Scarlett's POV
"You're going where?" I heard dad ask.
"It's only for a month. Trust me." I heard mom sigh.
"A month?!" Dad yelled.
"You're going to wake up the kids Lin! You were always traveling before! How is this different?!" Mom whisper yelled. I sat up in bed and heard them through the walls. Now I know why Amelie wanted to switch rooms... You could hear them arguing...
"It's different because our kids are a bit more older and a lot more work!" I heard him groan.
"Lin, literally one is practically an adult, and the other two are capable of feeding themselves sandwiches when need be. It literally isn't like when they were so young that you needed to do everything for them. Calm down." Mom sighed. "I'm going to Chicago to make my appearances, say hi to my parents and relatives, and then I'll be back." She said sternly.
"Okay, okay." Dad said, obviously defeated. I laughed a little since I knew mom was going to win. She always did. It was so funny.
"Mom, why can't I have it?" I heard Amelie whine when I walked into the dining room.
"Because that's way too expensive for a pair of shoes." Mom said in the same tone Amelie was giving. "I'm not paying that much for something you're just going to out grow in a few years." She said while flipping the pancakes.
"You're no fun." Amelie grumbled. She walked passed me and I opened the fridge to get some juice.
"How are rehearsals?" Mom asked.
"Good. We start showing in November. I'm just a little stage hand this go around. I'm debating on signing up for the talent show though. Dani and a few more friends want me to be in their group." I shrugged.
"What are they doing?" She asked.
"We're going to be playing our instruments. I wasn't completely informed on the matter... So I don't know." I shrugged.
"You should do it. It'll be fun since you guys aren't performing in the show this year." She smiled. I nodded and drank my juice. "And your father and I will come to support you."
"And me!" Alejandro smiled.
"Thanks guys." I laughed. I pulled out my phone and texted Dani a yes for me joining their group. I knew exactly what we were doing, but I was going to use it as a surprise for my parents. "The talent show is in December before holiday break, so it'll be fun." I smiled.
"We will be there." Mom pointed with the spatula and turned off the stove. I was excited, now I just needed to get into dad's music office to get some old sheet music...
"Good morning my beautiful children and wife!" Dad said loudly. "Where's Amelie?" He asked while kissing mom's head.
"Bedroom sulking. Mon won't buy her these new shoes." Alejandro said while reading his book. Mom put a plate in front of him and pulled the book away from him. "But!" He pouted.
"Eat." She pointed. He sighed and grabbed his fork. It was Saturday, but we liked to at least have one family breakfast a week.
"Scarlett is going to sign up for the school talent show this year with Dani and her friends." Mom said to dad.
"Wonderful! What are you guys doing?" He asked while getting his plate of pancakes.
"Um, something with instruments. Is it possible we could have some old Hamilton sheet music so we can at least practice together with it?" I asked.
"Of course. Your mom might know where it's at though..." He said while looking at her.
"I have no idea. I lost my script/score book after I was finished with it." Mom said while putting the bowl of scrambled eggs down on the table.
"I'll print off a new copy. Doesn't hurt to have one right?" Dad smiled. I nodded and got a few spoonful of eggs. "No pancakes?" He asked.
"Second plate will be pancakes." I smiled. Amelie came out of her room with mom behind her and she didn't look happy. "Someone looks so thrilled to be alive right now." I smirked. I felt a pinch in my arm and saw mom glare at me. I frowned and rubbed the spot where she pinched me. Cons of sitting next to mom at the table.
"You hush." She whispered.
"So, your mom is going to be gone all month of October." Dad started while cutting into his pancakes. "Things are going to be a bit different around here during that month. I still have to go back and forth into the city to oversee these musicals. So Scarlett, you're going to have to make sure everyone's chores are done." He pointed at me. I nodded and looked at mom.
"And please make sure Simba get's walked." Mom sighed. "I've been doing it while you are at rehearsals." She said while taking a bite of eggs. I nodded and looked at Amelie she was playing with her eggs and pancakes.
"And we all know it's going to be your cousins birthdays during that month too. So we will be going up to celebrate. Scarlett, no matter what your uncle says, do not take any beer from him." Dad pointed.
"Dad I know the drill with Uncle Hector." I laughed. Uncle Hector wasn't really our Uncle, but more of an honorary one. He would always say its beer but it wasn't. It was some weird drink mixture that looked like beer.
"No drinking period for Scarlett!" Mom said quickly. "You may be old enough in their eyes, but you're not twenty one yet." Mom scolded.
"I know! I know! Why aren't you guys getting onto them?! I had the 'our family is nuts' talk when I was their ages!" I said while pointing at Alejandro and Amelie.
"Al, Amelie, your father's side of the family is nuts." Mom laughed.
"Hey! Your family is weird too!" Dad pointed.
"Okay, your father's family isn't that weird. They just like to party with adult beverages. So don't take anything from them." Mom corrected.
"Now if there's an intense game of beer pong with Ricardo and Jack... Scarlett you're my eyes and arms." Dad pointed at me. "I'll drink all of them but you... You're lucky." He laughed. I looked at mom and she shook her head. She knew I was the responsible one here... Which was bad...
****A little bit of Lippa family fluff here. There are scattered references through the most recent chapters. If you have guessed references in the past chapters please PM me your ideas. Again, if you win, you will be able to submit an idea to be put into future chapters!****

Forever In Your Shadows
Fanfiction****Sequel to Say No To This. Third Installment to Wait For It**** Scarlett Elizabeth Miranda, Alejandro Lucas Miranda, and Amelie Rose Miranda are dealing with the pressures of being in the shadows of their parents. Scarlett has begun the challenge...