Only For Work Purposes 😕

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Annies Pov
"Someone Named Mia, they live in Maryland." He said. My jaw dropped. How could it be her? We were very close. "Her last name? Age?" Asked Daddy. "14." He said, and told us her last name. "What does she do, like whats her hobby?!" Asked Caleb. The officer was looking at his papers, "gymnastics" he said. That's when I Knew it was the Mia i was very close to. I cried into Calebs chest. "That was Annies Close friend." Daddy said. "We will have the Maryland police have her fly here, once she gets in, we'll take her into questioning. Oh and Annie, we purchased your new phone, and it's already activated, pick it up on your way out." He said. Caleb and I Walked Out. "Thank you officer for everything." I said. He hugged me. "I don't want anyone to get hurt." He said.
The car ride home was really silent. I just kept thinking about why would my good friend do this, well, we're not friends anymore. Did she like Hayden? She never met him before. Why was she doing this to me? What did i ever do to her? I questioned myself. "Anns, come on, we're home." Said Caleb as he opened my door. I got out, and Caleb and I walked into his room, Hayley followed us. "How are you feelings Ans?" Hayley asked holding her teddy bear. "Good, im happy everything is over." I said. "ANNIE!" I heard mommy yell. I looked at Caleb. "You're not in trouble, goooo." He said. I ran to mommy and daddy's room. "Yes?" I said Jumping on the bed and laughing."Anns?" Mommy asked. "Yes mommy?" I asked. "You are going back to your shows & singing again right?" I said. "Of course!" I said with a smile. "Good thing I didn't let them know you were quitting! You go to the studio tomorrow." Mommy said. "Okay!" I cheered. "But Annie." Mommy said. "Yes?" I said. "You can't be involved with Hayden in the more than friends way. You're only allowed to see him when you guys are collabing, or if they ask us to go places with him. You are not allowed to post any pictures with him, only from work purposes only." she said. My smile turned into a frown. "are you crazy?" I questioned her. "No Annie. I am not. I don't want anything to happen to you again, you don't need anymore threats. No texting him, no calling or FaceTiming." She said. "I would go through anything just for Hayden." I said, and ran to my room.
Haydens Pov
"Dad that's unfair!" I yelled. "I don't agree, with Mrs.Katies decision but we have to accept it Hayden. I mean she is kind of right though, Annie doesn't need anymore threats." My dad said. "It's all my fault." I said, as i sat down and realized that im the cause of the threats. "Im so stupid!" I yelled. "Son. Don't think that." My dad said. "If i was never here, none of this would have happened!" I yelled, and ran off.
Annies Pov
"Annie, can i come in?" Asked Caleb. I opened the door, and Hayley and Him came in and shut the door. They both sat down next to me. "What happened?" They both asked. "Im only allowed to talk to Hayden, when we are working or if we're invited to an event." I said. "Mom and Dad are crazy." Said Hayley. "I agree. But Annie, parents know what's best for their children, i doubt mom wants you stop being around him all time, but she knows its for the best. I know you don't like this arrangement , but you're going to have to get used to it. Hayley and I are going to be here every step of the way." He said. "We'll always be here!" Hayley said. For such a young age, Hayley knows how to make me feel better. Im grateful for her.
It was 9'oclock. Caleb, Hayley, and I entered my room, We all laid down on my bed. I wasn't really in the mood because off that happened today. "Hey Anns?" Caleb said. "Yes Bubba?" I asked. "I'm sorry about everything that has happened." He said. "None of it is your fault bubba. Thank you for being here for me always! I love you so much." I said. "I love you too! Go to sleep though! You have a big day tomorrow." He said smiling. "Aren't you coming with me Mister?" I asked. "Oh right!" He said, and started to fake snore, i started to laugh. "I wish you could come Hayley!" I said. I was actually pretty sad, having Both Caleb and Hayley with me while I'm recording or on set of something, it makes me happy. "Me too." I said. "But you go have fun with your dance friends tomorrow ." I said. Hayley smiled, and turned off the light, we all dozed off to sleep.
"Annie Bear! Annie Bear! Wake up!" Said Hayley shaking me. "5 more minutes." I said. "Sissy! You have a big day today!!" She said. I opened one eye. "There's oatmeal with all of your favorite fruit on it waiting for youuuu downstairs!" She said, with a giggle. I shot of out of bed, took my phone and ran downstairs. "Theres my Anns!" Mommy said handing me the camera. I sat down and opened the camera. "GoodMorning guys! Today, I'm recording in the studio today with Rock You Hair. I have some new music and projects coming out soon, you guys are going to love it! Me and Hay-" i said but looked at mommy, she was mouthing, "no!" To me. That's just when i Shut off the camera. "Annie...." mommy said. "Mommy please don't, i dont wanna hear "you cant be involved with him, or talk about him , only if it's for work." So please, let's not go there." I said. She just nodded. I didn't have the appetite to eat anymore. "Annie! Stop playing with you food." She said. "Im finished." I said dumping my oatmeal in the trash. I can hear My moms voice saying "caleb get ready!" But it was fading when i walked into my room. It breaks my heart because I can't hang out or communicate with my best friend.
"And we're here." Caleb said. I got out of the car slowly. "Remember what I said Annie." Mommy said. I just looked at her. "It'll be fine, im here for you Anns." Said Caleb, a slight smile appeared across my face. I walked into our studio room. I saw Hayden on the little couch. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I looked at him. "Hey Annie!" Said Rush, as he came to hug me. "Hey Uncle Rush." I said with a fake smile. Hayden looked at us, and quickly looked away. I released. "AUNT BROOKIE!" I yelled, and hugged her super tight. We finally released. "Okay come on, we gotta record." Said Nicole. "Waiiiiit, Hayden and Annie, can you run to the snack room, and grab snacks for everyone?" Brooke Looked at Me and Winked. I smiled. Caleb looked at me and smiled. "Sure." Hayden said and got up. We left the room. "Hayden look im so sorry." I said. "It's whatever Annie. It's my fault. If I've never became part of Rock Your Hair, and met you, you would be fine." He said. "Hayden... stop." I said. "No Annie, im telling the truth." He said. "Hayden! Look we'll work this out. You can't give up!" I said. He just looked at me. "None of this is our fault, it's Mia's." I said. "You're right." He said. "There's days where our parents won't be around us when we're filming or recording, so we can hang out, and we won't have to hide." I said. "True." He said. "But Annie..." he said. "Yeah?" I questioned. "what if it doesn't work out between us?" He said. "Then our friendship wasn't meant to be." I said, then i looked down.

A/N you guyssss im really missing caleb :( but yall wish my ibf @elenasrandomfanfics a happy birthday 💜! btw i need more ibfs so if you want to be one of my Internet best friends lmk 😂 dont worry , im not a creep lol 😂
- M 💕

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