Luaus 🌺 & Slow Dances 💃🏻

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Annies Pov
"Annie?" Yelled A Voice, i turned to my left and It was Dylan. I quickly got up from where me and Hayden were currently sitting in the hallway. I ran into Dylans Arms. "SISTER!" He yelled. "TO A MISTER!" I yelled. He put me down. "ARE YOU READY TO GO ON THE BOAT THEN GO TO THE LUAU?!" He yelled. "YES!" I yelled back. We talked about what we were doing today. Me and Dylan got really close, within the time we were in Hawaii.
"And We're here!" Yelled Dylan. We quickly climbed out of the car. We arrived at the boats. We all waiting at the boat where the sign has said "ROCK YOUR HAIR." I was standing with Jayden. "Im so excited!" She yelled. "Me too!" I said. "You know, people say romantic things happen on boats." Said Jayden. "I've never heard anyone say that." I said chuckling. "I know but i just wanted to say that." Jayden said and winked. "What do you mean?" I said. "You and Hayden! You guys should date!" She said. "Huh." I said. "Dont you like him? Cause it's obvious he likes you." Jayden said. "We dont like each other! We're just best friends." I said, then laughed. "Mhm." Jayden said. I gotta admit yes, i do have some feelings for Hayden, but i dont see us getting together.
We were now on the boat, and i was looking down at the water with Jayden. "This is beautiful!" I yelled. "Hey Bestieeeeeee!" Hayden said. We hugged. "Awwe love birds! Ill get going." Said Jayden. I rolled my eyes. "We're not in love or birds. Chill." I said Laughing, then Hayden joined in. "Hey LeBlancy" he said. "Summerall." I said. We laughed. He handed me a fishing rod. I was trying my hardest to fish but i was having a hard time. "Need help there bestie?" Hayden said Chuckling. "Dont laughhhh at me Summerall!! But yes pweaseeeee!" I said laughing. He stood behind me, and his hand went on top of mine, "now throw the rod in, then if you feel something heavy, reel it in." He said. He had his hand on top of mine the whole time, i actually started to blush. "I THINK I CAUGHT SOMETHING!" I yelled. "REEL IT IN!" He yelled jumping up and down. I did, and it was a flip flop. I looked at Hayden, and we bursted out laughing. "Yeah that's something." Hayden said laughing really hard. I pouted. "Awww its okay wittle baby, better luck next time." He said, then laughed again. I pretended to fake cry. "Awwwe come here wittle LeBlancy." He said putting him arms out for a hug. I smiled, and pretended i was going to hug him but instead i took off running. "OKAY SO ITS LIKE THAT LEBLANC ! OH ITS ON!" I heard him yell. Then i turned and seen him running after me. We kept running in a circle because we were on the boat. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" I said running. "I WILL!" He yelled back. I turned back again, and he was taking a break. So i decided to hide. I hid behind Dylan. As i stayed behind Dylan, i felt to arms wrap around me, but i couldn't see who, i turned around and i saw hayden. The biggest smile appeared on my face. "Got ya LeBlancy! Now give me my hug!" He said. I went in for the hug but he picked me up and started running around the boat. "Summerall put me dowwwwwn!" I said laughing and holding on. "Nope, i don't play about my hugs LeBlancy!" He said and kept on running. After 3 minutes he put me down, and we couldn't stop laughing. "Alright hug it out best friend." He said holding out his arms. So i went in for the hug. "I SHIP I SHIP I SHIP!" Yelled Caleb running past us. We released from our hug, and we looked at each other and smiled.
We were off the boat now, and at the Luau. "Lets go grab a bite to eat." Hayden said. So we went up to the table and we grabbed some food, we returned back to the table, and he pulled out a chair for me to sit. I looked at him, and i smiled. How did i get so lucky with a great friend like Hayden?
We were finished eating, and we went live, most of the comments were "hannie" but me and Hayden just said we were friends, or we ignored them, but it got out of hand so we decided to end the live. I was now sitting at the table, and a slow song came on. I was sitting next to Mr.Jimmy, watching all of the dancers. As i was watching someone tapped me on the shoulder, I quickly turned back. It was Hayden, he held out his hand. "Will you dance with me?" He asked. "Of course." I said, smiling. I grabbed his hand and we went to the dance floor. As we were dancing i felt him staring at me, and i started to get red, and i started to blush. "Whaaaat!" I said chuckling. "Im just admiring how beautiful you are." He said. I looked at him and i smiled, then i put my head on his shoulder and we continued slow dancing.
We were on our back to their hotel. In A week, it will be our last day because we gotta leave so i can start recording my cover, so we have to make the best of Hawaii now.. I was sitting next to Hayden, and i was drifting off to sleep. I felt him cover me with his sweater. I felt happy. Happier than i can ever be.
I woke up and we were at their hotel. I decided to walk Jayden and Lexi in. "Ill see you guys tomorrow! Love you!" I said. We hugged and i was walking away from their door. "LEBLANC!" I heard someone yell from a distance. I turned and Hayden was running to me. "Goodnight LeBlanc! I love you!" He said. "Goodnight Summerall, i love you too!" I said Back. And we stared at each other for awhile, then i held out my arms. We hugged for awhile. Then we released, and he kissed my forehead. "See You tomorrow."  He said, and he was blushing, and so was i. I smiled really big, and i walked out. I had butterflies in my stomach.
"ABOUT TIME!" Caleb yelled. I closed the door, laughed and rolled my eyes. I sat in the way back with Katie. "Look at your Instagram post." Katie said. I looked and Hayden hacked my Instagram.

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