FeeyahSaysSo-why do?

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If it isn't directed at you...hush!

If it is, than wear the shoe!

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If you're afraid to say it,just say I did!:O


Why is it that females insist on being in a fairy tale relationship,when all guys want is the happy ending?

Mostly anyways...

Fellas: seem to hate in dependant women. Why? In need of feeling like a Macho Macho man!

Well welcome to the YMCA.

You may come and... Go.


Laughing out loud. I crack myself up.

See ladies who handle their own shit intimidate you. You want to play the role of our grandfathers.

The men who made the bacon and ate it as well!

See the sufferance with them and you is : 1- they didn't get caught in any unnecessary B.S. 2:- the woman was responsible for a few things. Being - baring children,cooking,cleaning and making "Mr." Feel good ;-) 3- they as a couple knew and allowed each others to play their roles..... With that being said I'm sure you get the picture.

My great grandmother is 97 years of age. A very wise lady I tell you. If she couldn't read or write. My loving "papa" would have been her eyes and pencil. Never judging her at all and vice versa.

If my "papa" had a lady friend my grandmother would have never cursed him, nor his lady friend. She simply would have gotten him where it would hurt most.

No,no,no! Not the no sex game. Hell the knew their purpose was to repopulate. ( how many great aunts and uncle do/did you have? My grandparents had twenty children.)

Dear old granny would have poured a little extra Jack Daniels in her gravy sauce that pleases his tongue so well.

Once Pops fell asleep she'd run his wallet.

This isn't considered stealing. Married folks share everything:-) . However that lady friend of his was something like a jet eye mind trick. Granny's new penny loafers would be just the same.

Having Pop wonder if he made a mistake or his lady friend played him.

Our grandparents were slick asses.

Ladies: if you have a male best friend check your situation. Almost half of the time that male best friend of your is just another guy. Who has gotten stuck in the "friend zone". I'm not saying it's not possible for a male and female to be "besties". .... is it?

How much of the time does hormones take over?

I'm a lesbian as you all should know by now.

I do have a best man in my life,however he is gay (happy) as hell!

If he was a woman-he'd be ME!

If I was a male species-I'd be him!


Yeah right. I love him to death but he is more of a woman than I am.

Way to much for me!

And if you were paying attention you would have noticed that I said If he was a woman he'd be me.

I'm so to much.

Right now at least.

To my bff-I love you darling!

Most girls settle for less instead of investing in the "me time"

Afraid that love won't come.

Love hurts only in a good way.

A person that loves you will never hurt you because it will hurt them more to see you hurting!

That's for both male and female.

Know it, believe it and expect it.

Love has no limits.

To the guy that said "put out of a man will stop conversing with you."

If he ain't got time,he won't have mines. Say it with me ladies. One,two,three and go. B-)

Don't complain nor be ashamed.

I think waiting til marriage is stupid. Don't quote me on that. L.o.l.

See I look at it like this. Sex is more than half of a relationship. If I dated you for a year without having the knowledge of knowing if you could satisfy me. It's a waste of our time. Intimacy is the best part of a relationship. Yes, a relationship is more than sex but what is it worth if you can't have fun. -Girls just want to have fun!

You are not a whore if you fuck on the fifth date. Hey it's an investment. A big one knowing him determines the future of your relations.

Just know yourself first and of course get tested if you feel it may lead to sex.

My body is my temple and my "cat" is a golden Persian .

Not anyone can afford it nor are they worthy. Remember that and that's about all I can tell you for now....

Peace. Think about it. Comment,vote,fan.

I love you back ten times more.

Quotes and thoughts: from myself and othersWhere stories live. Discover now