• Chapter 5 •

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All morning I felt like I didn't belong in my skin, it's like I was burning up but I had no fever and every time I take a shower, it never helps.

I looked for Hunter but he already left for a meeting or something so I was left alone in the Pack house with Jess and Dax.
"You feeling okay?" Jess asks and I shrugged "I don't know. My body feels hot and I keep getting these feelings hot to cold but I'm mostly hot,"
"Shit it's happening," she says and I look at her alarmed "after last night I would think you guys would've done the dirty,"
"What? No!" I said as I get these weird desires to be with Hunter? The door opens and Dax walks in with another person
"What's going on?" Dax asks and he smiles towards me
"She's in heat, I think it'd be best if you boys leave now," Jess says and they nod as they left "I'm going to call Hunter, hopefully he'll know what to do,"
"What do you mean I'm in heat?" I asked
"Well when two wolves find their mate, they would usually have sex the second they're alone so they would avoid this heat issue," she explains "but considering how you and Hunter met, he doubted you'd be down for that,"
"Oh," was all I said as she talks to her brother and I head to the fridge where I made myself a bowl of cereal
"He says he'll be here in a half an hour and to stay away from the guys," she says and I look at her "some of his friends hang here from time to time,"
"Oh okay," I said as I pour myself a cup of orange juice.

Just like Jess had said, Hunter automatically finds me in my room reading a book and he wasn't alone. He was with a women in a white lab coat.
"Good morning Elena my name is Dr. Rose Barry, I'm the Pack's healer," she says and we shake hands "so I heard you are in heat?"
"Yes ma'am," I said and she smiles as she pulls out a needle and I eye it. That's a pretty big needle, hell I have a fear of needles regardless of the size. "What's in that syringe?"
"It's something that'll help with your heat," she says as I continue to eye the needle
"Are you okay Elena?" Hunter asks but I couldn't pull my gaze off the needle "you look like you seen a ghost,"
"Umm," I said I couldn't find any words to speak and then I flinch as he touches me
"Are you scared of needles?" He asks and I blush
"Uh.. yeah I am," I whispered and I could tell he's trying to hide his laughter and I hit him with my other hand.
"Alright all done," Dr. Rose says and I get confused when did the needle go into my skin? 
"Wait I thought you're suppose to feel like a pinch?" I asked and she chuckles
"Hunter was distracting you while I was doing everything," she says and I nod
"Wow you're good," I said and she smiles "thank you,"
"No worries, it's what I do," she says "what I injected into you Elena will only last for about a few weeks, maybe a month. After the shot wears off, you and Hunter will have no other choice but to complete the bond,"
If we don't kill each other or reject each other. Whichever happens first.
"Thank you Rose," Hunter says and they walk off somewhere.
"How you feeling?" Jess asks
"Well I don't know if it's working or not but I'm still kinda feel horny?" I said blushing and she laughs
"Well if you want, I could pick up something for you downtown," she says hinting "it could help you feel a little better,"
"Oh God no!" I said shaking my head "I think I'd be good on my own,"
"What did I miss?" Hunter asks reappearing in my room. I noticed that he has a bandaid on his arm and he catches me looking
"Well I'll leave you lovebirds alone," Jess says scurrying off somewhere
"I got myself an injection too," he says answering the unasked question
"Why though?" I asked
"When it comes to Alphas, they tend to not have a lot of control when their mate is in heat," he says as he comes to sit beside me "so I decided to get myself shot so I won't force myself against you,"
"Wow that's pretty considerate of you," I teased and he smirks
"What are you reading?" He asks as he picks up my book "The Maze Runner I think I read this book a couple of times,"
"It's my second time reading it again. I like the series," I said and he smiles "so any plans today?"
"No not really," he says and then he smiles "me and you should go somewhere, get something to eat that's not homemade,"
"Sounds good," I said and he smiles as he tells me to dress casual while he gets ready.

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