Valentine (Whizzer/Marvin)

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I got up early in order to get everything ready to surprise Whizzer. It was ridiculously hard to get up without waking him. Considering when we sleep he holds me in a death grip. I looked down at the breakfast on the table, it didn't look half bad. The toast was a little burnt but only on the edges. As for the eggs and bacon they looked pretty good. The only hard thing would be to make Whizzers tea. The main reason for that being the fact that Whizzer hides his tea from me. Just because I drank all of it one time. But in hindsight the tea wasn't that important. No the gift was, you see I got him something really special and I'm not sure if he'll like it or not. I heard the bed creak a bit as Whizzer got up. He shuffled into the kitchen, his hair puffed up and flying in different directions.
"Good morning." He said with a yawn, looking at the breakfast on the table. "Did you make this?" I nodded feeling very proud of myself.
"I did because you said that I was a bad cook. So I decided to prove you wrong." He laughed and sat down.
"I didn't really mean it. But you did manage to burn pasta. And I don't even know how you did that." This time I laughed and he smiled at me giggling a bit.
"Oh shut up and just try the food will you." He sticks his tongue out at me.
"Okay jerk." He laughs taking a bite of the eggs. I look at him and he smiles. "I take it back you're not that bad of a cook." With a smile I sit next to him and start eating. After a bit I help Whizzer clean up from breakfast. "So." He starts "Do you want to see you Valentine's Day gift?" I look at him.
"Of course I do. Do you want to see yours?" He nods and goes into our room.
"Okay stay there and I'll be back." I smile and reach into my pocket. I feel nervousness rise in my chest as I touch the smooth surface of the ring box. I wanted to get him a ring to make our relationship official, to show him that I love him. Hopefully he likes it and doesn't think it's pointless...Whizzer walks back in the room holding a box. "Here you go." He hands it to me carefully and I open it. Inside there's a nice shirt and tie along with some chocolate. "This way when we go out you'll have something fancy to wear." He finishes with a laugh.
"Thank you Whizzer, I like it a lot. Now I have a gift for you. I hope you like it." With that I set my gift down and take a deep breath. Slowly my hand shaking a bit I take the small box out of my pocket and open it. "I know that we've been together for a while and it's not a super fancy ring...but I wanted to get it for you..." He looks at it for a long moment and tears up. "You don't like it do you?" He shakes his head and picks it up carefully, putting it on.
"No, Marvin I love it. I love it so much." He smiles and hugs me tight. I hug him back a warm smile creeping into my lips. "It's perfect, the only problem is now I have to get you one. That way people will know we're 'married'." I look at him taking in the joy on his face. His eyes say it all, he looks so happy. I stare at him for a long time as if it's the last time I'll ever see him.
"I love you Whizzer."
"I love you too Marvin, happy Valentine's Day."

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