Pippa's POV
"What the hell is this?!" I yelled while holding up a little plastic bag. Amelie shrugged and looked away from me. "I know you know." I growled.
"It's nothing!" She yelled back.
"Just get to your room. I don't even want to look at you right now." I sighed while throwing the bag on the table. "Your father is going to talk to you when he gets home." I pointed.
"Whatever." She mumbled while walking passed me. I knew what it was. I wasn't stupid. My kid was smoking weed. Just great. Just wonderful!
"Knock, knock!" I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw Scarlett walking into the apartment. "I heard yelling from down the hall... What's up?" She asked.
"Amelie doing drugs. That's the second bag I've found this week." I groaned. "I didn't say anything about the first bag, but two?!" I frowned.
"Mom, chill. Are you sure it's not catnip?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow and saw her laugh. "Everyone used to trick the druggies in school with catnip just to make quick cash." She said while opening the baggie. I watched her take a little sniff and immediately close it back. "Nope... That's weed.." She coughed.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"I'm not stupid mom. I went to college." She laughed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. One kid was making it big, another was happy in a relationship and the last kid was getting high with god knows who and where.... Where did I mess up as a parent?! "So, besides all of this going down hill... What's new?" She asked.
"Your father is trying to get me to elope again." I laughed. "I just don't see myself getting married again just yet." I shrugged. She nodded and looked down at the table. "And you? When are you two going to tie the knot?" I asked.
"After we finish the show. I'm only planning on doing it for another year or so. Then probably take a bit of a break." She shrugged while looking at her ring. "Ignacio says that he might take a break too. Then go onto doing a third show. I'm still debating on what's next." She frowned.
"Live in the moment. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You know that your father and I will always take care of you if it came to anything horrendous." I said while placing my hand on hers. "And I think your father is dead set on paying for your wedding... His way of giving back to you." I shrugged.
"Dad has done way too much..." She smiled. I nodded in agreement to her remark and laughed.
"Just let him." I whispered.
I scrolled through social media, looking at all the photo tags of people who were coming to see our performances. There was one of Lin, Scarlett and I on stage looking towards the audience. I smiled and looked at the caption.
'I love how Scarlett is following her parents's footsteps and becoming a Broadway performer! She's so talented and deserves the best!'
I smiled at the fans giving her the credit she deserved. I clicked on the comments and saw a lot of people talking about how great a performer she was. I smiled until I saw some negative comments... Of course people shot them down immediately though..
'Scarlett is only getting these roles because of her parents. If she was really good, she would be on another show. Not one her parents created.'
I frowned and knew that if I hadn't intervened she would be on Great Comet... But I just had to be a worrisome parent... I sighed and got a text from Scarlett. I smiled at her name and read the message.
Scarlett: Mom, what do I do when I get calls to be on other shows? I'm a little confused on the process....
She was already getting calls?! I texted back immediately. She was going to need help quick.
Pippa: Well it depends on what show it is and how far in advance they want you to be in the show. Ask questions if you aren't sure. Broadway? Pre-Broadway? Off-Broadway? Etc. make sure you tell the director at least 3-6 months in advance if you're going to be leaving too.
I groaned at the amount of eye strain on the tiny text and knew I was going to have to see the eye doctor soon to up my prescription... I can't admit that I'm that old just yet...
Scarlett's POV
Ignacio and I sat on the couch relaxing before another show. Mom and dad didn't really have to show up anymore unless they were fixing the script. Which they were working on for a final cut for Broadway. I smiled at the thought of a Broadway debut being the same as my mother's. A musical that was written by my dad. I couldn't have wanted it any other way. My phone lit up once again with a foreign to me number. I frowned and answered it.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey, is this Scarlett?" The male's voice asked.
"Speaking." I stated.
"Good! Your dad did give me the right number." The man laughed. "Sorry, I worked with your father oh so many years ago. The name is Tommy." He introduced himself.. "I think you were a tiny toddler when we met.."
"I do remember you." I laughed. "How are you doing?" I asked with a smile.
"I'm doing great! Of course, you may have heard that they're in the works of reviving Hamilton again?" He asked.
"Yes. I have. I was so excited when I heard the news." I smiled. Ignacio frowned and looked at me.
"Have you ever thought of coming in and auditioning?" He asked.
"Oh gosh... for what?!" I gasped.
"Well, you could always play your mother's part." He laughed.
"No offense, but I'm kinda trying to stay away from my mother's shadow..." I laughed nervously. "Could I maybe audition for Peggy?" I laughed.
"That one you would need to change into Maria in the second act." He said blankly. "Are you okay with playing that character?" He asked. "A lot of people aren't.."
"I think I would do a good job with it." I smiled. "But I've already signed my contract for a year with Unnamed..." I frowned.
"It's going to take a bit for us to get back on our feet. But I will hold that position for you if you want to audition." He sounded happy for me... happy for himself!
"Of course! Do you need me to audition right away? Or does it need to wait?" I asked.
"Whenever you have a free day, call me up and we'll schedule it." He answered. I was ecstatic. I wasn't going to play my mother's part as Eliza, but as Peggy!!! I could not wait.

Forever In Your Shadows
Fanfiction****Sequel to Say No To This. Third Installment to Wait For It**** Scarlett Elizabeth Miranda, Alejandro Lucas Miranda, and Amelie Rose Miranda are dealing with the pressures of being in the shadows of their parents. Scarlett has begun the challenge...