The Bar (Whizzer)

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I first laid eyes upon Marvin at a bar. I was sitting with a group of friends laughing and drinking. Marvin walked in the sound of the opening door causing me to look over. The calmness in his face almost made me blush. I tuned my friends out and just looked at him, everything about him was perfect. Don't Whizzer. He probably isn't interested in men. He made eye contact with me and I felt my face get hot before looking away.
"What's wrong Whizzer? You look like you've seen a ghost?" One of my friend's asks over his beer. I shake my head.
"Oh nothing I thought I recognized someone." I look nervously at my hands. "I'll be back I have to use the bathroom." With that I stand and walk down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside I take a deep breath and look at my blushing face in the mirror. "Oh god Whizzer what's wrong with you." I laugh. The bathroom door opens and he walks in.
"Do I know you?" He opens with and I turn to look at him. I cross my arms trying to look more relaxed.
"I don't think so." He smiles at me. "Do you come here a lot? I've never seem you before." As soon as the sentence leaves my mouth I cringe. He laughs and the sound is amazing. I feel my face flush.
"No I don't. My names Marvin by the way."
"I'm Whizzer." He smiles.
"Well Whizzer is a pleasure to meet you." My mind raced and in that instant I knew he had stolen my heart. We talked the rest of the night and I was very careful about being anything more than friendly. I didn't want him to get offended that I found him attractive. I'd been in that uncomfortable situation more than once. Most of the time it resulted in me getting beat up behind a bar, and obscenities being yelled at me. Marvin eventually got up and thanked me for talking with him before he left. I watched him go and my heart broke a little. One more person who will never love you...I sighed and drank that last of my beer before glancing down at my napkin. There's an address scribbled quickly on it. I go wide eyed and pick it up.
"When did he...?" My question dies on my lips and I clutch the napkin; my heart pounding wildly in my chest.

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