sleepover with kenzie? 🤔

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Annies Pov
I ran after him. "Annie!" I heard my mom yell, but i kept going. I found him sitting on a bench with his earphones in, crying. "Hayden?" I said. He looked up, i sat down next to him. I wiped his tears. "Annie." He said. "No Hayden,
Listen." I said. "All ears." He said. "Hayden, im happier with you." I said. "We are best friends, we cant let this happen." I said. "Annie, face it, we weren't meant to be, not even as best friends." He said. "Hayden. That's not true." I said. "Then explain why something always comes in the way when we're happy.." he said. I was silent. "Exactly." He said. "As much as i care for you, we have to respect your mom's decision. When the time is right, we will be lead right back to each other. I hope. I love you until the sun dies LeBlancy." He said. "I love you more than you'll ever know." I said. "ANNIE! LETS GO NOW!" Mommy yelled. I took Haydens Hand. "Everything will fall in to place." I said, and let it go, then i walked to my mom.
We were now home. "Go to your room!" Mommy said. I didn't even care if i had to stay in there anyway. It's where i wanted to be right now. I ran up to my room, and shut the door. I decided to face time Kenzie. "Bff!" She screamed. "Hey." I said. "She still isn't letting you speak to him, huh?" She asked. "No. I think she heard me and Hayden's conversation. She started yelling at me." I said. "Don't worry. Hannie will always find its way back to each other." She said with a laugh. "I guess your right." I said. "So Jenzie?" I questioned. "We're just friends." She said. "Not for long." I said with a smirk. She started to laugh. We facetimed for most of the night, and we eventually fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. It was a FaceTime call. From Brennan? I answered it. "Hey there old best friend." I let out a little laugh. "How are you?" I asked. "Im good, how about you missy?" He asked. "Im fine." I said. "Hows the whole Hayden thing going?" He asked. "It's just stupid." I said. "Want to know what else is stupid?" He said with a slight chuckle. "Hmmmmmmm I don't know." I said. "That i have to wake up at 3am to make it to the airport because im going to LA!" He said. "WAIT WHAAAAT!" I screamed. "Haha yeah, Katie, is in Utah for camp, and Your mom invited my mom to go to your house, I don't know what for, but yeah." He said. It was for Ms.Jills Birthday we were having a surprise party for her. "So Katie isn't coming?" I said with a sad tone. "NO BUT I AM WHICH MAKES IT BETTER!" He said, and chuckled. "Oh." I said. "You don't wanna see meeeee best friend?" He said. "I do i do." I said with a chuckle. "Haha good, isnt it 10am there? Go eat breakfast kiddo." He said. "Okay, see you tomorrow! Love you Brenny!" I said. "Love you too." He said, and i ended the call, and went downstairs for breakfast, with a huge smile on face.
"Can't wait for Brennan to fly in tonight!" Caleb Yelled Running out of his room. "You mean tomorrow?" I asked, very confused. "Oop." He said. "I mean yeah! My bad!!" Caleb said, walking away really face. "CALEB LOGAN, IT WAS A SURPRISE!" Yelled mommy. "IM SORRY IM SORRY!" He yelled. I got happy inside. I couldn't wait to see him.
"Annie just pick one!" Yelled Caleb. "I don't know which theme!" I yelled. We are at Target picking out the decorations for Mrs.Jill's party. "Just choose that one!" He said, picking out the island themed decorations. (im an islander soo if i mention decorations that ur not familiar with, thats why😂) "okay!" I said. Then we went on picking out the photobooth things. Then we headed to party city to get lei's, kukui nuts, and the grass skirts. "ready kiddos?" Asked mommy. "Yes!" We cheered.
"Can Kenzie Sleep over tonight?" I asked mommy. "Yes." She said. I quickly ran up to my room , and called her. "Hey Bff, want to sleepover tonight?" I asked. "YES PLEASE!" She yelled. "Get ready! Ill see if my dad take me to pick you up." I said. We hung up, and i ran down to find daddy. "DADDY CAN WE GO PICK UP KENZIE PLEASE!" I yelled. "Chill Banannie!" He said with a laugh. "SO THATS A YES? OK THANKS ILL GO GET MY SHOES." I yelled and ran to go get it. Then i ran back down, and daddy was in the car. I hopped in on the passenger side.
"Hurry, go get her." Daddy said. I ran up to her door, and i pushed the doorbell. Maddie opened the door. "MADS!" I yelled. "ANNS!" She yelled, and we hugged. "Kenzie is upstairs, i think." She said. I nodded and ran to her room. i heard her talking to herself, so I decided to barge into her room, and yell "HAHA WHY ARE YOU TALK-" but then, I quickly stopped, I noticed her and Hayden were laying in her bed together with their hands intertwined. (hahah  dont worry, they're young so they weren't doing nun) "oh. i guess i interrupted something." i said. "NO ANNIE I WAS THE ONE WHO MA-" said Hayden. "Hayden. Save it. We weren't meant to be." I said. I ran down the stairs, and i heard Kenzie yelling to Hayden saying, "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING SHE WAS THE ONLY FRIEND I HAD LEFT HAYDEN. SHE WAS MY EVERYTHING. YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER CAME OVER. I WISH IVE NEVER MET YOU. JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE HURT AND COULDNT SEE ANNIE ANYMORE DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN COME OVER AND DO THIS. YOU CAME HERE ONLY TO TALK ABOUT THE SITUATION. NOT TO HOLD HANDS WITH ME, HOW DID I NOT.... NOTICE. UGH GET OUT! DONT YOU EVER COME BACK." the yelling faded, as i got closer to the front door, and took off.

A/N some of you guys requested drama 😊 soo here you goo. & please dont come at me saying, "kenzie is always the bad guy." Because thats not true❤️ btw yall i love Kenzie, this is for entertainment purposes only, okay? 💙 and thank you so much for 30k reads, and 200+ followers. who knew 2 months would take me this far?💜i love all of you so much, and im blessed to have you guys. 💛💛💛
- M 💕

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