The Hospital (Marvin/Whizzer)

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My body felt heavy on the bed, my breathing was slow and labored. I glance over at Marvin, he is asleep in the chair next to me. I feel a smile come onto my face. He must have stayed the night even after I told him to go. I am actually so glad he stayed with me. This place is so grim and just seeing him here makes the room light up. I reach over and take his hand gently, he stirs sitting up a bit. The clock in the room read 8:30, we slept in later than usual. I poked Marvins face and laughed.
"Marvin." I called playfully. "Wake up." I laughed a bit and it came out weaker than I would have wanted. He opens his eyes and sits up quickly.
"Are you okay Whizzer? What's up?" He asks suddenly wide awake. I smile at him and play with the bed sheet.
"I'm fine Marvin, I was just being a jerk." He sighs and smiles back. Marvin runs his hand through my hair. "Plus the doctor will be in soon and I wanted to wake you before they came in." He nods.
"Alright." Almost on cue a knock sounded at the door.
"Come in." I chimed as the doctor walked in.
"Mr. Brown, we ran your last blood test and have some news." Marvin's hand fell into mine and held it tight. I focused on the doctor and his words. He was explaining how my body was loosing the fight. Starting a new sentence with You'll pass away. I sat my mind dancing over the words, Marvin's hand pressed onto mine. The doctor apologized for the bad news and wished me the best of luck, saying We'll do everything we can. With that he walked out, leaving us. Tears sprang into my eyes and I cried. I pulled my hand away from Mavins and held myself. I was in shock I knew I was. Marvin sat on the bed with me and hugged me. I just cried tears running down my cheeks as my mind tried to process everything. After a bit I stopped crying and wiped my face off with my hands. Marvin was looking at me sadly, his face stained with tears.
"Whizzer, I'm here for you okay? We can beat this together. Everything will be alright." I hugged Marvin and we sat there for a while, holding each other. I looked at him.
"I'm so sorry Marvin, if you don't want to stay here with me then don't...I don't want you to suffer too." I start tears welling up in my eyes again. He stops me from talking with a kiss.
"I'm staying here with you Whizzer. I'm staying with you until this is over." I nod and bury my head into his chest. I feel my breathing slow as I fall asleep. As the weeks dragged on I increasing got worse. Marvin stayed with me for every moment. We played chess and passed time with Dr. Charlotte and Cordelia.
"Marvin it's your move." I say coughing into a tissue. He looks at the chessboard.
"Let's see, I'll move there." He says moving a black pawn. I look at him and laugh causing another cough to sound.
"You just exposed your king." Marvin looked over the board again.
"No way." He muttered. I laughed again.
"Go home Marvin, you need some sleep. Go watch the t.v., drink some booze." He shakes his head and produces a stale laugh.
"I'm not leaving you Whizzer. Think of how terribly boring it'll be without me here." He says. I smile and shake my head.
"How noble of you Marvin, but seriously go home." I look at his face, he's so sad. He nods and stands up.
"Jason will be by to visit later okay?" I nod and wave bye to him. He smiles weakly and leaves the room.

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