Chapter 15

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Everything felt light. Like I was floating in the ocean. Feels like I'm meditating or some shit. Then when I think the pain is going to come, it didn't.

I thrusted forward as I breathed heavily, I think I'm having a panic attack.
"It's okay Elena, you're safe baby," He coos but I'm shaking my head as I lash out at him
"Get away from me!" I screamed as I kicked and punched him.
Nurses come rushing in as they try to restrain me. One of the nurses manages to inject a needle into me and I let out a piercing cry.

Hunter POV

Watching Elena lash out then hear her cry, it nearly broke me. But at least she's getting better, slowly. When we rescued her from that shack, she was nothing but hollowed bone.

The doctors keeps telling me to go home, that Elena is in safe arms but I can't go home. It wouldn't be the same. I need to be where she is. She's the love of my life and there's no way in hell am I ever gonna let her go.

"How is she doing?" My baby sister asks and I sighed "you know she would want you to go home and clean up,"
"I'm not going anywhere Jess." I said strictly and she backs down nodding. "I'm sorry I know you mean well and I'm just acting like an ass."
"You're always an ass Hunt what's new? I love you and so does Elena but we both know she'd kick your ass," she says and I nod because I know she's right. Elena would be teasing me about my kindness, I smile as I shake my head.
"Will you be here?" I asked and she nods
"Go. You had her to yourself for way too long, I need girl time. Shoo," she says and I chuckle as I kiss her Temple and head home to clean up.


The bright white walls were blinding me as my eyes flutter open. I feel something heavy on my hand, like something is holding my hand.
I look down to see Jess is blabbering about something, unaware that I'm awake.

"Jess?" I croaked and she gasps as she bounces "Where am I? Where's Alec? Hunter?"
"Oh honey you're okay, you're safe now. Hunter will be back he went to go get cleaned up," she says and I nod as I try to sit up then she helps me.
"How am I even alive?" I asked and she bites her nails
"Hunter and the Pack saved you that night," she says "ever since then you've been here,"
"How long?" I asked
"Almost two weeks," she says and I let out a soft gasped. That bastard nearly killed me...
"Where's Alec?" I asked
"He's dead. Hunter killed him," she says and I nod "I'm sorry Elena, I know he must've meant something to you,"
"Don't be and besides that was a long time ago. I'm just glad it's over," I said and she nods as she climbs into my bed and we snuggle.


It was around lunch time when Hunter came back and he's been hovering over me ever since he got here.
"Is there anything you want me to get you?" He asks and I sighed
"Hunter I love you I do but all this hovering and nursing me is driving me crazy." I said and he sighs as he shakes his head
"Elena," He says and I could tell there's pain in his voice "I can't let you out of my sights never again will I ever do that,"
"Hunter what happened to me wasn't your fault. You can't put that guilt on yourself," I said
"As your mate I'm supposed to be by your side at all times, protecting you," He says and I sighed "why didn't you tell me about him?"
"I don't want to talk about him," I said and he sighs as he gets up furiously and looks out the window.
I let out a long breath as I stare at my fingers.

I try to picture whether or not it would've made a difference if I told Hunter about Alec. I always thought that he was dead, since everyone says he was presumed dead. Sure I was devastated by the news but not for once would I ever thought he was alive.
I sniffle as I try to push back the tears. I shouldn't be crying. That bastard doesn't deserve my tears after the pain he put me through.

"I'm sorry," I said softly and then that's when Hunter looks at me "maybe if I told you about Alec maybe things would've been different.."
"Elena this isn't your fault. We didn't knew what was gonna happen," he says and I shake my head
"Please don't do that. Don't console me and treat me like everything is going to be dandy." I muttered and I could taste the rage on the tip of my tongue.
I ripped all the wires off of me and just made a run for it.
I could hear Hunter yelling for me but I didn't stop until I was outside.
I shifted into my wolf form as soon as I was in the woods and I just ran and ran.
I needed to get away. I couldn't stand being in that bed.

My paws take me to the last place I haven't been in a long ass time.

I just lay on the ground as I listen to the birds chirp around me, the squirrels scavenging for nuts. This is what I needed. Some peace and quiet.
I know I'm not one to run from my problems but I had to. I need to just grief. But why?
Sure Alec meant something to me but that was like a decade ago.
Maybe I'm just mourning that I could've lost my own life if it weren't for Hunter saving me.
Letting out a soft puff, I rested my head above my paws as I just close my eyes for a bit.

There was a crack and my ears go alert as I open my eyes as let out a soft growl.


I let out a soft whimper as he emerged from the bushes. He doesn't say anything as he just stares at me. I shake my head and lay back down and stare at the sky.
Hunter joins my side and snuggles closer. I could hear him let out a soft breath.

I'm sorry.
For what? I'm the one that ran
Yeah but I got angry at you for no reason.
Yeah well you always get mad at me for every little thing so I'm use to it
Ha ha. In all seriousness are you okay?
Yeah I am. I think I just needed this to be free. Being in that place... yeah I just needed fresh air
Say we go back and I can take you home okay? I know Jess misses you like crazy
Haha okay let's go.

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