The Bar pt. 2

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For all intensive purposes Whizzer is 25 in this little one shot. Marvin is 30 years old to keep it not creepy. Now I am basing these ages off of the musical bc Whizzer is described as an "attractive younger man". So I'm just going with a 5 year age gap to keep things simple. Phew now that that's over with I hope you enjoy this part.

I stood in front of the house clutching the napkin in my hand. A cold wind cut through my body trying to yank my scarf lose. This is a bad idea and you know it. I pulled my coat tighter around myself and sighed looking at his front door. What if he gave you the wrong address, and you walk in there like an idiot. I shake the thoughts away. Slowly I make my way up the concrete front stairs. I take a deep breath looking at the glossy wood door. I reach my hand up and knock lightly on the door. I don't hear anyone move beyond it so I knock again. Nothing. I turn around starting back down the stairs. Then the door suddenly opens with a loud creak.
"Who are you?" A small voice asks. I turn back looking at the boy before me. He is wearing a pair of glasses far too large for his face and his front tooth is missing. He looks maybe 7 or 8.
"Oh hi there, my names Whizzer and I think I have the wrong address." I let out an awkward laugh. "I'm sorry I'll get going." The boy tilts his head.
"Who's at the door Jason?" I hear someone call.
"I don't know dad! They look confused!" Jason calls back into the house. Within moments Marvin is standing in the doorway next to Jason. He looks at my face and a smile falls over his.
"Whizzer, I didn't think you were going to pay me a visit. Come on in." He moves aside and holds Jason's hand. "Jason this is my friend Whizzer." I slowly make my way back up the stairs and walk inside. Be careful you don't know this guy. Oh god this is exactly how people get murdered. I hug my coat closer to me using it to calm myself more than warm myself. Marvin scoops Jason up causing him to giggle. "You wait here I'm going to put him to bed." I nod nervousness stinging my throat and tingling in my chest. What if he wanted you to come so he could kill you? Kill you for being you...I keep an eye on the door. Marvin comes back after a few minutes. "You could sit down if you want." He starts with a laugh.
"Is that your son?" I ask turning to him. I feel anger in my chest. Why didn't you tell me you had a son? I was about to ask him that before I remembered he didn't have to tell me. I didn't have a right to ask.
"Yeah that's my son Jason." The question leaves my lips before I can stop it.
"Do you have a wife?" He scratches the back of his neck nervously.
"Yes I do." I feel my face flush with embarrassment.
"I'm sorry. I think that we misunderstood eachother. I should get going I have some friends I'm meeting." I turn around walking towards the door and he grabs my arm gently.
"I don't think we did. Please Whizzer just sit and we can talk okay?" I look at him and nod.
"Fine. But only for a few minutes..."

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