• Chapter 21 •

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It's the night before my wedding day and I could feel all the jitters. And it doesn't help that Jess has me and Hunter separated the whole day. Just his touch alone could let me be relaxed but I just have to get through the day without him.

"Jess I said no bachelorette party!" I whined and she gives me a look
"I didn't plan it actually," she says and I sighed
"She's right! As your maid of honor it's my duty to make sure you enjoy your last day as a free and single woman before you'll be tied down to one man for the rest of your life!" Lei says and I sighed
"Duh I've been tied down by one man considering he's my mate!" I said and she gives me a look
"Oh hush it!" She says and I smile "so to honor that, we all got you a gift."
Silver reveals a blow up doll and handcuffs me to it
"This is ridiculous!" I said as they laugh and I shake my head as Lei takes my picture with it.
"Say cheese!" Lei says and I smiled as I kiss the dolls cheek. "His name is Billy. Don't ya look amazing!"
"Who are you sending that to?" I asked and she smirks as she hits sent and I saw who it was "Lei he will shoot me for that!"
"But he loves you! Now let's go have some fun!" She says as she drags me out the Pack house and into the limo outside.


I smiled as I see the picture Leilani sent me of Elena. Man she really looks beautiful in that red dress.

"Alpha Hunter what would you like to do?" Cole asks and I smile. Elena said that I needed to socialize with her Pack and to be honest they're all scared of me. Even though I try my best to clear my name at the meeting the other day, I'm still the ruthless killer in some eyes.
"Cole It's Cole right?" I asked and he nods "I may be your Alpha but seriously stop being scared of me I ain't gonna do nothing. If I ever did Elena will rip my head off,"
"Okay," He says and I sighed as someone calls his attention and then my boys come through the door with beer
"Dax my man thanks brother," I said as he passes me a can and he nods as we clink our drinks and chug them down "Where's the boys?"
"Getting the strippers," he says and I give him a look "relax man. It's just a few professional female dancers,"
"Elena is going to kill all of us." I said and we laugh
"That's why they're called bachelor party and besides your wife ain't gonna know," He says and I shake my head as the rest of the boys come in along with the girls.
"Jesus I thought you was kidding!" I remarked and they laughed as the girls get a little friendly as I smile and wave at them
"You think we'd pass up an opportunity like this?" Dawson says and I shake my head
"Man we all know you be hitting up those strip clubs who you kidding?" Andrew states and we laugh
"And I'll drink to that!" He says "not all of us find our mates at first sight!"
"Ain't that the truth," Mike says "but my question is how on earth is this bastard lucky enough to get a babe like Elena?"
"I'd watch what you say next, brother. Could be your last drink," I warned and he gulps as I sip my drink.
"We didn't come to start a fight. We come to have a good time. Besides we miss our brother," Dax says as we rise our drinks and toast to having a good time.
"Dax I want you to be my best man," I said and he looks at me "I know I should ask Ollie but he's agreed to be a groomsmen but you know what I've been through and I trust you with my life."
"Man that's awesome and I'd be honor to be your best man at this last minute," he says and I smile as we chug our drinks


I never thought I'd be the girl to watch the girls drink while I be by the bar watching them drink. Leilani pulled me to the dance floor until the DJ stopped the music and got everyone's attention.

"Are we having a good time or what?" He says and everyone cheers "nah nah I can't hear you guys! Are we having a good time or not?"
Everyone breaks down in cheers as the DJ pumps them up.
"A little birdie, a cute brunette birdie I might say you know who you are," he says as he winks and I couldn't help but feel like I know who that may be "she said that we have a bachelorette in the house. She goes by the name Elena Greyson? Is she in here?"
I look directly at the girls and they smiled as the lights shine against me and I squint as two guys escort me to the front.

"You guys are so dead!" I hollered and they smiled as me and the doll were seated up on stage.
I could feel hot as I sit here under the light as I get embarrassed. From the corner I can see the girls recording me. I send daggers at there heads as they give me thumbs up.
Out of nowhere a guy who's almost naked, if it weren't for his speedos that he has on, he was grinding himself against me as I squealed like a girl being attacked by a group of girls.
"Lord I swear I will get these girls back when it's their time Jesus!!" I muttered to myself as I feel the guy get up and close and personal with me.

Even though I didn't want to go out tonight, I'm glad the girls forced me to cause tonight marks one of the best days of my life regardless of the dancing stripper.

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