Camping pt 1 (Mendel, Jason, Whizzer & Marvin)

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I stood the weight of my backpack almost making me tip over.
"Do you think your Mom could have given you more supplies?" Marvin mocked. I roll my eyes and punch his arm gently.
"Oh come on dad, I want this to be fun!"
"As fun as camping in the rain can be." Added Whizzer with a smile. "Now come on Jason, let's get a tent set up." I smile at Whizzer and we go through out backpacks. "If I let your father do this we wouldn't have a tent set up until next week." This causes me to laugh.
"Hey I heard that!" Yells Marvin. Whizzer just laughs him off and helps me get the tent ready. Mendel walks over to us and Marvin scoffs.
"Why in gods name are you wearing that?" I look over at Mendel who is wearing full on Boy Scout gear. Whizzer laughs and smiles at him.
"I think you look very prepared Mendel. Now could you help me get this tent set up please." I helped them both finish setting up the tent while Marvin got a fire started.
"Mendel, you think that I can get my camping badge right?" Mendel looks at me and puts his arm around my shoulders.
"Of course you can! I'll help you Jason."
"I can help to. Back in my days I was an Eagle Scout. Don't want to brag but I was pretty good." Whizzer laughs and brushes off his shoulders. Marvin rolls his eyes.
"We'll if you're that good Mr. Eagle Scout, mind helping me get this fire started." Mendel walks back towards our tent.
"How about we go catch some fish for tonight? Surprise your dad." I nod and we walk down by the stream.
"Could you at least pretend like you're having fun?" I ask looking at Marvin.
"Of yes I'm just thrilled to be out here in the woods with all the bugs and dirt." He retorts. "But oh yeah blame me for everything Whizzer. I'm only out here with the man who married my ex-wife, and hates me might I add." I roll my eyes.
"Marvin please just stick it out. Don't do it for me do it for your son. Please Marvin." I take his hands and look into his eyes. He breaks eyes contact with me and sighs.
"Okay Whizzer." I smile and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you Marvin." I let go of his hands as I hear someone coming up the path.
"Dad! Dad look at what Mendel and I caught!" Jason comes running at it holding a large bass in a net. "Mendel says we can cook it over the fire for dinner!" Jason is beaming his entire face lit up with excitement. Marvin smiles at him.
"That's amazing Jason. Tell you what I'll help you cook the fish." Jason smiles wider.
"Really?! Okay nice dad!" Mendel steps forward holding two fish.
"Here Jason ill help you clean it up so we can get it ready." I can feel the tension between Marvin and Mendel.
"I have thing to say! This is going to be one interesting camping trip!" They all look at me and I smile.

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