Garra if my future husband

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Naruto then picked up Garra bridal style and with a smile so bright a monster could die from being near it and so Sakura was choking almost to death with a person in the back grinning evilly called FairyTailLover022  and Mystery_Ninja2017 Paaaannnndddddaaaaa-Kun aren't you tired you need your rest." this caused Garra to smile then he closed his eyes drifting off to sleep. "Oi, he can't sleep the one tails will get out!" Naruto ignored Temari and walked away with the sleeping redhead in his arms. Temari was seething with anger that she was ignored Sakura and Sasuke was surprised although Sasuke didn't show it. Sai was smiling, it was small and only someone really loses to him could tell it was real.

meanwhile, at Naruto's apartment, they were on the coach with Garra's sleeping head on Naruto's shoulder.  as they sat naruto let his mind wander, thoughts about how easy it would be to kill himself. only one would really care, but Garra would be better off without him. if his siblings thought he was a disgusting monster to find out he is gay in this type of society would worsen their relationship. In this society being gay might as well be saying i am disgusting trash. Thier was a couple a few years ago who said they were gay....the next day they had a kunai to the throat. the police say it was sucide,i know better then that. no one else questioned it. they all hated gays they all think it was disgusting. i got up and rested garras head gently down. I p,aced a seal on him to make sure the shukaku wont get out. ghe reson why it wasnt was because i scare him. its kinda funny a tailed beast scared of a small little 13 year old orphan who had the worst grades, was suffuring from malnutrition, and was beaten by villagers ever single god damn day, and the boy cant even see out of one of his eyes. i know its halarious right! I went to the bathroom and took off my genjutsu and stared at my disgusting face. not an inch was unscared, my hair was hardly bright yellow but a wish washed yellow with grey hairs. one eye was missing after the Haruno's stabbed my eye another villager was surprised I had my eye still and gouged it out. my eyes don't look like it has lived it looks lifeless. I got into the shower and when I came out I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out to get changed. garra was on the coach he was awake "na....naruto what happened to your face....your whole body....your eye!"

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