ish that I hate

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We all get annoyed. ... okay maybe I allow things that shouldn't bother me bother me! I'm human,duh. Bet you didn't know that! Just joking but let's get to it.

Now this is number one not only because it starts with the letter A but hell these things annoyed me.

Three A's - Abuse, Addiction, and Adultery!

Abuse comes in many forms as we all know and I hate them all. Verbal abuse causes mental stress! Yeah you the big bully are you keeping up? Mental stress causes emotional breakdowns and when that happens a person is likely to become physical! It's all a big chain reaction. ... So parents teach your children to treat people how they want to be treated and remember just because you have a child doesn't mean you own them!

Hell yes you are responsible for them until they reach the legal age to provide for themselves but you gotta remember that bullying ish is serious and little do you think that it starts with you.

Every act has a reaction and children feed off the people closes to them US as parents!

Abuse leads to depression which puts me at addiction-

Now a days doing anything tool much is consider a addiction but I'm talking about real addictions. The ones that come from being abused or depressed. Most people turn to things that alter their moods to get relief from their daily struggles. Things like gambling, drugs, alcohol, any many more substances despite adverse consequences. Individuals that get high are more likely to engage in risky behaviours. They deny being an addict and they feel complete by these mind bending "uppers". I hate it!

You may not care but I do! I see great people ruin their lives behind cocaine and other shit. It really bothers me to see their hungry for these drugs. Now true indeed the ones I have seen get clean because they weren't taking care of business and they realised the high was temporary but their soul and family was forever. It is them that give me hope.

Here are tips to reconging if someone you love may be on drugs:

How to Recognize Addiction in a Loved One By Brian F. Shaw, PhD, Paul Ritvo, PhD, and Jane Irvine, D.Phil


Part of the Addiction and Recovery For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Addiction and Recovery For Dummies Cheat Sheet

If you suspect that a loved one is dealing with an addiction or behaving in self-destructive addictive behavior, look at this list of questions, which signal an addiction, and answer yes or no. Does your loved


one . . .

How to Recognize

Turn up late for functions or dates?

Addiction in Yourself

No longer follow-through on his/her commitments?

Have more trouble with illness than usual?

Have more problems at work than usual?

Appear to be withdrawing from intimate contacts?

Have unexplained absences from or inconsistencies in his/her usual schedule?

Appear to have a new set of friends who he/she is highly involved with but who you don't get to meet?

Have major financial fluctuations (like carrying more or considerably less money than usual)?

Have lapses of concentration or memory?

Stay up later at night and sleep in more during the day?

Have more trouble than usual getting it together in the morning?

Appear surprisingly secretive about specific aspects of his/her life?

While this checklist cannot diagnose an addiction in a loved one, the more "yes" answers you produce, the greater the chances are that your loved one is suffering from an addiction.


Please seek help or help someone else receive it!

Picture this: Newark,New Jersey 2012

I was walking down the street and I stopped because something didn't feel quite right . Sure enough to my surprise a little girl was behind me( looking like one of bay bay's kids) its not funny I'm just telling it like it is..... Anyways the little girl approached me asking if I would buy her something to eat. I believe even if you hate a person, you shouldn't turn down food! It's just how nana raised me! I took her into the store and she brought pretty much everything. I knew she wasn't just being a kid. You know just eating because it was there! This continued for a few weeks. I never saw her parents so I asked her where they were. She appeared as if she was afraid to be punished. No matter how much I reassured her everything was going to be fine. It didn't work. I thought I was helping by feeding her but not really because one day I woke up and the little girl wasn't outside. There had been a fire with no survives. I then found out that her mother was one of the local crackheads. She is still alive. That pisses me off because I seen her more than her daughter. Bitch would be in the store while I was. She'd purchase condoms and glass roses. those were for her to sniff sniff!

She never noticed that her ha bit was the reason she lost her child and she still doesn't acknowledge it! I prayed for her but I believe she doesn't want help because in her heart she knows she lost the only thing that truly mattered in this world-her baby!

May god have mercy on her soul.

Helping mama means saving our future!

Last but not least--


philandery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than the lawful spouse.

Why get married only to have affairs?

Pologamy is a option so be honest with yourself and others instead of fucking every Sarah, Lisa and Tom....

Yep, I said it. More than half of these so called straight. Are homos! Take no offense. I am a full blown lesbian ;-) . But it's this kind of shit that gives the LGBT community a bad rep.

And it's just nasty! If I were straight and my hubby was fucking another man. I would probably kill him and the first thought would be " how many diseases do I have?" Adultery is a crime punishable by divorce ;-) . I say hit'em where they will feel it most. Them pockets! HIV and Aids aren't a joke. Deadly disease from a couple nights of pleasure isn't worth it! No one is perfect but please do think before you act!

If your boo ain't putting it down like he/she used to. Guide 'em. A little to the left, faster baby or can we try some role playing! It's worth a try for love. And your body remains a temple for two. You and your spouse!

Secondly I would be very irrational. My man isn't just a cheat but he sleeps with men.

I feel for those woman. Men don't use a woman as your cover up unless she knows. That ish is whack, really! Why because FeeyahSaysSo.

Woman cheat to now and y'all broods give good girls a bad name. Care enough to make a better place for you and me. Arrange to have one or two sex partners rather than get married and cheat! Leave the few good men for the last bit of great woman. They have feelings to you know!

All of yous remember God gives you daughters and sons...... and karma is carried throughout generations.

Quotes and thoughts: from myself and othersWhere stories live. Discover now