The Bar pt. 3

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"How do you feel knowing you're the 'other woman'?" Cordelia asked over her tea. I let out a small laugh.
"I told you the same thing he told me. They're divorced." She sighs and looks at me.
"Would it make a difference to you if they were still married?" I can feel her eyes tracing my face, looking for a honest reaction.
"No it wouldn't. I know he wouldn't lie to me and that's that." I drink some of my coffee. Cordelia groans and covers her face with her hands.
"Oh god Whizzer you're hopeless. Do you know how much trouble you could get in? What if she kills you or worse."
"Listen Marvin's Ex-Wife won't kill me. She doesn't even care she only comes to see Jason."
"Did she tell you that or did he?" I look at her and roll my eyes.
"Look it doesn't matter. They are divorced and I believe him." Cordelia drinks some of her tea. I look at the clock and start to stand. "Hey I'm sorry it I have to get going. I'm going to be late to work." I'm on my feet as she starts to object.
"Oh Whizzer come on we just got here." I shake my head and pick up my coat.
"I can't Cordelia, I'll see you later."
"Fine you ass! But you have to buy me dinner next time we hang out!" I yell an okay after me as I walk out. The air is cold and hits my face as I leave. I walk down the block to where I'm supposed to meet Marvin. A car pulls up next to me as I'm walking.
"What are you doing!" Someone yells at me and my head whips around. Marvin is sitting in the front seat trying hard not to laugh. "Oh Whizzer you should have seen your face. Hop in." I can feel my face flush.
"You're an ass Marvin! You scared the shit out of me!" He rolls his eyes. I walk around and get in the car crossing my arms. "I hate you sometimes." Marvin starts driving and groans.
"Why can't you just take a joke Whizzer." Marvin glances at the clock. "I have to be home at 5. Jason's getting back from his moms house." I look over at Marvin.
"I thought he already got dropped off. Isn't it your week?" Marvin half glances at me.
" you must have misunderstood me." He takes a turn into the woods following a winding road. I am quiet for a while thinking over everything Cordelia said.
"You aren't lying to me are you...?" I look at him and my voice sounds small. Marvin pulls the car over and looks at me.
"Of course not. Why would I lie to you Whizzer?" He leans over and kisses me. I feel my face grow hot and kiss him back. I break it after a few seconds and look at him.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I thought you'd lie." Marvin looks at me and smiles. But it's a strange smile it almost looks forced, there's something behind it I can't place. "Well we have an hour to kill."
"Why do you think I drove to the middle of nowhere?" I laugh and kiss him again.

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