Person thoughts today ( graphic, adult content)

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I am woke and I can't sleep. Screams, utters, shouts! Sickle cell is draining. I endure sleepless nights, ongoing headaches, body pain that I can't describe.

However, I am not sad about it. I am laughing trying figure out how I'm going to attack Mrs.SCD. I want to fight back harder.

I don't want to kill Mrs. SCD(sickle cell) she is a huge part of me and has made me who I am, I just want to control Her actions.

Possibly smack her a few times for showing up uninvited. Lol.;-) I may be young but not naïve. I believe that life is worth everything.

The pain even.( being uncomfortable, not being able to eat, shooting pains that come from nowhere, telling my spouse that I'm OK just so she can sleep.

I go into another room in my house to cry, turning pale, looking in the mirror and my eyes are completely yellow...

You get the picture and I'm not complaining just explaining! ( I embrace the not so good things and for a few moments I become numb... still uncomfortable but I can breathe knowing I am still here.

For me, life is, a hourglass felt with seconds counting down, painful energy wasted or enjoyed in the comfort of a companion, if you are lucky.

For me, that's not all you get from this world but what you can put into it. Some people settle for things because for them. They feel it's by far the best they can get.

Others just don't have a choice but to deal the cards they're dealt. Me I'm doing either. I know this isn't-' the best I can be.

I'm sick and tire of being sick and tired. Ready for this hard ass time to pass. That's why change is in affect. I am not settling because of the progress.

I know there has got to be more to life than a temporary high to satisfy the lows and blows that are thrown on my yellow brick road.

I am off to see the wizard! Ready for something magical to happen and even if its only in my head!

I will keep an open mind! Ready to rock with my head held above water, even if I can't swim. This may sound dumb to you but what will it be worth if you (I) don't try?

And what will it be worth if I fell and didn't try again? That is a risk I am not will to take. My life has just begun. Ready, set, imagination....

Take me to a place I want to go some day, take me on a trip so I can visit Hollywood. ...I believe in angels, harps music, violins and thunders and lightning.

I believe in dreams and failure. The devil and sins. I believe we all as human beings come to a breaking point, just as well as we climb to the top with strength and courage...

Either way I believe everyone needs to be rescued even if it's just sometimes for a second. My belief system may be just a tad bit different from yours.

:-\ Because of the things we were taught. How we were raised and even the tiniest things that effect us. I am a true believer in God.


I believe God has a plan for each individual, but I am not the type of person to blame my issues on God. The most merciful , the most forgiving, the all knowing God writes the script. I just play a role!

Knowing that, allows me to believe in being in love and not just a slight comfort between people. I believe in "being in love" with my partner, my child, the earth, other beings, not just humans. ( told ya that I was weird =-O .) J/k

I believe in loving animals and nature. I believe in last chance things. I'm at the final point where everything is as if I cant afford to miss anything because you never know when or what can happen.

I go in to my son's room some nights and just watch him sleep. He doesn't know that I kiss him on his head or cheeks as I just lay next to him waiting for time to past.

I whisper sweet words into existence right into those little ears." sweet drDeams, inshallah I will see you in the morning."

Wanting to wake him even though he aggravates me at times while he is woke. I can't resist the thought of making him laugh, waiting for his reaction to:-) @ my jokes and reading to him as I take part in becoming a fictional character, from one of the books on his shelf.

It's :-) worth so much. Amen, for the little things. Life is more than spending endless hours in the gym, chasing girls, spending money I don't have, getting lace front wigs to try and keep up with fashion....

Sitting in a nail salon to attach three inch nails to my finger tips and eating veggies( I'm not trying to put anyone down... Do what works for you.)

It just bothers me when folks do these things to seek approval from others. The thing that gets people through is believing things will get better.

I hope to be a bigger part of the world by my words and actions. It is not about basing my everyday existence on An internal fictitious word of wisdom in the world of dead souls, self proclaimed philosophers, fashionettes, dietitians, thugs, self proclaimed "O.G's".

Original gangsters don't send people to do things they wouldn't do themselves! They aren't afraid to cry and not too proud to beg.( this a entire new post.)

Too good shoes, know it all's, up tights and saints. My life is not about living somebody else's dreams and beliefs but my own. Every second of each seconds counts.

It if was a joke would you be laughing? I'm not uptight just a little too serious when it comes to life . I blame it on my condition!

Isn't that uptight? Laughing out loud! What I'm saying is that Life has so much more than barely pursuing the normal visions of our society.

I am and will continue to be a good person in my own way. Dressed in decor to stand out apart from the crowd, nah just my smile. :-) .

Silly fools ;-) ,don't get the wrong idea or impression. I will be clothed but addressing you (the world) with smiles.

My journey is not about chasing wild dreams to be superior over others. It's more about imagery, long walks through the city parks to view the serene, to be drowned in my own peaceful thoughts.

It's more about feeling the wind hit my face, as I travel the road in my car down the highway. Life is about love, passion, freedom and will.

I will only walk this earth once, I might as well make the most of it. You should do the same!

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