Airport GoodByes 👋🏻

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Annies Pov
I woke up the next morning, it was 9am. I was in Haydens arms. I tried to shake him awake. "We leave Hawaii soon, get up and get ready." I said. He slowly got up. Today is our last morning in Hawaii. Our plane leaves at one. It's sad. This has been the best trip ever. My mom and dad don't know about me and Hayden, but i want them to know soon. I want to be honest with my parents.
"Whos packed and ready?!" Asked Carson. "ALL OF US!" We shouted. We then started to take our bags to the van. "I don't understand why Jade came. She knew we were leaving the next day." Said Kenzie. "I wonder why too Actually." Said Caleb. Kenzie and I looked at each other, but we both know the reason why she came. It was because of Hayden. Hayden Summerall, my boy friend. "Come on! We gotta get going!" Yelled Dylan. We all grabbed our things, and walked out to the van.
We were now on the plane, i got to sit with Hayden. "San Diego, for a few hours, then we separate." Hayden said sadly. "I know. Im gonna miss you." I said. "Lets make the best of this ride." He said. "Agreed." I said.
"Just pick either one." Hayden said pointing to the screen. "Noo you." I said. "Princess pick oneeeee!" He said. We kept going back and forth on who was picking the movie. "Dogs purpose it is then." I said. "Finee." He said complained. "Don't be a wittle baby." I said and nudged him. He playfully rolled his eyes. Then i played the movie. He put his arm around me, and we started to watch. *after movie* I was now bawling my eyes out. "Aw who's the wittle baby now?" He said and chuckled. "shutup" i said. "You know LeBlancy, you cant stay mad at your Summerall for long." He said. I turned my head away from him. "I know you're blushing." He said. "Whaaaateveeer." I said. Then he started to tickle me. "Stooooop stooooop!" I said in between laughs. "Okay okay." He said and put his arm around me. Then he kissed my forehead. "I Caught that on camera!" Whispered Brec. "Don't post!" I whispered loudly. "We didn't tell the fans yet." Hayden said. "Awe okay, well ill save it for when you do." Brec said chuckling. I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Wake up princess!" Hayden said. I lifted my head up, and realized we landed. "I got your bags." Hayden said. "Thank you!" I said. He smiled. After he grabbed our bags we made our way out of the plane. "I didn't want this flight to end." I said. "Me too." Hayden said putting his arm around me. "Dont worry LeBlancy, we'll see each other soon." Hayden said. "Im just going to miss you so much." I said. "Dont worry we'll face time and text everyday." He said. "Say bye kids!" Said Mommy. I was about to hug Kenzie. "Wait let me get the camera!" Mommy said. "Alright now." She said. Me and Kenzie went far apart and ran to each other and hugged. "ILL MISS YOU BEST FRIEND FOREVER!" I yelled. We hugged for a long time. We finally released. She started to tear up. "Its crazy how close you can get to someone in a matter of days." Said Kenzie. "Awe best friend!" I said and i started to tear up. We hugged one more time. "Bye Lexi." I said. we hugged, then i made my way to everyone then to Hayden, the last person i was saying bye to. "WAIT I NEED TO VLOG THIS!" Yelled Dylan and Paige. "Bye Summerall." I said. "Bye LeBlancy." He said. Then we immediately hugged. For like 5 minutes. "I love you more than you'll ever know Summerall." I said. "I love you until the sun dies LeBlancy." He said. Then we released. "IM CRYING!" Yelled Kenzie. Then we heard a laugh. We turned and It was Jade. "Bye Jade!" I said nicely and smiled. She just rolled her eyes. "Its okay, ignore it." Hayden whispered. "Eeww enough of Hannie. LET BAYDEN SAY GOODBYE!" Yelled Daddy. Everyone laughed. They hugged, then daddy playfully kissed him on the cheek. "Hannie Is Better daddy." I said. "Never." He said. We basically were there fighting over Hayden. "This is too cute and i hate to break it up, but we have to go." Mommy said closing the Camera. I actually cried. "Face time me on the plane princess." Said Hayden. I nodded and we walked off to our gate. Well.. bye San Diego. It was a fun 30 minutes.  Ugh. I miss Hayden. Already.
I was in a seat, and sitting next to Paige. We were taking off. My phone was vibrating and I checked it. It was an incoming facetime call from "Hayden🤴🏻💟" I quickly answered it. "Princess!" He yelled. "Shhhhhh!" I laughed. I had put on my ear phones because he was being loud. "Are you almost to LA?" I asked. "Yes!" He said. "Its a long plane ride to Maryland." I said and frowned. "Awh, i know. Take a nap, and stay on the call, ill stay on too,
Ill be right here when you wake up princess." He said and smiled. Awe. He's so sweet I thought. "Okay." I said, and put my phone on where it wouldn't fall. And I drifted off to sleep.
"Annie, we're back!" Said Paige waking me up. I looked out the window and grabbed my Louis Vuitton backpack. The one i bought with Hayden. I then grabbed my phone, and it shows we been face timing for 05:32:04. I was shocked. "Hayden?" I said. "Im here princess." He said and unpaused the camera. "How was your sleep?" He asked. "Good." I said and smiled. "I miss you already!" He said. "Same here." I said. We kept talking until i got to baggage claim. I was looking at the luggages that were coming in to see if mine was coming. As i was looking, i was still on face time with Hayden. I grabbed one of my suitcases, and waited for our other ones. While i was waiting from Unknown. I read it.

Unknown - awe i spy with my little eye Julianna looking for her luggages with Caleb and facetiming Hayden. Watch your back. Im watching you LEBLANCY😘

I got scared. "Uh...uh Hayden. I gotta go, Bye." I said about to tear up.

FaceTime Call Ended

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