actual titles (someone told me to write actual titles so here you go)

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the next few days when they weren't helping build the bridge naruto taught inari shadow clone justsu a bit of Tai justsu and gave him a sword and a dull sword for practice. Inari though wasn't that strong could beat Sakura... which to b honest isn't saying that much. Naruto also promised that when Inari is older naruto will take him on as his disciple.

Sasuke swallowed some of his pride and asked Naruto for help on chakra control which Naruto did help him. sasuke has now accepted naruto and only naruto as being better than him and everyone else is still beneath him. he has also accepted that from time to time the author and naruto will call him duck butt and sasGAY. naruto is now Sasuke's sensei and has helped Sasuke build up his physical strength by torture- I mean training. while Kakashi does absolutely nothing for his students and sits all da reading porn. 

sakura still does not recognize Naruto as being better than her and believes that Naruto has brainwashed her precious Sasuke and he is still a demon. which confuses people since he has beaten her in a fight and if he was able to mind control wouldn't that mean he was stronger then you. 

oh yeah! and sai was just there he literally just stood there since not only does the author sometimes forgets about him but the author doesn't think he would do much and just choose to stay in the background anyways.

anyways while building the bridge Zabuza appeared with Haku still masked causing Kakashi, duck butt, banshee, and inari to go into their battle stance. but what surprised the leaf shinobi and Inari was they had their hands up and waved a white flag while waterfall crying " we surrender naruto-sama please don't kill us" this caused the group to relax and Naruto went up to them and said with a fake smile " I won't but you better behave " they rapidly shook their heads up and down and then saying "oh yah Gato is going to hold the bridge builder's daughter as hostage." naruto then ordered inari to go with haku and grab his equipment to go sav his mother. this caused a banshee to scream saying "NARUTO-BAKA I KNEW YOU WERE ONLY PRETENDING TO BE SMART WHAT ARE YOU THINKING SENDING THE ENEMY WITH A LITTLE KID!" Naruto then glared at her and replied " you really think they would be that stupid and I trust Haku he may have been an enemy but he wouldn't do anything if he was scared for the life of his father." the bitch tried to continue her rants but with Haku and inari long gone and gato a few feet away even her small brain realized she should just shut the fuck up. gato then with his pathetic excuse for an army walked up and said "Zabuza how dare you betray me, oh well none the matter this army which it ten times cheaper than paying for you, by the way, shall take care of you and does annoying ninja's." Naruto tilted his head to the left and then right making a cracking noise then smiled "stand back I got this." then Kurama's chakra formed around him and caused his nails to go sharp as a comparison the nails became longer than his actual hand and sharp enough to pierce titanium like it was paper. he ran through the army and blood sprayed in every direction causing some to run but no one was able to escape him. does who didn't run were too scared to move. either way, no one thought they could take him on. when the army was disposed of he walked slowly up to gato. gato scared shitless and actually wetted his pants stuttered "if you let me go I will give you fame, fortune, women!" I smiled and took out a contract "sure I will let you go just sign here." he seemed relieved since he obviously didn't want to die and signed it way too quickly. I smiled as I ripped his heart out killua style "bribing me with women isn't going to work because I'm gay also you just gave me total control over your wealth and company."

wow I updated twice in a sorta day... well it is 12:42 in the technically morning...ehh let's just say I updated on a Tuesday, not on a Wednesday. (also thx for the 1.8k votes)

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