Finally a happy part aka Whizzer is best wingman (Mendel x Trina) pt. 1

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I stood in the kitchen staring at the phone.
"Should I try calling him again?" I asked looking over at Whizzer who was making tea.
"Trina you just called him wait at least five minutes then call again." He chimes. Just as the sentence finishes the phone rings. I immediately grab it putting the phone to my ear.
"Hey Trina it's Mendel, I say you tried calling. Everything okay?" I smile.
"Yeah Mendel it's fine I was just wondering you were stopping by later." Whizzer looks at me and mouths put it on speaker! I hit the button and Mendel starts talking.
"Of course Trina." I feel my heart skip a beat. I cover the receiver.
"Do I invite him to dinner tonight?" I ask looking at Whizzer. He nods and laughs.
"Definitely you make a mean casserole!" He laughs and I wave at him to try to shut him up. I move my hand away.
"Why don't you come tonight and join my family for dinner. I'm making casserole." I laugh.
"Thank you for the invitation Trina. I'll be there at- what time did you say?"
"Uh uh...five I said five!" I laugh awkwardly and Whizzer sighs. Mendel chuckles on the line.
"Okay Trina I'll see you at five." With that hangs up and Whizzer turns to me.
"Alright let's get you ready for tonight."
"What about the pink sweater and the flower skirt." Whizzer shakes his head dramatically.
"Oh god no, when you wear that you look like my grandmother. I'm thinking the white skirt and blue sweater. Or maybe the purple top with the black that's too tacky..." he takes my hand and goes upstairs picking out an outfit. "Here this will look wonderful on you." He says with a smile before leaving the room. I thank him quickly and put it on getting my hair and makeup done. I can't wait for Mendel to come over. There's just one tiny problem. Marvin.

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