A Doctors Work

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I was just finished dinner when I heard the door open. Charlotte's quick steps walking right past me and into our room. "Charlotte?" I call out quietly, leaving whatever I'm cooking on the stove. "Charlotte are you okay? Bad day at work?" I stroll to the door way and linger there. Charlotte is rubbing her temple.
"I can't do it anymore." Concern fills my chest.
"Can't do what?" I feel tension and for a brief moment I think she's talking about me.
"I can't take care of Whizzer."
"Did something happen between you too?"
"No." She paused to put her thoughts together. "It's hard seeing him like that everyday. To go in treat him the best I can and say it's doing nothing." I see tears form in her usually calm eyes. I go to her and gently take her hand.
"You're doing the best you can..." I start before she cuts me off.
"That's just it! What if someone else can do better than me. And Whizzer is putting his faith in the wrong person." She sighs and wipes her eyes.
"You and I both know there's no one better to deal with this. All the other doctors would have just said he has the flu, or not even bothered to see him. You're the best chance he's got." Charlotte looks at me, her brown eyes pleading with me. "You have to keep going...for Whizzer. I love you Charlotte and I know that you can do this." I kissed her cheek and smiled at her. Charlotte mustered a smile back and out her arms around me.
"You always know what to say Cordelia...When I find a cure for whatever this thing is, and get in the news, I'll make sure to kiss you while my picture is being taken. Imagine that is kissing on the front page of time magazine. That'll show them. A lesbian discovered the cure and saves hundreds of thousands of lives. They won't be able to say anything then." I laugh as I see the usual determination fill her eyes.
"I can't wait for that."


Yeah Guess who's not dead!

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