why are you still reading the title box there are no titles here.

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I walked to the Academy I wore a gray sweatshirt with the hood up I wore a white t-shirt underneath and black shorts. I decided to get to class early now that my mask is gone there is no need to arrive 13 minutes late. I got there and Sasuke was already there I sat next to him. "hn(why you sitting here?)" I replied "hn( cause my seat is here and the banshees aren't here yet)his eyes widen he was surprised I called the girls banshees and that I knew the sacred Uchiha hn language. Before he could question me we heard elephant stampeding Ino and sakura "I got here first" "no I did" my toe was an inch ahead" your feet are huge like your forehead but I got here first" I coughed "NARUTO GET OUT OF THAT SEAT A DISGUSTING THING LIKE YOU SHOULDN'T SIT NEXT TO SASUKE!" I sighed and turned to Sasuke 

"hn (i feel bad for you bro)" 

"hn(i feel bad for you too I heard you knew about what was sealed.)" 

"hn(please a baby could figure it out)"


then sakura screamed "STOP TALKING TO MY SASUKE YOU EVIL DEMON."  she raised her hand and was about to slap him. something in me snap I treated this girl nicely for 3 years even though I was just acting she dares call me an evil monster. I grabbed her wrist everyone around us gasped since one they thought I would never hurt Sakura and two they still thought I was a dead last. "you #^*%ing banshee stop bothering  me" I squeezed and she screamed "LET GO OF MY WRIST THAT HURTS AND I DONT LIKE BEING TOUCHED BY TRASH." I  let go and released a little killer intent. "everyone I have an announcement to make I am not a dead last that was a mask if you don't believe me fight me and another thing the naruto you knew never existed the stupid idiotic Naruto never existed this is the real me so deal with it. 

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