Chapter 9

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****So, decided to hold a contest within the book. I'm going to put multiple references (not just Broadway shows) throughout the chapters. Whoever can pick them out and name them correctly, will be able to submit any wild idea for the next chapter, or be able to submit a minor character to be mentioned in the upcoming chapters. Happy guessing!!****

Amelie's POV

I was nervous... Friday was here and it was thirty minutes until Dani was going to pick us up. I was pacing in Scarlett's room while she packed a bag. I didn't know what to do! I had never done anything like this before!

"Calm down or mom will notice something's up." She whispered.

"I'm sorry... I just don't know what to do... It's my first party you know?" I laughed nervously.

"And I know it won't be your last." She shrugged. I nodded and looked out her window. You could see literally every building near us from her window. "What are you staring at?" She asked.

"The many buildings you can see from your window." I shrugged. "My room you can't see anything except traffic." I groaned.

"Wanna switch? I hate my view. I'd rather sit and watch traffic than dumb buildings." She laughed.

"You would switch rooms with me?!" I asked excitedly. She nodded and finished putting her bag together. "When can we switch?" I asked.

"Next week we can start. I'll ask dad to help." She said while walking out. "Come on. Dani texted she's here and double parked. Let's go." She said while waving me out of her room. This just got real for me...

Alejandro's POV

Dad, Dex, and I all sat in my room with our controllers waiting for the update to finish. We were excited for this! We had waited three months for this update and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"I expect no bugs." Dex laughed.

"I expect no bugs." I repeated while laughing. Dad rolled his eyes at us and looked at his phone. "What are you worried about?" I asked him.

"Your sisters think we're stupid." He laughed.

"What do you mean?" Dex asked.

"Your mom overheard Amelie talking to her friends about sneaking out of the house with her sister to a party. Little do they know we have trackers on all of the phones." He laughed.

"Oh no... Your sisters are dead..." Dex laughed.

"Well Amelie I would expect this from. But Scarlett?" I asked.

"Scarlett is at school. But Amelie has decided to wander off." Dad smirked. "Wait till your mom sees this." He laughed. The update finished downloading and we began playing the long awaited game update.


Pippa's POV

It was nearing eleven-thirty and Lin and I were watching as our daughters approached the building. I was beyond pissed. But I wanted to hear the lies from Amelie first.

"Are you sure you're going to let her talk first?" Lin asked.

"Of course. I want to be able to just catch her in her lies." I smirked. "But where did we go wrong with Amelie? I swear this child..." I frowned. He nodded and looked at the map.

"They're here." He sang. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen to grab some water. I wanted to drink some wine but I knew it was not going to end well if I did that.

"Hey mom, dad. We're home." Scarlett called when she walked in.

"How was rehearsal?" Lin asked.

"Good. Got one chandelier done. I was so proud of it then I remembered I can't get too attached because they're gonna drop it." She shrugged.

"And you Amelie?" I asked.

"Good." She shrugged. "It's weird to sit around and watch people do that stuff." She said quietly while walking passed Lin. I stood in the hallway and crossed my arms. "What?" She asked.

"Couch. Now." I pointed. "Both of you." Scarlett and Amelie sat on the couch and looked at us with terrified expressions.

"How dumb do you think we are?" Lin asked while folding his hands. He sat on the edge of the couch while I made my way to stand next to him.

"You guys aren't dumb..." Scarlett frowned.

"Well you two sure think we are." I laughed.

"We've had trackers on your phones for years so we knew you guys were safe. And here you both go, not doing what you said." Lin smiled. "I think that was very shady. I get it. You guys are teenagers and preteens. But let me tell you something." He said while looking at them. "The next time either of you pull a stunt like this, I'm not stepping in. I'm going to let your mother deal with it. You're lucky your mother isn't dealing with it." He laughed.

"So are we let off with a warning...?" Amelie asked nervously while standing up.

"Oh hell no!" I yelled. "Sit your ass back down on the seat now." I pointed.

"Yes mom." She whimpered.

"Both of you are grounded. No seeing friends, no texting, no emailing, no anything electronic. No going outside, no fun at all. You are to go to school and come straight back. In fact you are going to be picked up and dropped off from now on. By me. I don't care if I'm late to work anymore. I've had it!" I yelled. "Scarlett I'm surprised you even went along with this. I'm very disappointed with you." I frowned. "Amelie stay on the couch. Scarlett room." I pointed.

"Yes ma'am." Scarlett said while walking passed me.

"Now you young lady." I growled. "Where the fuck were you?" I asked.

"What?" She asked.

"Did I stutter?" I asked. Lin shook his head and looked at the ground.

"I... I was at a party..." she frowned.

"A party she says!" I yelled while throwing my hands up I the air.

"You've done it. Your mother has lost it." Lin sighed.

"It's the beginning of the end. I swear. Amelie one more act of defiance and I'm sending you to live with grandma in Illinois. And you'll go to an all girl catholic school. I swear I'm this fucking close to just shipping you off." I glared. "In fact, I'll use the threat your grandfather said to me when I decided to tell my parents the word no." I started. "I will send you to your relatives in China and have them teach you some respect." I pointed.

"Pip calm down." Lin said while standing up. I shook my head and walked away. I stood in the kitchen and heard Amelie crying.

"I'm done. I can't take it anymore." I whispered.

"Amelie go to your room. Don't come out until you're ready for school tomorrow." Lin said blankly. I heard her run for her room and shut the door. "Breathe." Lin said while walking over to me.

"Why does she have to act out?" I cried. "I can't take it Lin. I just can't." I said while hugging him.

"I know. I know. You hate yelling at them like that." He said while rubbing my back. "But it's what she needed." I frowned and thought of all the things that could go wrong now. Amelie could run away. She could slip into the bad side of school and drop out. Do drugs, become a hooker on the streets...

"Where did we go wrong?" I whispered.

"I don't know... I don't know..." he answered.

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