Cheating (Trina, Marvin)

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I covered my mouth and stood just beyond the doorway. I could hear every word that Marvin said to his 'friend' Whizzer, as they hugged and whispered to each other I felt my heart breaking. Part of me had known all along, the way they looked at each other gave it away. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I couldn't take it. Sobs flooded my throat and I cried. Marvin ran to the door and began knocking on it. Apologies springing out of his mouth. I can hear Whizzer pacing behind him.
"I should leave. I'm so sorry." Whizzer starts. Marvin hits the door again.
"You should leave. Get out of here." Whizzers rushed footsteps fade into the durance. I can't stop crying I'm so angry. "Trina, Trina I'm sorry. Nothing was happening Whizzer was just-"
"Shut up!" I scream at him. "I'm sick of you lying to me!" He stops talking and I hear him move his feet. "Leave me the hell alone!" He obliges and walks away from the door. I cry until I can't cry anymore. Then I open the door and walk out into the living room. Marvin is sitting on the couch and looks at me as I come out.
"Trina...I'm so sorry..." He starts and I cut him off.
"Don't talk to me. I've known about this for some time. I tried to convince myself that nothing was going on. Looks like I was right." Marvin looks at his feet. "I'm going to pick up your son from the Jewish center. When I get back I want you to get set up on the couch. Then you're going to have to figure out where your going to stay." With that I open the door and leave. My mind panicking at how I'm going to tell Jason.

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