Happy reminds you that your single day

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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping in the sky...yeah that was a lie. I woke up after hearing "I CANT BELIEVE NARUTO BAKA IS KEEPING ME AND MY PRECIOUS SASUKE-KUN WAITING!!" I jumped down from my spot to see everyone there "I was here the whole time, in fact, I arrived before you" she screamed that I was lying and I was just trying to look cool. I just sighed and started to walk out "come on you don't want to walk at night do you?" I put earplugs in as I started to write in my notebook
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess with lounge beautiful black hair pale skin and soft skin. What could ever be wrong with such a beautiful woman? It was her soul her heart was darker than her hair. No one knew this though around others she was a kind young women who have recently been engaged to a wealthy man. To the baker, she is the women would always come on a Saturday and always gave him a tip. To her mother and father, she was a fragile girl who was their pride and joy. To her fiance, she was a kind women who supposedly didn't marry him for his wealth. But to her younger sister she was cruel and since the little sister was young the women would try to make everyone hate the poor girl for who wouldn't believe a king, fragile girl. And who would believe an ugly messy haired albino? The little sister was born an albino and even her parents were disgusted with her. The little sister lived in her elder sisters shadow and was hated by all even her family. But little did they realize they would regret calling her a disgrace for her happily ever after would lead to their graves.
I smiled this seemed like a good book to add to his collection. Naruto always loved to read and write he especially loved tragedies and horror. All of a sudden Kakashi's head was next to my face "whatcha doing" because of my reflexes I accidentally punched him in the face. He stumbled back a bit before regaining his valence "WTF NARUTO ARE YOU TRYING TA KILL MA" I glared at before putting my notebook away to read a book called the cage (awesome book) it's about this other world but as of that moment something called the holocaust is happening and the main character Riva life is pretty shitty maybe as shitty as mine.
I ignored everyone til we got attacked long story short I slit one of their thoughts and tied the other one up and when poisoned I was already immune. Oh yeah, and I promised to protect the old man cause why not. When we got on the boat Sakura took out my earplugs (remember he is wearing them) and in a sickly fake sweet voice asked"excuse me demon but we are going to play truth or dare and Kakashi made me ask you." I scoffed but agreed to play.
"ok ill go first Sasuke truth or dare"-Sakura
"do you love me?!?"-sakura
"ok my turn dope truth or dare"-Sasuke
"I dare you to tell us why you changed so much the day after graduation."
I smiled and cryptically said "we do not change we just become more fully of what we are ." after that, it was silly questions like what's your favorite color who is your favorite Hokage and for dares, it was stuff like I dare you to tell me blah blah blah. It was pretty boring and Sakura kept calling me demon monster and Kyuubi. But one question bothered me "hey what's everyone worse memory!" by your number one most hated banshee. Sakura growled and looked away "I don't have to explain it to you bitch" Kakashi looked up trying to not cry"I rather not say." She with a stupid brat face "I think mines would be that day of the Kyuubi festival I had a cute dress but because I and my mom bumped into the demon I got fox blood all over it !" everyone just stared at her while my little bit of sanity broke "OH THAT'S SO SAD I REMEMBER THAT DAY TOO BITCH THE DAY YOU AND YOUR FUCKING MOM STABBED MY EYE POURED RUBBING ALCOHOL ON MY FUCKING FACE AND FUCKING TORTURED ME FOR SIX GAD DAMN HOURS SO YEAH YOUR DRESS BEING RUINED IS SO FUCKING SAD!" By the time I was done I tears were streaming down my face
"oh who cares you deserved it your a demon and you were fine the next day your face healed." this made me laugh this god damn bitch thought it was fine to have a five-year-old go through hell as long as he healed "news flash sakura there is something called gen jutsu. " with that I jumped if the boat an used my chakra to run ahaed"
Third pov
After Naruto left it was deadly silent for a few seconds till tazuna interrupted "did....did he really go through all that" Kakashi looked away in guilt "yeah and worse almost everyday." Sakura mumbled "serves the demon right I hope we never see him again or he gets killed by somehing" kakashi, tanzuna, and even the boat driver was about to bitch slap the fucking banshee. But someone beat them to it someone who made it hurt ten times more because of who he was...the girls own crush sasuke. He had the look of disgust "and you wonder why I hate you don't go running your mouth about someone who has dealt more pain in his life then you ever will."

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