Camping pt. 2 (You know the drill)

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The sun dipped below the tree line earlier than I had expected. Whizzer was out getting branches with Jason leaving only Mendel and I at camp. Neither of us spoke to each other which I was fine with, I wasn't particularly interested in what he had to say.  Mendel, of course, broke the silence with ahem. I glance over at him and he smiles awkwardly. 

"What?" I mutter glancing at the dying fire. Mendel stands up. 

"Listen, Marvin, I know you and I got off on the wrong foot but...I really think we should settle things. I don't want our feelings to get in the way of being there for Jason." I let out a small annoyed laugh. 

"Are you kidding me? The only thing that has gotten in the way of helping Jason is you. Everything was fine before you came along. You made Jason hate me I've seen it in his face." I turn to look at him. Mendel puts his hands up defensively. 

"Woah, Marvin I didn't do anything. Jason loves you you're his father! He couldn't hate you and if he does it's because you made him." He sighs heavily. "Listen he wanted you to come on this trip so badly, he wants to spend more time with you. I don't see a problem with that. You shouldn't either." I walk over to him. 

"He doesn't love me Mendel. I can see it in his face all I am is a disappointing Father. That's why he has you now, oh perfect Mendel is going to swoop in and save the day!" I throw my arms up and stare him down. 

"I didn't 'save the day' I just tried to help fix what you broke. I mean come on Marvin, cheating on your wife with your best friend? That's what ruined everything. Jason used to hate you for it that's true, but he's moved past it. And I think you should too. You're stuck in the past and it's not helping anything." Mendel turns and walks into the woods. I put my hand up to interject but no words come to my mind. He's right. You know he's right, you need to move on and start being there for Jason, instead of not trying. I shake my head a bit and run my hands through my hair. No, he...he hasn't forgotten he won't forgive me. He hates me. I hear laughter coming from the trees, a small yellow glow emanates from the trees. Jason walks into camp holding his flashlight, followed by Whizzer who is carrying a pile of branches and twigs. 

"Ta-da! We have returned bearing the gift of firewood!" Jason exclaims with a proud smile on his face. Whizzer sets it down and puts his hands on his hips. 

"We? What do you mean we, I'm the one who carried all the firewood." He says with a laugh. Jason crosses his arms. 

"That is true but I found it all." 

"Touche." With that Whizzer walks over to me. 'What's wrong?" He asks taking my hand gently. "You look upset. Wheres' Mendel?" I pull my hand away from his. 

"He went to take a leak. And I'm fine Whizzer, I just have a screaming headache." I can hear the irritation in my voice. Whizzer nods. 

"Oh, I'm sorry dad." Jason says looking at me. "I brought marshmallows maybe some smores will make you feel better." A smile runs across his cheeks and I nod slowly. 

"Yeah, Jason let's make some smores..." 


Mendel eventually comes back and thankfully goes along with my lie. We sit together on a fallen tree trunk. Whizzer is holding my hand gently and leaning on me. His breathing had found a rhythm and he was still. Mendel was looking at the fire before he yawned. 

"I'm going to bed." He whispers standing up. I nod at him and he goes into his tent. Jason is holding the bag of marshmallows and staring at the fire. I make sure Whizzer is asleep before I look at him. 

"Hey Jason, can we talk for a second?" He looks over at me and nods. 

"Of course dad. What is it?" I take a while to answer thinking about how I'm going to word this. 

"Well Jason, I wanted to ask if you were still mad at me. About what happened between me and your mom." Jason looks away as soon as I ask. My heart drops and I look at my feet. He hates me, I know he does. I shouldn't have said anything. God, I ruined everything I'm a horrible father I- 

"I'm not mad at you anymore dad...honestly I'm not. I know that what you did was wrong but I forgive you. Mom has moved on, and I like Whizzer he's funny." I look over at Jason who smiles at me faintly. "I wanted you to come on this trip with me because I want to spend more time with you..." I put my arm around his shoulders. 

"I'm glad you invited me Jason. Tell you what, when we get back home were going to do more stuff together. Maybe go to the museum? Or go see a play? You'd like that wouldn't you?" He nods. 

"I'd like that very much dad. I love you." He hugs me carefully trying not to wake Whizzer. 

"I love you too Jason." 

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