some smart title

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"Lord hokage I brought in mizuki a traitor to the leaf and had broke law h-46.9 a suitable punishment for all his crimes is banishment." Gramps noded agreeing and called anbu eyepatch to banish him. I gave him the full mission report then turned to leave but before I could open the door  someone slam the door open. "HOKAGE NARUTO ... NARUTO'S ... LIKE ... AHH." Gramps sighed "He saw karu." I bowed "sorry lord third I needed to take care mizuki and if had waited mizuki could of escape and or harm someone." "WH... WH.. NARUTO ... HE'S RESPECTING YOU!" Iruka babbled. The Third sighed, "Naruto tell him some of the truth." Now it was Naruto's turn to sigh "fine but I'm talking" the third noded in agreement "Iruka the Naruto you knew was fake he was a mask he never existed and was just a mask and that is all I'm telling you if you want to know more I would kill you after." Then Naruto teloported away in a puff of smoke. He was at home...well the closes thing to one seeing as how a monster like him don't deserve happiness. He walked over to the window and saw how the neighbors kid were they were greeted by hugs and congratulations from their parents. the  looks on their face was pure happiness a face he tries to mimic but never truly had. Then they noticed him and sneared at the boy a face full of disgust a face he sees every day. He sank down to the floor,  quiet tears run down his face knowing he could never have that life one with happiness and joy his whole life he's always been treated like worse then trash. Why would that change people never change.

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