I think next chapter you will hate me

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Sai and Lee watched some more fights in silence till it was finally Sai's turn. On the board, it said Sai vs Garra. They went into the arena Sai glaring daggers at Garra while Garra looked impassive. they stood there for a while before Garra sighed "why don't you surrender we both know you can never beat me." 

Sai didn't back down and instead unleashed a tremendous amount of KI and although it didn't hurt Garra all the civilians and more than half of the Ninjas were chocking. "I will never back down I will fight you till my last breath because you did something unforgivable...Naruto is in the hospital because of you!"

Garra looked confused, yes he did attack Naruto but not enough to do real damage to him and he should be up and running in a few seconds. "That's impossible I didn't hurt him that much and all his wounds should be healed in a matter of seconds?

Sai started to growl "he was hurt yes the physical attacks did nothing but you broke him. He attempted suicide because of YOU!" Sai began to attack channeling his anger into his paintings creating Beast so powerful that even the Hokage would have trouble defeating. 

Garra froze ignoring as an army of ink beast all came charging toward him with the same anger as their creator. Garra couldn't believe it his little kitsune tried to kill himself and it was all his fault. 

Luckily the majority of the beast were dispelled by Garra's sand. Some escaped thru before the sand could reach him. But Garra was numb to the pain to focused and worried about his, no he was worried about Naruto. 

Sai didn't stop he could see the sadness regret and how worried he was in his eye's but Sai didn't care he created more and more beast till there was over surrounding Garra. They each attack the sand and every one that was dispelled another 2 are able to reach Garra as his chakra was depleting.  

Finally, Garra snapped out of it and his sand started to swirl up and dispelled each and every beast around him. "I surrender." this shocked everyone since Garra had just dispelled all the beast and now he is surrendering. 

He walked away from the arena, his eye's dead muttering on how stupid he was to hurt Naruto. Sai still pissed jumped to the side, when he got there he punched the wall creating a huge crater. "next time he won't get away that easily."

Shino, Lee, Negi, and Shikamaru slipped away from their spots and went over to Sai. "what a drag are we still leaving after the chunnin exam."

 Sai sighed "we will leave the day Naruto wake's up since he is our leader and we couldn't leave him behind."

they all nodded and left going back to their teams. they weren't surprised Naruto had tried to leave because he was alway's the one who went through the most pain and they wouldn't blame him for wanting to leave this god damn village. 

Shino's fight

"ah I got the worse opponent I got Mr.bugboy."

instead of reacting to the insult Shino immediately Attacked having Dermestes beetle that can eat human flesh swarm around his opponent as he desperately tries to run and screams in agony. They are small so some were killed by being stepped on but what they lack for in size they make up in numbers. When they left the body all that was left was his skeleton and clothing.

The viewers were frozen in shock and fear. 

(your welcome for the nightmare this might bring you :D)

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(your welcome for the nightmare this might bring you :D)

Neji vs Hinata (kinda the same except Hinata gives up quicker)

Shikamaru(also the same)

(all the rest are the same except Kiba who had fainted after Shino)

In the end, the Hokage announced that Naruto will automatically pass as there is an odd number.

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