The Grave (Marvin)

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The place was quiet, his grave sat, the king resting upon it. I smiled a bit, he wouldn't have wanted me to be sad.
"Good morning Whizzer...I hope you're doing well today." I laugh a bit it's dry. "I brought you some flowers." I look at the bouquet of red roses in my hands. "I know how much you love roses so...because it is your birthday I...I brought you some..." I lay them over his grave. I smile a bit. "Oh I also wore cufflinks. You always tease me about wearing them so I finally did." Another laugh. I read the headstone again Whizzer Brown, loving husband. I put that on there, we were practically married and he would have tried to get us officially married if he could. "I'm sorry I didn't come during Hanukkah to visit you...I was so busy with Jason, you know? He misses you too. More than he will say. I hear him cry sometimes, especially today, it being your birthday..." I shake my head tears in my eyes. "But you know what we are having a party for you. To remember you, all of our friends are coming, Trina baked a cake..." I hear my voice break. I'm crying, months had passed since he had left me. But I still could barely get up in the morning knowing he wouldn't be sleeping next to me. I set the table for two every night. I would pour him a cup of tea every morning. The photographs of him seem to stare at me, they seem to move, to smile at me as if he's still there. Everything in our home reminded me of him. As if he never left. But then again he's not there...only the memory of him is. My tears fall harder and the wind picks up a bit. "I'll stay a little longer okay? I hate the thought of you being here all alone." I'm sitting now next to the grave looking at the sky. "What should I tell you...oh Jason won a chess tournament! He got a trophy and everything. You would've loved to see it. He was really something else." I start crying harder now and tell him about what's been going on. "I love you kid. I hope you know that I love you so much and I want you to be happy...I hope you are someplace better. I hope you are drinking tea and you aren't in any pain." I wipe my face and rest my hand on the grave. "I'll come visit soon, I swear I will." With that I stand pulling myself back to the car. I glance back and swear for a second that I see him standing there waving at me.

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