Arguing 👊🏽

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Annies Pov
"CARSON WHY ARE THEY HOLDING HANDS?!" I screamed. "Annie, calm down it's okay." He said. "CARSON! NOTHING IS OKAY! MY BEST DITCHED ME! OKAY YOU KNOW THAT IS THE WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD? AND NOW TO SEE HIM HOLDING HANDS WITH KENZIE? KNOWING YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HANG OUT WITH THEM BUT THEY LEFT YOU TO GO BY THEMSELVES! IT SUCKS CARSON! IT REALLY SUCKS." I yelled, then I bursted out  crying. "ANNIE?" I heard Caleb yell. "I heard everything, come here little sister." Caleb said pulling me into him for a hug. "Lets go inside." He said. We went in the hotel. We were the only ones in the room. "That's it Annie, i have to beat him up! See i knew I would never like him!" Yelled Caleb. "Caleb, no please." I said still crying. "He hurt you more than two times Annie." Said Caleb pacing around the room back and fourth. "No. Please give Hayden another chance. I mean, you never know, Kenzie could've took his hand and held it. Maybe she made the move and not him." I said. "But Annie, he ditched you." Said Caleb. "I like him Caleb. The feelings are so real. They really are." I said. "Annie?" Said a voice. I turned and it was, Paige. (Adding her in). "PAIGE!" I yelled. With that, all my tears were gone. "Tell me everything!" She said. "I'll see you In a little Anns. I still don't know what you see in him." Said Caleb. "Don't do anything to him.. please Caleb." I begged. "No promises." And with That, Caleb walked out. "Annie, it's okay, things will get better, and if they don't... well that's impossible because im here!" She said. We jumped up and down. "Now lets go have some fun and forget about these boys." she said. We grabbed our phones, and out the door we went.
"1...2...3!" I screamed and we ran to into the water. "I love the beach!" I screamed. "Yeah so do we!" Yelled another voice, i turned and it was Hayden and Kenzie. My smile went away. "Hayden it's best if you stay away!" Yelled Caleb running towards us. "BUBBA PLEASE NO!" I said. Caleb stopped right in front of Hayden and Kenzie. "My sister could've been enjoying her trip. But no. You had to ruin it didn't you Hayden? Why did you have to come. And especially you Kenzie. Why did you come?! ALL YOU DID WAS COME BETWEEN THE BEST FRIENDSHIP OUT THERE!" Yelled Caleb. "OKAY AND? DONT BASH AT KENZIE! I DONT KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Yelled Hayden. "HES MY BROTHER! and look Kenzie, i really hope we can be friends in the future or hopefully on this trip. And Hayden, i think we're really better off not being friends." I said and my eyes got watery. I started to walk out of the water, but Hayden grabbed my arm." Annie. Don't do this." He said. "Hayden. We'll talk later. Hopefully." I said. "ANNIE I LOVE YOU PLEASE STOP AND LISTEN." Hayden yelled louder. "Hayden I.."

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