Untitled Part 36

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It's been two days since Gato attempted to attack Naruto and his companions. The bridge is partially done since naruto summoned enough clones to fill the village ten times. Naruto has taken all the money to give the village not saving even a penny for himself. They named the bridge the great naruto bridge.
Naruto pov
We are walking to the village so far everyone but sai has been avoiding me. Which is understandable I did go on a murder spree. Of course I will probably have hell to pay when we get to the village but it will all be worth it because the chunin exam is coming and my little panda is going to be here. I walked in and while we walked to the hokage office I received multiple glares from the villagers.
After kakashi Gabe's mission report and everyone went home I started to run home. But there at my door was the Haruno family. With our dear Sakura-Chan in front "hi demon I told you that you would pay for it" she kicked me in my stomach it didn't hurt she was week. Mr.haruno grabbed my shirt collar "I thought I told you demon to be my lovely daughters servant not to scare her and hurt her. They started beating me senseless after a good four hours they walked away leaving a battered bleeding naruto.
He got up cleaned his injuries with his first aid updated the gen jutsu and went to his mindscape.
"Yo Kurama you awake"
"Kit I am now you ok?"
"yeah just some bruises"
"I'm sorry kit if I didn't kill your parents or fight so hard to get out your life might of been better"
"Lazy old fox stop apologizing life is life it can't be helped."
Someone was waking me up I opened my eyes and I saw sai "Naruto-san We are all hanging out I told them I would get you." I sighed and got up I was a bit sore but it was fine.
Sakura and Sasuke were both standing a few feet away. Sasuke was being a duck ass and Sakura was being her normal usual self. When she saw us she sneered and said "I don't see why we had to invite the demon" I heard Kurama growl in my head but I ignored it "sorry but I have better ways to spend my time but someone told me I should come." She huffed a whatever and we started to choose a place to eat. They settled on BBQ I was against it because the owners didn't like me. On our way, we ran into konahanoru and his gang. "Naru-nii gramps said if I can beat you I can be the hokage!" I sighed "you can't beet me we established that last time now run home before you hurt yourself." Sakura scoffed "please I bet that kid could wipe the floor with you demon." Konohamaru growled "DONT CALL MY NII-SAN DEMON YOU UGLY USELESS BANSHEE!!!" Steam poured out of her ear "what did you say gaki!" She punched his head he reared up a bit but held back him and his gang started to run "KONOHAMURU GANG FALL BACK RUN FROM THE CRAZY BITCH!!!" She got more angry and started to chase the group. After a few second konohamuru ran into kankoru "you brat watch where you are going!" I recognized him as the kazekage's eldest son older brother of garra. "I would recommend you put him down garra-kun would be angry." He stammered a "wha-who-how do you know!" Garra then made his appearance sand surrounded kankuro "shut up kankuro your a disgrace to our village." Kankuro nodded out of fear dropping the kid hard on the floor. Naruto grinned and walked up to garra face to face. "Hey panda-Chan miss me." This made temari and kankuro wide eye the sand didn't attack him and he was being so friendly! Garra smirked which almost made his sibling faint "of course my little fox" if that wasn't enough garra stepped forward destroying the gap and kissing naruto a innocent one though.
Kankuro nearly diead temari was a statue. Their emotionless murderess little brother was showing emotion AND HAS A FRICKIN BOYFRIEND!!!

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