"Thank you so much baby girl," He says and I smile "Thank you for honoring me with this gift. I love you Elena,"
"I love you too." I said as everyone congratulates us.
And just like that, we all devoured our food and watched some movies in the living room.

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