ignoring annie 🔇

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people say we shouldn't be together, too young to know about forever, i say they don't know what they're talk talk, talking about.. because this love is only getting strong, so i dont want to wait any longer.


they don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the, i love you's.

(these lyrics make me depressed bc it relates to #matrick) 💀💀

Annies Pov

"hey guys." hayden kind of stuttered as we walked up to the crew. i seen caleb look at hayden and i's hands still locked, so i let go. "well look who decided to step up, and take care of his problems." kenzie said sipping her drink. "kenzie.." I said. "it's the truth annie! admit it." she laughed. "why would you take him back so easily?" brennan said. "we're not dating." i said. "yeah, but you to-, actually, let me not." brennan said shaking his head. "say it." i pleaded. "you wouldn't even listen anyway." brennan said. "im listening right now." i crossed my arms. "you should've gave your guys is friendship, or whatever you want to call it, a break. you took him back to soon." brennan shook his head again. "so what are you trying to say?" i took a seat. "annie, what hes trying to say is,  you shouldn't have took him back so easily because now he can get the idea, that he can keep hurting you, knowing whatever he did, you'd still take him back, so easily." caleb pleaded. "true, he's supposed to win your heart back, and show you, that he wont hurt you again, and he's supposed to know, that if he keeps messing up, he wont get you back so easily, and he needs to work on not doing whatever he did wrong to you. and he needs to know, you can leave his life for good. basically, what my point is, he's supposed to learn from his mistakes  and step up." Caden said. "i-" i got cut off by hayden. "i should go. bye annie." he said.

we arrived at my house, and i hugged kenzie goodbye. caleb, brennan, and i walked into my house. "hey kids! how was it?" she asked. "great!" i cheered. "yaaaaa it was guuuuuhraaaate " brennan laughed. "true true." caleb said. we laughed. "that's good. im glad you guys had fun, hay hay and ryan are asleep, and you guys should brush your teeth and head on to bed." mommy said shutting off the lights. "okay." we said, and all headed off upstairs.

i finished brushing my teeth, so i changed into some pajamas. after that, i put my hair in a ponytail, and laid on my bed.

*knock knock* "you can come in."

it was my mom. she walked in. "good night banannie! love you." she smiled.
"i love you too mommy." i smiled back. she walked out and shut my door.

it was currently 1 am, and I couldn't sleep. all i could think about was the things everyone was saying at red robin.

were they right?

did i take him back too easily?

should we even be friends at this point?

i kept thinking and thinking about everything, i just didn't know what to do, so i decided to go to sleep, and wait for what tomorrow brings.

i woke up to Ryan screaming in my face. ah. the little brother i never had.

i turned the other way so he can stop screaming so loudly, but then he jumped on the bed.

i turned back the other way, then he was screaming in my ear. just great. i put my pillow over my head, and tried to go back to sleep.

instead of sleeping peacefully, i ended up on the floor because he pushed me off. "WHY DO YOU WANT ME UP!" i yelled. "because i love you annie banannie and because you have to eat, you have to go to rock your hair today." he said. i just jokingly rolled my eyes. "i love you too.." I chuckled. "AND I FORGOT!" i said getting off the floor. he laughed as he ran down stairs. "ugh boys." i mumbled as i went off to brush my teeth.

i ran downstairs to find the boys lounging on the couch, and ryan and hayley playing their little board game. i decided to make my self a nutella sandwich, and milk to drink.

i went to the couch and sat next to brennan. "good morning." i said. "good morning anns." caleb said. brennan just looked at me. "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." i mumbled. "just shutup." brennan rolled his eyes. "if you couldn't tell, i was joking bren bren." i laughed. "well i wasnt." He said, and blasted his music in his earphones. "What's up with him?" i asked caleb. "if i knew, I'd let you know." caleb returned to his game. i sighed, and finished up my breakfast.

i was done cleaning up my dishes, and my mess, so i walked upstairs. i was kind or worried because brennan wasn't talking to me, and I didn't do anything wrong. well at least I think i didnt.

i had to clean my room because things were everywhere. i was cleaning my desk, and i came across the purple rubber band. I didn't put it back on because im unsure of where me and hayden stand. i kept looking at the rubber band, and was having flashbacks of all of our memories. i felt like i was going to cry, i but i knew I couldn't.

a/n im really sorry for not updating in 4 days well 5. ive had EXTREME writes block, and my aunt just passed away the day i last updated. i tried to update after that, but couldn't, so much has been going on. please forgive meeee for not updating. my aunts funeral is this weekend, and on monday marks four years since my dad has passed, so ill probably be busy and sad all day. ive been really depressed and sad this pass week because of my dads 4 years, and aunties passing, its not easy to deal with, but i will continue to celebrate life for them💜 please bare with me for the next few days, while I continue to grieve for them, and remember them. losing people really close to you, is never easy. i hope you understand..
- m

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