Bowling Alley 🎳

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Annies Pov

"Again? Tonight?" Kenzie questioned as she closed my door. "Well yes." I said. "well you're going to climb out the window again?" she asked. "Yeah, cause if you open the front door, it says "front door opened", so yeah." I chuckled. "Well, where are you guys going to meet?" Kenzie asked me. "Bowling alley? I mean it's 24hrs." I said thinking about many places.

"Eat up kids!" Said Mommy, as she was finishing up putting out our food. I was sitting next to Kenzie, and Hayley. "i love baked potatoes." Caleb said with a smile, as he shoved his food down his throat. "Woaaah calm down." Kenzie laughed. "I cant, I cant!" Caleb said with his mouth full of food. "Yuck, close your mouth." Hayley said. Kenzie and I looked at each other, and bursted out laughing.

"goodnight, we love you guys!" Mommy and daddy said closing my door. "love you too." Kenzie and I both said. I got up and locked the door. "are you sure you want to do this tonight?" kenzie asked. "yes, i can climb out the window again, and you stay awake until i get back." I told Kenzie. "I have a bad feeling about this Annie." She said looking down. "Itll be alright Kenzie." I said with a slight smile.

"give me your phone." kenzie told me. We exchanged phones, and i was getting ready to climb out of the window. "Annie! Are you sure?" Kenzie asked. "Yes." I said and hugged her. "I love you Anns." She said. "I love you too." I said.

I reached the ground, and texted Hayden off of her phone, he said he was waiting in front of my neighbors house. So I quickly ran there. As soon as i reached next door, i saw him and ran into his arms. Then he finally put me down. "You're one crazy girl you know that?" He laughed. "I know." I said.

"AND THATS WHY THIRD STRIKE!" I practically screamed. "im still better than you." Hayden said laughing. "You wish." I said. We laughed, and finished up our game.

"Pizza, or wings?" Hayden asked. "Pizza." I said. He nodded and went to order our food. I sat in one of the booths, just on instagram. After a while Hayden came back. "I got a cheese pizza." He said. "Ooo my favorite." I smiled. With that, we were talking about everything, and life just in general, as we were talking, i got interrupted with Kenzies phone going off a few times. It was Kenzie, texting me off my phone.

"your parents are looking for you."

"annie, im scared."

"i told you this wasn't a good idea."

"they're worried sick annie! they're pounding on your door."

"best friend, please come home."

"they came to ask you about something and they're worried because im not opening the door."

"I answered what they asked, but they want to come in."

"I stayed quiet, now they're worried."

"I don't know what to do."

"Annie... your dad is literally about to break down this door."

"The pounding is getting louder and louder."

"annie come home, please. they're worried sick, and so am i."

i read.

A/N eh boutta end this book, it's really boring now, and people don't seem into it anymore so, this might be the last chapter, idk.
- M 💜

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