Chapter 14

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I splashed water on my face to keep my temperature down. It's just hot out here. That's all there is to it.

I really needed to pull myself together.

I could see Itachi was in the same spot from my peripheral vision. I was too embarrassed to look over at him after he caught me looking at him the first time.

I walked back to shore and Kisame rose up from the ground. "That was a refreshing nap. I couldn't get a wink of sleep with all that noise last night,"

"What noise?" I asked.

"I'm surprised you didn't hear it," Kisame laughed unhumorously. "One of our members wouldn't stop shouting about random things and Hidan kept telling him to shut up. It was an endless cycle until another member put a stop to that,"

"Well, in that case, I'm glad I slept through that," I replied. "Sounds annoying,"

Kisame gave me a look as if he was saying "oh, you have no idea."

"You know, I wonder about that guy though. He's a grown man and will act like an actual child," He said.

"Maybe he's just a happy-go-lucky guy," I shrugged.

Kisame shrugged with me. "Maybe,"

Itachi stood up and I was still too embarrassed to look at him, so I played it off as if I was adjusting my clothes.

"It's time to go," He said.

"Are we done for today?" Kisame asked him.

"Yes," He replied. "Leader wants us to do one more task, but that can wait until after we bring Kasumi back to the village,"

I didn't say anything, but I really hoped that task had nothing to do with the Leaf Village. My mind then shifted to how my feelings were noticeably changing towards Itachi. Not in the "I'm in love with him" way, but as if I could trust him.

Kisame broke me out of my thoughts by nudging my elbow and I looked at him with confusion.

"We're heading back to the base now," He aid.

I nodded and followed them back.

My mind kept shifting between different thoughts for this entire walk. I kept thinking about how I missed home, but then I also kept thinking about the confusion with Itachi. I also kept thinking about how I'm feeling a bit conflicted since now I know he didn't actually kill Shisui.

I looked up at him, seeing that he still had that unexpressive look on his face, as usual. The breeze moved his hair and I could feel the heat starting to rise to my cheeks again.

Suddenly, I tripped and stumbled forward. Itachi and Kisame turned to see what happened and I stood there, feeling mortified. The heat on my face was even worse now because of the embarrassment.

"You good?" Kisame asks.

I nodded quickly. "I'm fine!"

Stupid me. What did I even trip on?

I turned to look and saw a stick. A freaking stick. Nice going Kasumi.

I let out a breath and mentally smacked myself. I needed to get it together. He's just Itachi, nothing special. Nothing to get worked up over.

I spent at least an hour overthinking, sneaking glances at him, and then scolding myself.

When I was averting my gaze, I realized Kisame saw this. I looked over at him and he was looking at me with an eyebrow quirked. He looked confused and I quickly looked away, feeling embarrassment wash over me again.

God damnit.

Itachi's voice broke the tension I felt. "We're almost to the base. We're going to have to take the back entrance, so we can avoid running into the others,"

"I don't trust Hidan all that much, but I think you should go tell him to help her inside. It might seem suspicious if we don't take the front entrance," Kisame advised.

Itachi agreed with him and continued leading the way back.

I was glad Kisame didn't care enough to say anything about my embarrassing moments.

We finally reached the base and Itachi told me to wait in a specific spot and told me how Hidan would come out here to walk me in.

Kisame waited outside with me and Itachi went in to get Hidan. Itachi walked back outside, with Hidan behind him. Then he motioned for Kisame to come with him and they went around to go through the front.

Hidan was shirtless and had a bunch of blood all over him. And oddly enough, it didn't look...unattractive.

Hidan gave me a cocky grin. "I know I'm good looking, but you don't need to stare,"

I rolled my eyes at him and he led me back inside. I walked inside Itachi's room and Hidan followed me in, which I did not expect.

So, are you into Itachi, or what?" He asked bluntly.

"W-What kind of question is that?" I replied, off guard.

"He's protective over you, so that must mean something is going on," Hidan asked again, with a smirk.

I don't even understand why he's asking. It doesn't seem like he genuinely cares, it seems like he was just being nosy.


"Hidan, you can leave now,"

We both turned our heads and Itachi was standing at the door, with an unexpressive face as usual. I didn't even hear him come in.

Hidan looked back at him and walked out of the room. Itachi is the hardest person to read, but I could feel a hint of annoyance radiating off of him.

Itachi locked the door behind him and walked closer to me. My heart suddenly started racing.

"I need to talk to you about something,"

My stomach was now doing twists.


"About you returning back to the Leaf Village,"

Oh, right. That. I don't know what I got so nervous about, but my heartbeat started to calm down.

"When am I going to be able to go back?"

"This upcoming Saturday. We need to figure out a cover story though, so no one suspects that you were held hostage or staying with someone,"

Saturday. That was only six days away.

Six days and I can return home.

"I can't think of anything right now, but I know I can come up with something in the meantime." I said.

"Alright. I will leave you to rest."

With that, he left the room.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now